Show - Teach Your Monster To Read Early Years Teaching Ideas - General Ideas Cat and Mouse - A fun game for children to play at spare moments during the day. Hunt the Honey - A fun, competitive game, in which children have to find a pot of honey! Don't Get Caught! - A fun game, which can be used to reinforce work in lots of subjects. Who is it? Captain Silence - A simple method of encouraging children to sit quietly. Mr. Magic Wand - Cast a magic spell on your class, to encourage them to sit up and listen carefully! The Magic Carpet -A fun way of learning about other cultures. Sounds - A useful PDF worksheet, which asks children to identify how different instruments make sounds. Find that Sound - Develop children's listening skills with this game, then make up your own orchestra! Rewarding Learning - An effective way of encouraging children and rewarding them when they succeed! Yes / No Sticks - Make these simple tools to help children answer your questions. Email Project - A PDF file, outlining a project by Veronica Carter, involving emailing in a Year R class.
Thinking skills in early years: Brain games to make children think! Use games to help babies and toddlers, two-year-olds and the three- to five-year-olds to develop creative and critical thinking. Linda Thornton and Pat Brunton discuss ideas you can use Creative and critical thinking has now been embedded in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) for some years. This means that early years practitioners need to focus on the skills children need to help them develop the skills and dispositions to become good thinkers. What do we mean by thinking skills in the early years? We have all watched young children find ways to make sense of the world around them. having their own ideas, thoughts and opinions exploring, investigating and enquiring making links between things they learn and discover choosing ways to do things solving problems and working things out for themselves communicating what they think. Here are some ideas you can use to make children think. Babies and toddlers Mirror games Sit a baby in front of a full-length mirror and sit down next to her.
Results Matter Video Library - Early Care and Education We wish to thank the families and early childhood education teams who have partnered with us to create the videos in the Results Matter Video Library. CDE produces these videos for professional development activities and obtains voluntary written permission from all parties who appear in these video clips. How to Access the Videos You can watch the clips online or download QuickTime versions of the videos for use in professional development activities. To download the Apple QuickTime .MOV file, select the DOWNLOAD VIDEO link located below each video. Limitations on Video Use 1) You may not use any of the videos on this site for commercial purposes. 2) You may not edit, alter, transform or build upon any of the videos on this site. 3) You may not post a copy of any of the videos on this site to any web site. For more information about the video library, please contact: Nan Vendegna, Program Director vendegna_n@cde.state.co.us Video Categories(Click on a category below to view a list of videos)
Early Years Maths Results Matter Video Library - Early Intervention We wish to thank the families and early childhood education teams who have partnered with us to create the videos in the Results Matter Video Library. CDE produces these videos for professional development activities and obtains voluntary written permission from all parties who appear in these video clips. How to Access the Videos You can watch the clips online or download QuickTime versions of the videos for use in professional development activities. To download the Apple QuickTime .MOV file, select the DOWNLOAD VIDEO link located below each video. NOTE: If you download any of the video files you will need to install a media player that will play QuickTime files such as Apple QuickTime Player or the VLC Media Player. Limitations on Video Use 1) You may not use any of the videos on this site for commercial purposes. 2) You may not edit, alter, transform or build upon any of the videos on this site. 3) You may not post a copy of any of the videos on this site to any web site.
Digital technology and the early years | National Literacy Trust Technology can play a role in supporting early communication, language and literacy. It can offer new learning opportunities, through ebooks, apps, and even video calling. We strongly advise that, just like a book, technology is used as a tool for learning and play, rather than as a replacement for adult interaction. Our research shows that, when used appropriately, technology can be an important route in to reading for certain groups of children, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds and boys. For parents Our Words for Life website has advice and tips for parents on how to use technology with their child in the early years.Our Literacy Apps website also helps parents find the right apps to help children develop good communication and literacy skills. For early years practitioners Along with these downloadable resources, we have created these videos on using technology in early years settings.
Match the colours of the train as it passes by. An initial sounds phonic activity that develops the link between letters and the initial sounds of some common objects. A counting and numeral recognition set of activities. Develop your mouse control and counting skills as you help Lecky collect objects to match numbers in the 1 to 5 or 6 to 10 range. Colouring and matching activity. Useful for developing the language of colour and pattern as well as visual discrimination skills. Use the Simple Scales to weigh the bears. Dressing for the Weather is a drag and drop dressing activity. A drag and drop alien making activity to develop mouse control skills and to develop language. Drag and drop fun with the Scary Spuds. Drag and drop the names of the single digit numbers on to the picture. Drag and drop the names of the colours on to the picture. Comparison activities - developing the language of comaprison using such terms as biggest, smallest, longest, etc. Match the colours of the train as it passes by.