Amazon's Kindle Fire Sales Fizzle in 2012, Market Share Slips to Third That Apple remains in first place in the tablet market comes as no surprise. IDC's latest research shows that in the first quarter of 2012, Amazon's once-hot Kindle Fire is struggling. According to IDC, Amazon's share dropped from nearly 17% of the tablet market to 4%, with fewer than 700,000 units sold compared to Apple's 11.8 million. The inexpensive Kindle Fire took off when it was introduced in late 2011, giving Amazon 16.8% of the tablet market with 4.8 million shipments. Amazon's 7-inch tablet was the right product at the right price at the right time, that being the all-important holiday season. The Fire is an inexpensive tablet that offered many of the features that people want for less than half the price of an iPad.
Global DAHON NORTH AMERICA INC. is unfolding a new look! Click the link to view our range of gold star folding bikes and folding bicycles accessories. Dahon folding bicycles for every riding style, from bike commuting and traveling to touring and leisure bikes. Why you should learn to lucid dream If you’ve never experienced it then you may find it hard to understand what lucid dreaming is all about. In fact you may be thoroughly sceptical and dismiss the whole thing as silly nonsense. But I can tell you from personal experience that lucid dreams are very real and something that many millions of people regularly enjoy. Note: Due to the huge amount of interest that this post has generated I am now seriously considering writing a book on the subject, and I would welcome input from anyone with an interest. If you have any anecdotes, suggestions, dreams or anything else you’d like to share with me for possible inclusion in the book, please email me. Your contribution can be anonymous and you may change any and all names/characters as you wish.
PRS+ First of all, PRS+ custom dictionary support is on its way, but still not integrated into the current nightly versions! Author List This addon allows you to browse your books by author. Reader Privacy Act of 2011 The California Reader Privacy Act (SB 602) passed in October 2011 and will be going into effect on January 1st 2012. EFF and the California affiliates of the American Civil Liberties Union sponsored the bill, as it brings a much-needed digital rights upgrade to state law. It mirrors the strong privacy and free speech standards that are already in place and extends them to digital books and electronic reading records. As Californians increasingly rely on online services to browse read and buy books it is essential that state law keep pace to safeguard readers. Digital books now outsell paperbacks on and over 18 million e-readers are expected to be sold in 2012. But these digital book services can collect extraordinarily detailed information: which books are browsed, how long each page is viewed, as well as digital notes made in the margins.
WTF flat ground tricks (1000 fps slow motion) WTF flat ground tricks (1000 fps slow motion) Uncommon skateboarding tricks in super slow motion. Filmed at 1,000 frames per second with a Redlake N3 high speed camera. Since skateboarding trick names are defined by common usage and these tricks are not very common, some of them don't have well-established names. So here are my best guesses as to what they should be called:Kyle McPherson -- nollie dolphin flip (AKA nollie forward flip)Cameron Carmichael -- backside 180 casper flip (?) (or bs 180 hospital flip)Jerrod Skorupski -- nollie heelflip bs body varialDavid Case - nollie 360 shuv underflip (AKA nerd flip)David Case - frontside shuv underflip (AKA kiwi flip)Dustin Blauvelt - hardflip pretzelDustin Blauvelt - switch front foot impossible fs 180Dustin Blauvelt - nollie heelflip indy grabShane Anderson - early grab frontside 180 fingerflip (?)
137 Ways to Pamper Yourself, Lift Your Spirits, or Recharge Your Life Photo: tibchris / Creative Commons Is your tension helmet screwed on too tightly? Are your cranky pants giving you a wedgie? Perhaps you need a distraction or you want to beat a craving. Maybe you need a big life change. ZORK Edition Downloads PRS 350 ‘ZORK-Edition‘ Date: 2012.11.06; PRS-Rev.: 154; ZORK-Rev.: — Tested personal versionDownload Give feedback in MobileRead-forum or here on this website if you suffer problems, have special wishes, suggestions or just want to evaluate this release. PRS 350 ‘ZORK-C-Edition