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National Geographic Contributing Photographers

National Geographic Contributing Photographers

A Photo Back Story / James Whitlow Delano Trees Take Root in Abandoned Silos In American Farming Communities Drive down a two-lane highway in the rural Midwest and you’re likely to encounter decaying buildings, maybe a half-collapsed barn, and abandoned silos. Industrial agriculture has reshaped America’s farming communities in recent decades by consolidating resources in fewer and larger farms, leaving abandoned structures from defunct family farms dotting the landscape. And amid the ruins, the New York Times has spotted a surprisingly common sight: abandoned silos with trees growing inside them, or as they’re more commonly known, silo trees. In many Great Plains states, trees have trouble surviving because of the relentless winds. An abandoned silo can provide just enough protection from the wind for a sapling to sprout and survive. After the roof caves in on an abandoned silo the structure catches seeds and protects the young saplings from strong prairie winds. Via New York Times Photos by Flickr users , countrygirl0, alex_ford, m.gifford, and ebis 50,

Lucien Hervé Lucien Hervé (born László Elkán on 7 August 1910 in Hungary, died 26 June 2007 in Paris) was a French photographer of Hungarian origin. He was notable for his architectural photography, beginning with his work for Le Corbusier. "Lucien Hervé is one of the rare photographers to combine a humanist outlook with an architect's eye. His characteristic style of cropped frames, plunging or oblique views, and pared-down compositions tending toward abstraction distinguish his work from that of his contemporaries." [1][citation needed] Biography[edit] Legacy and honors[edit] 1985 : Under the auspices of the Rencontres d'Arles, he receives the Medal of the City of Arles, as one of the first donors of his photographs to the Réattu Muséum. Selected Photographic Exhibitions[edit] Solo Exhibitions[edit] Collective Exhibitions[edit] 2006 Isabelle Huppert. Selected Bibliography[edit] Livres et albums[edit]

photo agency switzerland - Home Constantine Manos - Magnum Photographer Portfolio Soviet Union 1965 Constantine Manos USA. 1968. USA. Boston Symphony Orchestra Arthur MILLER Unpublished American Color Athenians
