Online Image Editor Clarkii :: Online demo Clarkii Online Image Editor is the most convenient browser-based software for online photo and image editing. With our new version you can now edit images online with greater ease and even better results! And yes, Clarkii Online Image Editor runs on all browsers and all platforms! Load Clarkii with a templateThis example displays how you can load project files from a server. For instance, files like this could be a template for your product or service and your customer loads this template to customize it. Load Clarkii with an image from relative url or database This example displays how you can load an image or photo from a server or database Load Clarkii with an image to edit from a remote web address Enter the URL to an image below. After editing your image you can choose 'Save...' from the file menu. NOTE: the new demo makes use of Flash player 10, if you want to see the old demo (that will run on older Flash players, click here.
Free Online Image, Picture and Photo Editor Take a look at the FREE online image editor software links above. Check it out! INSTRUCTIONS: To begin using the free online image, picture and photo editor, first set the canvas size you want your final image, picture or photo to be. Do this using the CANVAS INFO panel at the top-right. Brought to you by Flash Image Editor Google+ Modifiche di base nella visualizzazione lightbox sul computer desktop Per iniziare, carica una foto su Google+, quindi fai clic su una foto per visualizzarla a schermo intero nella visualizzazione lightbox. Utilizzando le icone in alto, puoi ruotare, eseguire lo zoom avanti, ritagliare o eliminare la foto. Modifiche avanzate con l'editor di foto per computer desktop Apri una foto nella visualizzazione lightbox > fai clic su Modifica per accedere a questi strumenti: Calibra immagine Crea profondità e vivacità regolando i livelli di luminosità, contrasto, saturazione, ombre o temperatura dei colori. Regolazione selettiva Utilizzando i punti di controllo, puoi regolare alcune parti della foto senza alterarne altre. Dettagli Evidenzia i dettagli e migliora la nitidezza della tua foto. Ritaglia Rimuovi eventuali elementi di disturbo della foto utilizzando le proporzioni standard o il ritaglio libero. Retrolux Invecchia la tua foto inserendo infiltrazioni di luce, graffi e tanti stili di pellicola.
Welcome to Aviary Online image and photo editor - Aviary.com's Phoenix As per this blog post from July, we have officially closed the advanced suite of Flash tools (previously located at advanced.aviary.com) in order to focus on our new company direction powering the photo experience in 3rd party apps. While we hoped that everyone would have taken the time to retrieve their files since our notice, we recognize that the message may not have been seen by everyone. Therefore, if you were not able to retrieve all of your files to date, please contact us at support@aviary.com from the email address associated with your account to help retrieve your files. Do this quickly. While the tools will remain offline, we may continue to explore new homes in whole or in part, for specific elements of the suite. I would like to make a few recommendations for alternate tools to try: I have a number of thank yous to make, but I'll leave out names because there are so many and I don't want to risk leaving anyone out:
Zoom.it Flame Painter | online paint program Flame Painter Gallery Flame Painter is a unique paint program, it belongs to my 'I am an Artist' experimental project. I think with tools which inspires you, everyone can be an artist. Tools: Click here for Flame Help in German . COLOR - brush color SATURATION - brush saturation OPACITY - brush opacity C - color cycling [ on | off ] P - color per pixel [ on | off ] FADE - fade in/out [ on | off ] SIZE - brush size SOFT - brush softness CENTER - global forces FOCUS - local forces CHAOS - very chaotic parameter NOISE - crazy noise parameter ERASER - eraser tool SAVE - opens painting in a new popup window for saving (press Right Button > Save Picture As...) Keyboard Shortcuts: [ spacebar ] - clear screen [ Z ] - undo / redo last step Flame Painter Online License Agreement: Flame Painter Online is a free application, which can be used for personal, non-commercial or non-profit activities. Save Picture: Saving pictures takes a while, depends on internet speed. Troubleshoot Help: 2CheckOut.com Inc.
flauntR flauntR flauntR is a free online suite of digital photoediting tools that provides a range of features that are typically only been available in expensive photoediting software. RIA Application build on Adobe Flex The FlauntR RIA (Rich Internet Application) application has been widely cited as an example of intuitive user interface design and use of cutting edge technology. The FlauntR interface engineered using Adobe Flex, Flash and J2EE technologies has been featured on Flex.org and the Yahoo Gallery among others. Social Network Integration and Facebook Application flauntR features extensive and indepth integrations with over 16 social networks and Web2.0 applications including Facebook, Bebo, Flickr, Picasa, Open Social among others.flauntR is available as an application on Facebook, Bebo and will also be integrating with a range of other sites.