DIY Wrap Bracelet You should all know by now that we are all about stacking bracelets on our wrists. The more, the better. In fact . . . the most, the best! With that being said, we’ll show you how to master a version of the ever so popular wrap bracelet. It’s so simple and addicting, you’ll soon be churning out these wristlets with your eyes closed. Clearly this arm party train isn’t stopping and it’s about time you get on board! You’ll need (for a double wrapped bracelet) :* Lengths will vary depending on the size of your wrist (see comments for suggestions). Fold the length of leather cording in half to form a loop. Place the ball chain along the leather cording with the end of the chain meeting the end of the wrap. Continue wrapping while checking it for fit around the wrist. When you have reached the end of the ball chain wrap the linen cording around the leather strands 2-3 more times. Thread the hex nut through the strands and tie a second knot. Trim with scissors and your wrap bracelet is finished!!
flax & twine: Day 6: A Pearl Cuff - a diy pearl and felt bracelet This is one of my favorites of the entire collection. I don’t know if its because of the robin’s egg blue or just the way the pearls look next to it. Its amazing what you can find at the craft store. For a menu of all the other glammy, fun, jewelry tutorials, check out this page. Materials: 100% wool felt Corded elastic DMC 25 embroidery floss Flat pearl trim Pearl button Needle Scissors Ruler Time: 30 minutes Cut a half inch strip of felt. I like to sew on the trim first and then measure the wrist later. Start by securing your embroidery floss Sew the trim to the felt, keeping the string of pearls oriented in the middle of the strip. Following that pattern of bottom strand, top strand, consistently will make the back nice to look at too. Sew your stitch in the middle of the connecting strand so it has room to shift with out bunching. Let the strip of felt fall as you go so that the trim curves as it will around the wrist. Sew entire piece of trim to felt and finish off the thread. Finis!
How To: Newsprint Manicure I saw this newsprint manicure over on The Daily Nail and thought it was adorable (especially for bookworms and word lovers like myself). I did a little Google detective work to see how to recreate it, and was surprised at how easy it is! All of the tutorials I found called for vodka or other clear distilled spirits, but we were fresh out. I used isopropyl alcohol instead, and it seemed to get the job done. I tried a quick and dirty version this afternoon to share it with you: Like this: Like Loading...
Sewing Tutorial: Piggy Pillow As promised, I have completed the tutorial and the pattern for the “Be My Valentine – Piggy Pillow”, which was published 3 weeks ago. This time I made a pair for my kids, they love it. You may not be able to do it in time for this valentine but as I said, if you have love in you, everyday is valentine. Hope you sew some for your loved ones no matter if it is Feb 14. Besides as a pillow, you can use this pattern to make into other things, for example, pin cushion, smaller softy as gift, or a piggy back pack for little children. Just change the size by reducing or enlarging and modify it to fit into your design. Material you need:1. Print out the PDF pattern of the piggy pillow. Use a pencil and trace the pattern onto the cotton fabric. Sandwich the towels in between 2 fabrics. Sew it up on the sewing line, it can be from sewing machine or hand stitching. Turn body, ear and tail inside out. Tie a knot at the tip of the tail as shown, mark a length of 4″ from the tip. Sew the ears on.
T-shirt Surgery Image: flickr Do you have have tonnes of old baggy t-shirts crowding out your wardrobe and not sure what to do with them? Chopping them up and reconstructing them into funky, sexy and hip clothing is hot right now. Image: Oh my stars (where you can find other tutorials and images) Image: Skirt constructed from t-shirt at LekknerSome resources to get you started:1. tutorials and patterns at ::Oh my stars and ::livejournal and ::what the craft and ::instructables t-shirt mashup2. More on Eco-Friendly T-ShirtsBeyond Organic Cotton: 7 Dark Green T - Shirts We'd Actually Wear ...Clever Fake BP T-Shirt: "We're bringing oil to American shores."5 Ways to Value a T-ShirtWrap Yourself in Memories with a T - Shirt Quilt
Tutorials Hola there! Here you can find an organized list of all my tutorials, projects and printables. I want to point out that I am no sewing expert and have no formal education in either sewing or English (Spanish is my native language) So I might not always use the correct terminology or best technique, I am always learning too! It might not always be perfect, but it’s sure a lot of fun! All of my tutorials and printables for personal use only, if you want to sell items made with these tutorials please purchase a Limited Production License. Flowers & Jewelry Tutorial: Anthropologie Inspired Necklace Link: Go to Tutorial Difficulty: Easy Tutorial: Duct Tape Joyful Flower Link: Go to Tutorial Difficulty: Easy Clothes and Upcycled Projects Tutorial: Upcycled dress for Burda Style Link: Go to Post Difficulty: Intermediate Tutorial: Loose fitting summer vest from t-shirts Link: Go to Tutorial Difficulty: Easy Tutorial: Upcycled Ruffles dress Link: Go to Tutorial Difficulty: Intermediate Nursery Printables
