Nice Handwritten Fonts Tons of new websites are being created everyday and it is noticable that if you want to be unique and stand out from the crowd you need to find creative ways of using type, pictures and other design elements in any kind of work you produce. For that reason I would suggest you give a try on handwritten fonts. Handwritten type are the perfect choice if you want to add some charm and personal touch to your work. With appropriate and well thought-out use of white space, handwritten fonts do bring your designs style and elegance. Nevertheless, you should avoid excessive use of handwritten fonts in your work because it can at times be hard to read. In this collection I would like to present you my favorite handwritten fonts. Jellyka – Estrya’s Handwriting License: Free for a personal use. Jenna Sue License: Free for personal & commercial use. Christopher Hand License: Free for personal use. Honey Script License: Free. Angelina James Fajardo Journal License: Unknown. Hand of Sean Rolina Note this! FFF Tusj
Will-Harris House, Graphic Design, Web Design, Writing and Typography The Typography of Sanborn New York City Maps NEW YORK Staten Island. Atlas 159, 1885 BROOKLYN New York. Atlas 80. Vol. 6, 1888 Variations of this design appeared between 1886 and 1988. NEW YORK Brooklyn Suburbs. Insurance maps of the city of NEW YORK 1896 Variations of this design appeared between 1894 and 1902. Insurance maps of the Borough of Richmond. Borough of Queens. NEW YORK Manhattan 1905 The same design was used for the maps of The Bronx. Borough of Queens. Borough of Richmond. This article is the first part of a series of articles about Sanborn Fire Insurance maps. In february BibliOdyssey posted an article about Sanborn fire insurance typography. The New York public Library has an online collection of Atlases of New York city, including a section containing Insurance maps of New York. 4,961 images from maps of the five boroughs of New York City: Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island. The images displayed above are all the title pages from the Insurance maps of New York I could find.
29 Beautiful Fonts For Designers Get our posts emailed to you with our monthly newsletter, subscribe here. Using the correct typeface for your design project is absolutely crucial in conveying the message and feel of the overall design, it is necessary to keep an awesome collection of both paid and free fonts in your font collection to allow you to have the font resources at hand to test drive a design with varying fonts. I have taken three of my favorite font foundries and showcased 29 of the most beautiful fonts from their collections, the quality of these fonts is pretty amazing, some are more suited to print work and others for use on the web as they support the @font-face property. Take a look and add them to your collection. Lost Type Co-op Lost Type Co-op is an indispensable one of a kind type foundry, founded by Riley Cran and Tyler Galpin. You can download the fonts for free if you want but, if you have a heart then you can specify the amount you wish to send to the type designer. Ribbon Franchise Airplane HomeStead
CODE Pro Code Pro is a font family inspired by the original Sans Serif fonts like Avant Garde or Futura, but with a modern twist. It is clean, elegant and straight-to-the-point. Code font is applicable for any type of graphic design—web, print, motion graphics, etc.—and perfect for t-shirts and other items like posters and logos. Format: Opentype (.otf) Compatible: PC & Mac Details: 586 Character Set, Manual Kerning, Tracking / Pairs Price: Free / $29 or /View License/ With your donation we’ll be able to spend more time to improve and update our free fonts. This post is tagged
Polices à télécharger | dafont.com Timbuk2 Envelope Sleeve for the iPad and iPad 2 And receive 10% Off* your first purchase! Please enter a valid email address (e.g. name@domain.com) Also Get Steal of The Day Alerts We're sorry but there was an issue processing your request Thanks for becoming an eBags Insider! Look for your exclusive email savings. *Prices as marked. Fonts! Chank’s Free Font Graveyard (formerly known as "Chank's Free Font Archive") is a gallery of historic experimental and fun fonts that were once offered freely on the world wide web and now have been retired from distribution. These designs were created by designers from all over the world as a celebration of the joy of playful typography and the spirit of getting fun new fonts into the world to push the boundaries of modern font design. Some were stunning and some just stumbled, but all of these fonts were created with love, enhanced with real human spirit, and distributed freely on this website for many years. But now they have been retired and pulled from circulation. If you downloaded any of these fonts for your own personal recreational or small business use, feel free to keep using them and installing them on your new computers. If you enjoy these fonts, please join our mailing list to be notified about future font releases. Like free fonts?
5 polices pour agrémenter votre typo Comment mettre en valeur les titres et accroches de son site internet ? J’ai décidé de partager avec vous 5 des polices qui m’ont le plus séduit lors de la refonte de mon site. Au passage, on en profitera pour parler de l’utilisation d’@font-face…ça mange pas de pain. Article initialement écrit en septembre 2010 et repris en mars 2011 à l’occasion de la refonte de mon site. J’en ai profité pour modifier mon choix initial de police et mettre à jour le code @font-face. Les critères de sélection Première contrainte : l’usage. Il a ensuite été nécessaire de filtrer les polices compatibles avec la majorité des navigateurs (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera et Internet Explorer 6, 7 et 8 ainsi que les navigateurs mobile de l’iPhone et l’iPad). Enfin, j’ai affiné ma sélection en choisissant des polices concordantes avec ma police de corps de texte (Arial,Helvetica,Verdana,sans-serif). La méthode @font-face Différentes méthodes existent pour intégrer de nouvelles polices à votre site. PT Sans Bevan
Top 100 Best, Cool, Most Popular Professional Fonts (In English) Posted on 04'09 Mar Posted on March 4, 2009 along with 182 JUST™ Creative Comments Based on a variety of factors listed below, these are the top 100 best fonts of all time. To say the least, ranking fonts is an obviously hard task… how does one measure aesthetic quality, the benefit of an item, its value to humanity and so fourth? Well, in this particular German publication, the judges ranked the fonts by their objective and various other weighted measurements: FontShop Sales Figures: 40%Historical Value/Meaning: 30%Aesthetic Qualities: 30% It is also worth noting that this evaluation consisted exclusively of licensed or commercial fonts only. Below is a preview of the top 33 fonts and beneath this image you can find the full list of the 100 best fonts. Top 100 Best Fonts Of All Time Below you will find the full list of the best 100 fonts along with the designer & the year in which they were designed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
mamma 40 Best Free Fonts for Logo Designing Finding awesome free fonts for logo designing is not that easy. In this world of premium internet, most of the things you find need money. Today we have collected 40 Best Free Fonts for Logo Designing to save your time and little bit of money too. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Let us know which fonts you liked the most.