Top 25 Open Source Software Apps for Engineers | Blogineering If you are interested in engineering, you probably know that you often need computer programs to help you accomplish various tasks. These computer programs can be expensive, though, or difficult to customize. With the help of open source software, though, you can usually find lower prices and have access to code that allows you to customize as needed. No matter your engineering salary, you can benefit from open source software. CAD Software If you are looking for computer aided design software, you can find open source versions. FreeCAD: If you are looking for an open source 3D computer assisted design program, this can be a good option. Element Modeling and Fluid Dynamics Many engineers understand the importance of finite element modeling, as well as fluid dynamics. Elmer: This is a cool software program meant for those with multiphysical problems. Visualization Get help with visualization software. WorldWind: This cool application is a NASA software program. Space Engineering
70 NEW amazing business cards ? Blog of Francesco Mugnai Do you have to print a new business card? Are you Looking for Inspiration? Here you can find 70 new amazing designs. Enjoy… UPDATE: Thank you for all the comments. UPDATE2: I found this post in a lot of websites without a backlink. UPDATE3: I have a new blog about business card! Please Remember, this post is the only original Tsunami | Des images pour le Japon Chers auteurs, et chers participants, à tous les enthousiastes qui nous ont accompagné dans le projet Tsunami puis Magnitude 9. Nous voici un an après. Il est difficile de réaliser que douze mois sont passés tant les évènements se sont enchaînés pour nous. D’un petit blog réalisé dans l’urgence, nous sommes passés à un véritable phénomène, une mobilisation générale. De la vente aux enchères à la première édition de Magnitude 9, vite épuisée, nous avons réalisé une seconde édition et plusieurs expositions ont eu lieu. Un an après nous annonçons avec fierté la sortie de Magnitude 0, la version japonaise de Magnitude 9, réalisée en collaboration par l’équipe de Mind Creators LLC au Japon et CFSL Ink en France. Du Blog Tsunami au Livre Magnitude 9 Tout a commencé le jour même, c’était un vendredi. J’ai répondu : “vous avez de quoi faire un site ? J’ai passé mon dimanche sur l’ordinateur, et le lundi à 15h le blog tsunami.cfsl.net était en place. De Magnitude 9 à Magnitude 0
DesignNotes by Michael Surtees ? 30 Essential PDF Documents Every Designer Should?Download Positive Space 30 Essential PDF Documents Every Designer Should Download Well it took me a lot longer than I had originally expected but I was able to track down the original links to more than thirty PDF documents that I have collected over the past couple of years. I have personally archived every one of these files due to the high quality of content. No matter what you call them; ebook, white paper, or resource they all contain information that no designer should go without. If you enjoy this article, be sure to check out the followup: 30 More Essential PDF Documents Every Designer Should Download YAHOO! The WordPress Help Sheet The Advanced WordPress Help Sheet AIGA | Aquent Salary Survey AIGA Why Design? Type Classification eBook - Jacob Cass Getting Real - 37signals (Read Online for Free) DotMobi Mobile Web Developer’s Guide Accessibility Checklist - Aaron Cannon CSS Selectors Cheat Sheet - Cameron Moll CSS Support in Email Clients Dive Into Accessibility Design is in the Details - Naz Hamid
QVectors - Quality Free Vector Graphics Paid License information By buying this license you are granted a Lifetime License to use this design on your projects. You will be allowed to use it for commercial, personal and educational projects without having to give attribution. You can also print merchandise (like t-shirts, mugs, etc) up to 500 copies per design and up to 10.000 with an Extended. Where can I use this design? Promotional use: You can make usage of this design in any print or electronic media, including websites, packaging and advertising without crediting attribution or copyright. Merchandise use: Physical products where the image is the main reason why the product will be purchased. Template use: You can use it for digital templates including websites, brochures, etc, intended to be sold online on-demand as long as it is not sold “as is” and is solely used as a graphic resource to create a new design/layout/template which differs significatively from the original design.
400+ Swirls, Curls, and Fleurons This post is a roundup of latest free web design resources released during the month of March. This collection includes patterns, icons, themes, and… Continue Reading → These days many artists are collaborating with big brands in order to reach a mass market. Continue Reading → This post is a roundup of latest free web design resources released during the month of February. Continue Reading → Business Cards – Best of May 2008 « Blog of Francesco Mugnai Ok. We love Business Cards. I decided to create a new category. Only the best. Have fun Illustrator full spectrum spirograph In my previous Illustrator tutorial I showed you how you can create a diamond flower using different transparency modes. With this tutorial we’ll stay within the same area of spirographs. Today’s article is completely inspired by Mr. Spirograph himself Andy Gilmore. His work is stunning and very inspirational. He does magic starting from simple shapes and ends up with a remarkable complex composition. First of all I should point out to you that this is one of way of how you can create these kind of shapes. Prepare color palette First you'll need to do some preparation work. Create the shape to duplicate Draw a circle using the Ellipse tool, holding down the Shift key. Select the circle at the middle left point, hold down the Shift + Alt/Option key and drag/duplicate the circle. Select both circles, go to the Pathfinder palette and click the Interset option. You should now end up with a shape as shown in the image above. Adjust transparency value and mode Transform again
Logo Design Articles When studying colour theory we are given an understanding of the colour wheel and the harmonious relationships that can be forged between these brothers of reflecting light… It is here that we are given a cheat sheet on how to use colour effectively to communicate the right message. Below we use this knowledge to go behind the scenes of colour theory in logo design while looking at various case studies of logo designs that use these principles. Enjoy. The Colour Wheel – Our Cheat Sheet. This wheel, that shows the relationships of colours, is a handy little tool to understand. The panels that have an outline above, with their linking lines, show the relationships colours have. These aren’t the be-all and end-all of colour combinations obviously, but they’re good places to start when choosing what colours you might want to use for a project. Colour Meanings & Theory Colour can make or break a design so it is vital that you know what colours mean and what they can communicate.