The biggest indictment of our schools is not their failure to raise test scores The latest results are available from the annual Gallup poll of middle and high school students. Over 920,000 students participated last fall. Here are a couple of key charts that I made from the data: How to Mind Map in Seven Steps Menu How to Mind Map in Seven Steps... Take the time to learn how to Mind Map with these seven steps, and use the Mind Map principles to guide you. Subscribe to Using Mind Maps Goal Tracker & Habit List & Workout Calendar - Apps on Google Play Do you want to change habits? Track goals? Accomplish new year's resolutions?Goal Tracker & Habit Calendar will help you by keeping track of your progress. It is inspired by Jerry Seinfeld’s Productivity Secret:
10 things I do with my Mini-WhiteBoards – chiasuanchong It all started when a co-tutor on the CELTA suggested that I borrow some mini-white boards for an input session on boardwork. My trainees had so much fun drawing pictures of varying degrees of artistic proficiency to convey meaning of the words ‘prawn’, ‘chess’ and ‘aubergine’ while I was also able to provide a much more hands-on practice session of organizing collocations, using mindmaps, and marking phonological features. I decided then to invest in my own set of mini-whiteboards and they have been a hit in the staffroom since. I now use it for both teacher training, English teaching and even exam preparation classes. See here for some cheap mini-whiteboards you can purchase for your classroom.
Smart Working: Mastering the Skill of Effective Mind Mapping This course will teach you how to use mind maps to increase your personal and professional productivity. You’ll learn how to save time on any task that requires planning, preparation, and clarity. You will be taught how to develop and use this powerful productivity tool in a unique and effective way. 30 Of The Most Popular Trends In Education by TeachThought Staff What are the most popular trends in education? What about the most popular trends in education heading into 2021 specifically? Well, that’s a tricky question. 4. Image Creation - Creating Multimodal Text Consider using a stylus when drawing, annotating or marking up images. There are a great many stylus choices including many specially made for lower primary school students. Using a Stylus is not only great for handwriting and sketchnoting, it is also great for annotating images and creating art or using art-based apps on your mobile device.
TeachingEnglish Skip to content You are here Home » Professional development » Teachers Planning lessons and courses Planning single lessons and longer course outlines is an important part of professional development. Teaching without a coursebook What's wrong with using a coursebook?A topic-based syllabusStructuring the courseNeeds analysisSet short-term objectivesRemedial grammarError correctionVarietyConclusion What's wrong with using a coursebook?Well, in many cases, nothing!
Introducing “An Educator’s Guide to Sketchnoting” Whenever I tell my teacher friends about my experiments here with visual note taking, most get excited for me, many end up trying out sketchnoting for themselves, and a number of them also ask about how to incorporate this skill into the classroom. To help teachers expose their students to the idea of sketchnoting, I have decided to write a guide that provides an overview of sketchnoting, explains how it can be used as a powerful learning tool, and provide suggestions for how to incorporate the teaching of this skill into classroom activities. When children first learn to write, the idea of combining words and pictures comes naturally.
Game of Thrones: The History Behind the Red Wedding Dark portents aligned to make Catelyn, Robb, and Edmure’s trip to the Frey’s castle ominous, including the endless rain and Robb’s direwolf’s jumping in his cage. Catelyn Stark mistrusts Lord Frey and frets he is leading them to a trap. But, did historical events inspire George RR Martin when he envisioned the Red Wedding? To pen the Red Wedding Martin takes a page from a real-life event in medieval Scottish history known as the Black Dinner and may also have been inspired by the Skirmish at Heworth Moor, which I’ll cover in the next blog post. What is the Schools Online Thesaurus? There is a rapidly expanding amount of online teaching materials available to schools. New materials are being published at an amazing rate, with a wide variation in educational quality and usefulness. Indeed, teachers are often overwhelmed by the sheer volume of resources. They need help in identifying high quality resources most relevant to their needs. Digital resources are often described using terms different from those used in the school curriculum. The Schools Online Thesaurus (ScOT) provides a controlled vocabulary of terms used in Australian and New Zealand schools.
What's your name? Introduction: For a listening lesson to be successful, the learners need to be engaged with the audio. It might not always be possible to motivate all the learners in the class to the same degree but the important thing is to use an audio which all of the learners can, in some way, relate to.