Cambridge English exams - Information and practice tests for IELTS, First (FCE), Advanced (CAE), Preliminary (PET) and other Cambridge exams Exam English ✓ Free Practice Tests for learners of English Cambridge English Cambridge English (a part of Cambridge Assessment) is a department of Cambridge University. Their English exams Proficiency (CPE), Advanced (CAE), First (FCE), Preliminary (PET) and Key (KET) are recognised around the world by thousands of employers, universities and government ministries as proof of ability to use English. Cambridge developed the IELTS exam in conjunction with the British Council and IELTS Australia. Cambridge English have a range of business English examinations including Business Certificates (BEC). Cambridge English also helped to develop the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) — an internationally recognised level of language ability. Please click on the name of the exam to find out more about it, and access the free practice tests. Cambridge English exams IELTS - International English Language Testing System B2 First (FCE) - First Certificate in English (B2) Business Exams
English Talk Station Irregular verbs straightforward #2 - Games to learn English | Games to learn English As students reacted very positively to the first post on irregular verbs I am going to continue with teaching the irregular verbs in this way. Once again I am going to teach 24 irregular verbs with their past tense and past participle. The verbs are divided into two groups of 12 and there are separate worksheets and videos for teaching them. ADVERT: If you are a teacher you do not have to use all of the activities and worksheets below. Irregular verbs #2 – video First, watch the video and repeat the words. The other 12 verbs are presented in the following video: Irregular verbs – worksheets The first worksheet contains all the verbs taught in this post. Irregular verbs02_all Then there are two worksheets containing crosswords and word puzzles to practice the irregular verbs from the two videos. Irregular verbs 03_vocabulary_wsIrregular verbs 03_vocabulary_ws_key The puzzles and crosswords for the second video are over here:Irregular verbs 04_vocabulary_wsIrregular verbs 04_vocabulary_ws_key
Spellathon.net - sign up to register your interest Las presentaciones de Rosa Fernández en SlideShare Online Speaking and Listening Exercises | Speech Peek Irregular verbs again I have already published several posts on irregular verbs: Past participles – divided according to the pronunciation and Present perfect tense. However, a week ago a student of mine contacted me and asked me if I could create a way for him to learn the irregular verbs. He spends a lot of time driving so he asked me to prepare something to listen to in his car. So I did. In this post there are 33 irregular verbs presented in an associative matrix, in mp3 for listening, in mp3 for learning and two games for practising them. Irregular verbs – learning Here you can find two ways to learn the irregular verbs. Here is the pdf version of all the irregular verbs: Irregular verbs_part1 Irregular verbs – Listen and learn In learning there are only a few methods which work for everyone. If you need just the correct pronunciation of each of the verbs presented above, here is the mp3 with all of the verbs: You can download the files here: All the irregular verbsAll the verbs learning mp3
Usa Spotify para enseñar inglés - WikiDidácTICa Buenas PrácTICas 2.0 De WikiDidácTICa Recursos Educativos Digitales Songs for ESL Lessons For ESL Lessons Contenidos Se trata de una lista de reproducción con canciones para utilizar en el aula de inglés. Enfoque metodológico Con la creación de una lista de reproducción de canciones útiles para el aula de inglés se pretende fomentar el aprendizaje de la lengua mediante un medio familiar para todos, como es la música. Además, se trata de una lista colaborativa, realizada y compartida utilizando la herramienta Spotify, a través del widget Social Spotify, que nos permite incrustar la lista en nuestro blog o web para que el alumnado pueda utilizarla cuando quiera. Desde For ESL Lessons se accede al listado de canciones para usar en el aula, y si pulsas sobre el enlace, que encontrarás justo debajo, a lista de reproducción del usuario que la ha compilado, puedes abrirla, siempre y cuando tengas instalado Spotify en tu equipo. Experiencias de aula Proyectos innovadores
COLLOCATIONS | My English Blog Incredible sites to improve your fluency using these common expressions. Do and Make Collocations Expressions with make: Basic Difference between DO and MAKE Use DO for actions, obligations, and repetitive tasks.Use MAKE for creating or producing something, and for actions you choose to do.DO generally refers to the action itself, and MAKE usually refers to the result. Common English Collocations with DO do the housework After I got home from the office, I was too tired to do the housework.do the laundry I really need to do the laundry – I don’t have any clean clothes left! EXCEPTION: make the bed = putting blankets, sheets, and pillows in the correct place so that the bed looks nice and not messy. do anything / something / everything / nothing Are you doing anything special for your birthday? Common English Collocations with MAKE EXCEPTION: Don’t say “make a question.”
La culture britannique Sumando Conocimiento: FreeDocumentary y BBC Learning English — ALT1040 El comportamiento humano nace de tres fuentes principales: deseo, emoción y conocimiento. -Platón Internet es un mundo gigantesco que crece día con día, cada minuto más y más páginas nacen, a la vez que más información está disponible para todos. Y este es uno de las cosas más maravillosas de la web hay conocimiento al alcance de algunos clics; pero al haber tanta información, muchas veces es difícil encontrar aquella que vale la pena. Es por esto que en ALT1040 hemos creado la sección de Sumando Conocimiento, en la que recopilamos recursos de Internet que ofrecen contenido que nos permita aprender cosas nuevas y saber un poco más. El día de hoy hablaré de dos proyectos por demás interesantes, pero recuerda que si conoces algúnas páginas que valga la pena recomendar o de las que hayas aprendido algo, házmelo llegar a través de mi cuenta de Twitter (@zapata131) o también puedes compartirlo en los comentarios. FreeDocumentary BBC Learning English