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Home - CSR Europe

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - Sustainable and responsible business - Enterprise and Industry Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to companies taking responsibility for their impact on society. As evidence suggests, CSR is increasingly important to the competitiveness of enterprises. It can bring benefits in terms of risk management, cost savings, access to capital, customer relationships, human resource management, and innovation capacity. European Commission Strategy CSR is defined by the European Commission as "the responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society" (COM (2011) 681 ).

ISO Social Responsibility MAY 2011: ECOLOGIA's Handbook for Implementers of ISO 26000 ECOLOGIA has prepared this 33-page Handbook to meet the needs of small and medium sized businesses, who want to improve their impacts on their communities through developing their corporate social responsibility activities. In Summer 2011, ECOLOGIA will be working with a limited number of businesses in Vermont and in China, using the Handbook. The Handbook includes: overview of the standard and its goals, and what it can offer users workbook, featuring questions, tables to fill out, graphics, charts, real-life examples, and sections such as "Engaging Your Stakeholders: How to Begin the Process" definitions,principles and action suggestions for each of the seven core subjects: Organizational governance Human rights Labor practices Environment Fair operating practices Consumer issues Community involvement and development

Réseau Alliances Dirigeants adhérents de Réseau Alliances ou du CJD, Vous voulez faire évoluer votre entreprise vers des modèles et marchés d'avenir pour accroitre votre performance tout en répondant mieux aux enjeux du Développement Durable ? Nous vous invitons à intégrer l’expérimentation économie de la fonctionnalité : - une formation pour comprendre et maitriser ce qui s’engage dans ce nouveau modèle économique => les 17 et 18 Mars et 15 Avril 2014 - suivi d’un parcours de 10 commissions mensuelles en soirée (les mardis de 18h à 22h), de travaux en inter-coaching et de trois rendez-vous experts individuels Rencontrez les 22 dirigeants déjà engagés dans cette expérimentation au World Forum Lille. et retrouvez-les aux CSR Lab 4B, 6D et 9B

Les cahiers de l’évaluation n°6 - DOSSIER : Notation = évaluation ? - Vol. 3, "La notation extra-financière" Le numéro 6 des Cahiers sur la notation extra-financière (ou notation éthique) s’inscrit dans une réflexion d’ensemble sur la notation vue comme un remède aux asymétries d’information fréquentes dans l’économie moderne. Notre vie quotidienne est de plus en plus imprégnée de ces mécanismes de notation (n°4, « De Michelin à eBay »). Ils pénètrent aussi la sphère du Business to Business, allant jusqu’à prendre une dimension systémique à l’échelle mondiale (n°5, « La notation financière ») et susciter un mouvement de régulation aux Etats-Unis et dans l’Union Européenne

Quelle politique gouvernementale sur la RSE ? - RSE - Politique développement durable Une politique « volontariste », « ambitieuse » en matière de RSE. C'est ainsi que le gouvernement qualifie sa stratégie nationale dans un document d'une trentaine de pages qui doit être transmis à la Commission européenne à la fin de l'année (voir encadré). L'avant-projet du Plan national d'actions prioritaires en faveur de la responsabilité sociétale () dévoilé ce 12 novembre recense pourtant surtout ce qui a déjà été fait et acté, du Grenelle à la conférence environnementale et la feuille de route qui en avait découlé sans donner trop de précisions stratégiques.

Corporate social responsibility The term "corporate social responsibility" became popular in the 1960s and has remained a term used indiscriminately by many to cover legal and moral responsibility more narrowly construed. Proponents argue that corporations increase long term profits by operating with a CSR perspective, while critics argue that CSR distracts from business' economic role. A 2000 study compared existing econometric studies of the relationship between social and financial performance, concluding that the contradictory results of previous studies reporting positive, negative, and neutral financial impact, were due to flawed empirical analysis and claimed when the study is properly specified, CSR has a neutral impact on financial outcomes.[5] Critics[6][7] questioned the "lofty" and sometimes "unrealistic expectations" in CSR.[8] or that CSR is merely window-dressing, or an attempt to pre-empt the role of governments as a watchdog over powerful multinational corporations. Definition[edit] Approaches[edit]

rporate Social Responsibility does more harm than good The current period of financial turmoil has – as on previous occasions – led to considerable speculation and projection by nervous enterprise leaders, confused politicians and interested advocates as to the correct conduct and purpose of business. The last time this occurred was in response to the economic downturn of the early 1990s. This led, at the time, to the articulation of a presumed need for greater corporate social responsibility – or CSR – as articulated in the 1995 RSA Inquiry, ‘Tomorrow’s Company: the role of business in a changing world’. Notably though, many of the original sponsors and supporters of that endeavour – many of whom appeared to endorse what was to become the New Labour agenda of demanding more targets and procedural audits, as well as greater dialogue and inclusion – are no longer around. But maybe that is because being a good, responsible company that cares about people and the planet, as well a profits, was not what CSR was really about in the first place.

Nos publications Orse - Observatoire sur la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises. 2004 - La certification des informations sociales et environnementales étude (385 Ko) Annexes du rapport (271 Ko) “Certification” of Social and Environmental Information (469 Ko) Aucune reproduction, même partielle, autre que l'une de celles prévues à l'article L 122-5 du Code de la Propriété intellectuelle ne peut être faite de ce document sans l'autorisation expresse de l'ORSE

Professional network connecting companies to share corporate social responsibility best practice and projects. The website offers a toolbox of ideas and advice to help organisations implement CSR. by sosmart_eu Aug 24
