Is Apple Configurator The Right Tool For Your Business? Apple Configurator - Is it right for your school or business? One of the first things most IT folks will think about Apple Configurator is that it’s pretty limited compared to some of the mobile device management suites on the market (including Apple’s Profile Manager in Lion Server). MDM suites are designed to make device management as easy, automatic, and wireless as possible. Most include robust monitoring and reporting features – virtually all can use Apple’s push notification system to update a managed device at any time. Configurator, on the other hand, requires connecting each iOS device to a Mac using a USB cable to perform any administrative tasks like configuring device settings, assigning a device to a user, installing apps, or updating iOS. That means that Configurator isn’t appropriate for a lot of businesses or workplace situations. So, what kinds of environments is Apple Configurator suited to? These preconfigured devices are then handed out to users. Related
Web Squared: Web 2.0 Five Years On - by Tim O'Reilly and John Battelle Five years ago, we launched a conference based on a simple idea, and that idea grew into a movement. The original Web 2.0 Conference (now the Web 2.0 Summit ) was designed to restore confidence in an industry that had lost its way after the dotcom bust. The Web was far from done, we argued. In fact, it was on its way to becoming a robust platform for a culture-changing generation of computer applications and services. In our first program, we asked why some companies survived the dotcom bust, while others had failed so miserably. We also studied a burgeoning group of startups and asked why they were growing so quickly. Chief among our insights was that "the network as platform" means far more than just offering old applications via the network ("software as a service"); it means building applications that literally get better the more people use them, harnessing network effects not only to acquire users, but also to learn from them and build on their contributions.
Joe Dolson Accessible Web Design: Designing websites with accessibility and usability in mind. iPod fathers unveil their next project, the Nest Learning Thermostat (hands-on) Over the summer, we got word that a couple of unnamed ex-Apple engineers were getting ready to unveil an unnamed product, under the guise of an unnamed startup. As it turns out, that startup was Nest Labs, and those Apple alums were none other than Tony Fadell, longtime SVP of Apple's iPod division, and lead engineer Matt Rogers. And yes, the product they had to share makes fine use of a click wheel. But if you thought they'd be cooking up a next-gen music player, you'd be wrong. Nest Learning Thermostat See all photos 35 Photos Nest Learning Thermostat hands-on See all photos 18 Photos According to Nest, the thermostat takes about a week to start picking up on your routine, at which point it adjusts the temperature accordingly. Because of those far-field sensors, in particular, the Nest knows that you're not at home if it hasn't detected movement in ages. So about that click wheel. And what would a connected appliance be without some remote control functionality? Comments
Schema.org Most webmasters are familiar with HTML tags on their pages. Usually, HTML tags tell the browser how to display the information included in the tag. For example, <h1>Avatar</h1> tells the browser to display the text string "Avatar" in a heading 1 format. However, the HTML tag doesn't give any information about what that text string means—"Avatar" could refer to the hugely successful 3D movie, or it could refer to a type of profile picture—and this can make it more difficult for search engines to intelligently display relevant content to a user. Schema.org provides a collection of shared vocabularies webmasters can use to mark up their pages in ways that can be understood by the major search engines: Google, Microsoft, Yandex and Yahoo! 1. 1a. Your web pages have an underlying meaning that people understand when they read the web pages. 1b. itemscope and itemtype Let's start with a concrete example. To begin, identify the section of the page that is "about" the movie Avatar. Back to top 1d.
WP Accessibility plugin This plug-in helps with a variety of common accessibility problems in WordPress themes. While most accessibility issues can't be addressed without directly changing your theme, WP Accessibility adds a number of helpful accessibility features with a minimum amount of setup or expert knowledge. All features can be disabled according to your theme's needs. For advanced users, all of the functions based on modifying stylesheets can be customized using your own custom styles by placing the appropriate stylesheet in your theme directory. Accessibility Features added by WP Accessibility: Enable skip links with WebKit support by adding JavaScript support to move keyboard focus.Add skip links with user-defined targets. Accessibility Issues fixed by WP Accessibility: Remove the target attribute from links.Force a search page error when a search is made with an empty text string. Accessibility Tools built into WP Accessibility: Learn more! Translating my plug-ins is always appreciated.
