The Botanist in the Kitchen | where botany meets the cutting board Home / RHS Gardening Edible York • What we're all about FUNGI FOR THE PEOPLE | Mushroom Cultivation Research and Education Magazines for Headteachers | The Head teacher Magazine Tender Greens | Sustainable Life Project Tender Greens began hiring homeless teens to work in their restaurants and saw how food can bring healing and opportunity to young lives. The founders of Tender Greens and Scarborough Farms created a program to provide transitioning foster youth access to a safe, consistent learning and living environment. The Sustainable Life Project partners with local organizations to recruit young adults transitioning out of the foster care system to participate in a culinary internship program to learn about where food comes from and what it's like to work in a fast-faced restaurant. Youth transitioning out of foster care face unique challenges that make them especially vulnerable. The Sustainable Life Project (SLP), developed by the founders of Tender Greens Restaurants, believes firmly in the power of food to bring nourishment, healing and opportunity to young lives.
Transforming childhood - transforming spaces - transforming learning | Learning through Landscapes How Does It Grow: Video Teaches Eaters Where Their Food Comes From When we took a video camera into the heart of Philadelphia to ask passersby how foods like coffee, rice and cinnamon grow, the answers — or rather, the inability to answer — was staggering. Almost across the board, if the interviewee was over the age of 60, they did well on our pop quiz. If they were younger, no matter their gender or race, they struggled. "What is flour made from?" "Rice? While this test was far from scientific, it presents stirring evidence of the disconnect we have when it comes to our food sources. A recent Australian survey reported that 20 percent of its nation's children believe that pasta comes from animals and 27 percent think that yogurt comes from plants. But does it matter? Let's start with the obvious connection: health. Children are not reputed to be great adventurers of taste: if they can't identify a food on their plate, they're going to need some coaxing. That's our mission with our new video series, How Does it Grow?