Synonyms Dictionary at
It’s an online interactive English dictionary and thesaurus that helps you find the meanings of words and draw connections to associated words. You can easily see the meaning of each by simply placing the mouse cursor over it. Why use Snappy Words visual dictionary? Easy to use dictionary and thesaurus. Learn how words associate in a visually interactive display. Get ideas to help write content for your blog, article, thesis or simply play with words!
Related: Dictionaries.
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Reverse Dictionary
<div id="needs_javascript"><center><b>Note: The new Reverse Dictionary requires JavaScript.</b><br /><img src="/img/a.gif?q=omg_a_user_without_js"> If you have disabled JavaScript in your browser, please <a href=" it for this site</a> or use the <a href="/?w=entersearchhere&loc=revfp_legacy">old version of the reverse dictionary</a> here.</p><p></center><div> How do I use OneLook's thesaurus / reverse dictionary feature?
eTextbook Teachers [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Welcome
Mission In 5 weeks (Jan. 11th - Feb. 14th, 2016), collaborate with over 500 teachers worldwide to design the 1st chapter of a digital textbook that meets your students' needs. Receive support from 18 moderators with experience in publishing, editing, and materials design. **REGISTER for this Session: 1. Join our GooglePlus Community where you turn in tasks and the discussions take place
Feast Your Eyes on This Beautiful Linguistic Family Tree
552K 18.4KShare337 When linguists talk about the historical relationship between languages, they use a tree metaphor. An ancient source (say, Indo-European) has various branches (e.g., Romance, Germanic), which themselves have branches (West Germanic, North Germanic), which feed into specific languages (Swedish, Danish, Norwegian). Lessons on language families are often illustrated with a simple tree diagram that has all the information but lacks imagination. There’s no reason linguistics has to be so visually uninspiring. Minna Sundberg, creator of the webcomic Stand Still.
Words & Language
Words & Language The Longest Word in the Collins English Dictionary The longest word in the Collins English Dictionary, the longest words with no vowels, the words with the most consecutive consonants, words composed from QWERTY keyboard rows and dozens of other fascinating facts for the word buffs amongst you.
British Vs American English: 100+ Differences Illustrated
Given the amount of places around the world that English is spoken, various differences are bound to emerge. Despite how much the USA and UK have in common, there are enough differences between their two versions of the English language that someone may not always understand exactly what someone from the other country is saying. Fortunately, the US State Department has created a series of useful graphics to help clear things up.
Creating a Visual Dictionary on the iPad
Pic Collage (free), is one of my favorite apps to use on my iPad. It creates great looking Scrapbook pages of multiple images in no time. Today, as I was planning with our first grade Hebrew teacher, how to upgrade a traditionally taught vocabulary project (creating a dictionary of their weekly vocabulary words in Hebrew), we saw the opportunity to use PicCollage with students in the classroom.
Six Wonderful Sites to Help you Write, Speak and Sound Better
I’m not a native speaker. Even though I read, write, work and I would almost dare say live and dream in English, I haven’t learned the language from birth and sometimes have moments of self-doubt. These websites I am going to share in this post have been an invaluable help. Blog de Cristina is also on Facebook.
3 Great Posters for Teaching Writing
Today I am sharing with you some really cool posters on writing. As a teacher, you can use these graphics with your students to teach them about the craft of writing. You can also use them as visual aids in your lessons or simply hang them on your class board to constantly remind students of what they need to keep in their mind when it comes to developing the writing skills necessary to thriving in an academic milieu.
Data Visualization
Teacher Tools
new techno clil 2017
Visual dictionary
Visual Dictionaries
Learn Vocabulary
visual dictionaries
Things I Need This Year
This is an interactive dictionary and thesaurus where users can find the meaning of words by dragging the mouse cursor. The visuals of can catch students’ attention when presenting vocabulary and word definitions. Teaching tips: 1. Teachers can use this visual dictionary to introduce new vocabulary 2. Students can build lists of synonyms and antonyms. 3. Teachers can use this tool to explain concepts related to words. by gabrielapearltrees Oct 26