Go Read Android App Free e-Book Readers Enters Public Beta Testing: Go Read is a free e-book reader app that brings Bookshare titles to Android mobile devices. Benetech, the app's developer, launched Bookshare in 2002 to make books accessible to persons unable to read standard print due to a visual, cognitive, or physical disability. The nonprofit's online library of over 140,000 titles is the largest in the world. Any reader with an individual or institutional Bookshare membership can use Go Read to download content, which includes popular fiction, nonfiction, and educational titles in DAISY audio or Braille Refreshable Format (BRF) files. Those with documented disabilities -- including legal blindness or dyslexia -- can join Bookshare for free. Go Read App Features & Requirements Go Read is a pared-down version of Benetech's Read2Go app for Apple iOS devices released in 2011. Go Read's current version is 3.8.0. Using Go Read to Download Books Once you find the book you want, tap the screen to download it.
Bienvenue sur le wiki des microformats ! Les microformats sont des extensions au HTML pour marquer les personnes et organisations, événements, endroits, billets de blog, produits, critiques, C.V., recettes etc. Les sites utilisent les microformats pour publier une API standard qui est consommée et utilisée par les moteurs de recherche, navigateurs et d'autres outils. nouveau ! Introduction Ce wiki est la ressource centrale de la communauté microformats et fournit des guides de publication des microformats, des références, des spécifications, des drafts, des modèles de publication, de la recherche, du brainstorming et de la résolution de problème. Pour démarrer Pour démarrer avec les microformats : Premièrement, familiarisez-vous à écrire vos pages et applications avec du HTML 'CHIC'. Définition Les microformats sont des petits modèles de HTML pour représenter des choses communément publiées comme des personnes, des événements et des mots-clé dans les pages web. Comment contribuer ? Vous voulez nous rejoindre et contribuer ? nouveau !
My Calendar plugin My Calendar provides event management with richly customizable ways to display events. The plug-in can support individual event calendars within WordPress Multisite, multiple calendars displayed by categories, locations or author, or simple lists of upcoming events. Easy to use for anybody, My Calendar provides enormous potential for developers needing a custom calendar interface. Buy the User's Guide for extensive help with set up and use.Buy My Calendar: Submissions, the PRO extension for front-end event submissions Basic Features: Translations Available languages (in order of completeness): French, Danish, Japanese, Dutch, German, Galician, Spanish, Italian, Danish, Czech, Hindi, Turkish, Polish, Finnish, Slovenian, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Romanian, Basque, Persian Visit the My Calendar translations site to check the progress of a translation. Translating my plug-ins is always appreciated. Translator Credits
Les Media Queries CSS3 La spécification CSS3 Media Queries définit les techniques pour l'application de feuilles de styles en fonction des périphériques de consultation utilisés pour du HTML. On nomme également cette pratique Responsive Web Design, pour dénoter qu'il s'agit d'adapter dynamiquement le design à l'aide de CSS. Ces bonnes pratiques permettent d'exploiter encore plus les avantages de la séparation du contenu et de la présentation : l'intérêt est de pouvoir satisfaire des contraintes de dimensions, de résolutions et d'autres critères variés pour améliorer l'apparence graphique et la lisibilité (voire l'utilisabilité) d'un site web. Approche historique Avec CSS2 et HTML4, il était déjà possible de spécifier un média de destination pour l'application d'une ou plusieurs feuilles de style. <! L'attribut media peut prendre (depuis CSS2) les valeurs suivantes : screen Écrans handheld Périphériques mobiles ou de petite taille print Impression aural (CSS 2.0) / speech (CSS 2.1) Synthèses vocales braille Plages braille