Make It and Love It Here is a list of tutorial categories found on Make It and Love It. Click on any of the images below and you will be directed to a full list of the tutorials that fall under that specific category. If you still can’t seem to find a certain project you’re looking for, try using the search bar on my right sidebar. Type in a key work and it will search my site only for whatever you’re looking for. Have fun browsing. Related posts: A Tutorial: Fabulous Ric Rac Flowers » Matilda Jane Clothing Rocks Let me start out with a warning or sorry of some sort. The warning is because I have never done a Tutorial before, so I hope this is helpful and easy to follow. The sorry is for how horrible my nails look. I thought I would start off with a Flower, I too, just learned how to make. Material: Time-Roughly 20 minutes about 28 inches of Ric Rac ( This will make a flower about 2 inches in diameter) Suggestion: The thicker the Ric Rac the better Felt (Any Color) One sheet will be fine depending on how many flowers you want to make. Optional: Hair Clips, leaves or buttons Step One: Take the two pieces and hot glue them together. Note: You want to glue them together as if they are a mirror of one another. Step two: Lock in each curve of the first piece with the second. Say to yourself “over,under,over, under”. *If your piece does not look like this, then you most likely glued the two pieces going the wrong direction. *When you are finished wrapping the Ric Rac, it should look something like this.
12 sided calendar Download a 12 sided calendar Download a dodecahedral calendar. You may choose between PostScript and PDF format. Choose PostScript format if you want to mark holidays and birthdays. The PostScript file explains how to do it. *) Week numbering follows ISO 8601 **) PostScript software is available from Calendar on a regular dodecahedron Once upon a time I made a PostScript program to print templates for generic polyhedra called polyeder.ps. I've made a few changes to Andrew Rogers' deskcal, and wrapped it into a script to make it more available for people without knowledge in PostScript. Hints for calendar on a regular dodecahedron Regular printer paper (80 g/m²) will be fine, but heavier paper (100-120 g/m²) will result in a more robust calendar. Calendar on a rhombic dodecahedron I have reused Andrew Rogers' calendar generator, so you can get calendars on Nick Robinson's rhombic A4 units, and make a rhombic dodecahedron calendar.
autumn leaf bouquet I don’t know what it’s like in your neighborhood, but when I step outside here in Oakland, I sense it right away: Fall is in the air! I’m lucky enough to have a few turning trees on my street, so I don’t miss out entirely on the brilliant autumn colors I remember from growing up in NH. Speaking of brilliant autumn colors, I’m thrilled to share this stunning maple leaf rose bouquet DIY from a fellow Kate — clay, fiber and paper artist Kate Hust. Kate first learned how to make these a few years ago from a retired art teacher in her community, and now they’ve become an annual tradition when fall rolls around. Read the full how-to after the jump! The best part of living in Northern Michigan is the changing seasons. Materials 10 colorful maple leaves per flower in various sizes (they should be dry & freshly fallen, so they are pliable) short twigs scissorsfloral tape Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
DIY Faux Curled Rosewood Wreath {Made From Rolled Recycled Book Pages} I have seen various versions of Faux Rosewood Wreaths in just about every store and catalog for the upcoming season; most with a price tag running upwards of $40 or more. Some are crafted of paper and other of real wood shavings. Last year I made a few rolled flower gift toppers from recycled book pages and they remind me so much of the curled wood roses I thought they would make a good substitute. Materials Needed:Foam Wreath FormRecycled Book PagesLots of Hot GlueRibbon to Hang The full step by step tutorial I posted last year can be found {here}.Basically you layer three book pages together and draw a spiral circle. Starting with the outside of the spiral, roll the paper inward to create the flower shape. Give the wreath form a light coat of white {or light color} spray paint to help camouflage any see-through spaces. It seriously takes quite a few roses to fill the entire wreath, however I think the finished project has such a unique look. {Simply Lovely}
Do-it-Yourself DIY String Wedding Lanterns Yarn Chandeliers Jessica of Wednesday Inc shows us how to make those gorgeous twine chandeliers from the inspiration shoot she shared with us this morning. Using balloons, glue and twine, you can also make these lanterns for your wedding – and then bring it home and use it as your very own mid century lampshade. What you will need are: balloons, glue, yarn, tray for glue, corn starch 1/2 cup of Corn starch, 1/4 cup of Warm water, clear fast drying spray paint, hanging lamp cord or fishing line (depending on your desired final product), and a lighting kit if you’re looking for a fully functional lantern. Are you getting excited to try to do this at home as much I am? Instructions: 1.