Iron Crown Enterprises IPR EDGE OF MIDNIGHT U-M Fantasy and Science Fiction Website Introduction and General Information: Here we have a collection of complete electronic texts of various works important to the study of fantasy and science fiction. For University of Michigan users, The Humanities Text Initiative is also available for more sophisticated searching. Many of these texts are made available free of charge from the Gutenberg Project. They have many more books available and several indices on their Overview Page. Another great place to find etexts is the Carnegie Mellon On-Line Books Page. Click on a title to view the full text of the book. Fantasy and Science Fiction Books: Collateral Works The Aeneid by Virgil (text at Wiretap; 627K) Aesop's Fables (Gutenberg text) Beowulf translation by F.
Crafty Games Yelp The Burning Wheel Ultimate Keychain Alternative | Keyport, Inc. Fantasy Craft This is the Time of High Adventure... Whether racing to contain a plague of inhuman proportions, quashing a cult dedicated to one of the oldest horrors in the known world, or delving into one of the most twisted dungeons ever devised, this is indeed the time of high adventure, when heroes rise, villains fall, the dead walk, and pech sell tickets! Embrace the Days of Peril and Plunder Three adventures playable by parties of any levelThe Realm, a plug-and-play campaign settingDecorative and print-ready maps and handoutsStat sheets to prep NPCs and adversaries in minutesSessions and sessions of gaming goodness! Time of High Adventure brings back the old-school excitement of classic fantasy modules, thrusting you into a land of turmoil and danger, a land begging for champions and a return to the glory of old. Your Legend Shall be Chronicled PDF: This file is layered so you can turn the page frames, maps, handouts, and stat sheets off when printing. Soundscapes! Terrain! Reviews
Brookline Booksmith Welcome to Pinnacle's Weird Website! Online | Skill Set: Building Woodworking Low Horses Here’s another wonderful woodworking project from Len Cullum. Editing this really makes me want to build a pair of these, and I don’t even do woodworking! (BTW: See links to all of Len’s articles at the bottom of this piece.) –Gareth In this installment of my series of Woodworking Skill Set articles, I will be building shop furniture that sees even more action than the sawhorses — these are called “low horses.” Constructed using a two by four and a couple of hand tools they’re cheap and easy to build. What I’m using: Fancy 2″x4″x8′ (1x)HandsawSharp chiselHammerAdjustable SquareGlue Start by breaking the two by four down into its parts, which in this case, are four 8″ long legs and two 22″ long beams. Layout: The legs are joined to the beam using half-lap joints. On the beams, mark a line 2″ in from either end and 1/2″ down either side. Saw: Using a hand saw, cut on the inside of each shoulder line down to the 1/2″ line. And there you have it! More: Gareth Branwyn Related
A great place to purchase LARP books! Especially those for World of Darkness. by drschuchman Aug 8