Recap Of Google Earth Plus For Free Series Now that I’ve *finally* finished the series on how to meet or beat most of Google Earth Plus’s features without paying for it, here’s a one-post set of links to all the posts in the series. Google Earth Plus – Do You Really Need It? Brief summary of what features Google Earth Plus has, and which ones there are free solutions for. Importing GPS Data Into Google Earth I – Proprietary software and EasyGPS Importing GPS data into Google Earth using standard GPX files, proprietary GPS unit software, and EasyGPS. Importing GPS Data Into Google Earth II – GPSBabel and GPS Visualizer How to use GPSBabel and GPS Visualizer to download GPS data, and convert GPX and other GPS data formats into Google Earth KML format. Exporting Data From Google Earth To A GPS Unit Exporting point and line data out of Google Earth and into a GPS unit, something Google Earth Plus doesn’t offer as a special feature. Using GPS Utility To Import/Export GPS Data To/From Google Earth Importing Spreadsheet Data Into Google Earth
Diseño cartográfico | Ecoter SC - Ecología y Territorio Como dice Wikipedia, la cartografía es la ciencia encargada del estudio y elaboración de mapas. Los mapas, por su parte, son una representación generalizada y precisa de fenómenos localizables en el espacio. Desde nuestro punto de vista, la elaboración de mapas es una ciencia que incluye a partes iguales, técnica, análisis y diseño. Los mapas son documentos importantes y de gran relevancia para la toma de decisiones territoriales y un instrumento de gestión necesario en la sociedad actual, independientemente de su formato. Por ello, a la hora de elaborar un mapa hemos de tener muy claros los objetivos de su realización, el propósito de su representación y a quién va dirigido. El conocimiento de los SIG, el buen gusto y el correcto uso de las variables cartográficas nos permitirá conseguir que nuestro mapa sea un documento válido. Dejemos de ser sólo analistas SIG y convirtámonos también en Cartógrafos. Color Use gudelines: Esquemas de color, tipos y combinaciones en nuestra leyenda.
40 Maps That Will Help You Make Sense of the World If you’re a visual learner like myself, then you know maps, charts and info graphics can really help bring data and information to life. Maps can make a point resonate with readers and this collection aims to do just that. Hopefully some of these maps will surprise you and you’ll learn something new. A few are important to know, some interpret and display data in a beautiful or creative way, and a few may even make you chuckle or shake your head. If you enjoy this collection of maps, the Sifter highly recommends the r/MapPorn sub reddit. 1. Map by Google 2. Map via Wikimedia Commons 3. Map by Stuart Laycock (via The Telegraph) 4. Map by eatrio.net via Reddit Pangea was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras, forming about 300 million years ago. 5. Map by Business Management EU 6. Map by The New York Times 7. Map by Teepr on Reddit 8. Map by ChartsBin.com 9. Map by Phoenix B 1of3 10. Map by Carna Botnet via Reddit 11. Map by Vizual Statistix 12. 13. 14. 15.
National Atlas home page The National Map is now offering a collection of small-scale datasets that can be downloaded for free. Although the 1997-2014 Edition of the National Atlas of the United States was retired in September 2014, The National Map recognizes the importance of continuing to make a collection of the small-scale datasets, originally developed for the National Atlas, available to users. Small-scale maps have an advantage over large-scale maps when there is a need to show a large area in a single view. This makes small-scale maps an ideal solution for scientists, decision-makers, and planners needing to provide a geographical context for the research projects. The National Map collection of 197 small-scale datasets can be downloaded at small-scale data download page . Even though the 1997-2014 Edition of the National Atlas has retired, nationalmap.gov will continue to offer the Set of Dynamic Topographic Maps Illustrating Physical Features.
GIS Data Oregon/Washington BLM The Bureau of Land Management's Oregon/Washington (OR/WA) Data Library contains the spatial data of the Oregon and Washington BLM. The Data Library allows the user to obtain datasets and metadata via download. Please note that the available data in the link below does not represent the BLM's entire OR/WA Data Library. The GIS data of the BLM in OR/WA consist of 1) statewide or regional data captured at a scale of 1:100,000 (or smaller) and 2) Framework, or base, data captured at the 1:24,000 scale (or larger) that have been built and maintained by OR/WA BLM 3) Data cover mostly BLM-managed lands with some private lands included. Spatial data is provided in ESRI ArcGIS 10.1 File GeoDatabase format, which is available for download as a compressed WinZip file. DRG data is provided in MrSID format, unless otherwise noted, and is available for download as a compressed WinZip file. If you are having problems connecting to the server, please enable the Passive FTP in your client or browser.
Texas Hazard Mitigation Package - Data Layers Data Layers on the THMP Site are in GIS Shapefile (.shp) format. By accessing these data layers, you may map it on this Site’s ArcIMS Map Viewers, download the data layers (with metadata) to your local computer/GIS, connect directly via your GIS, review the metadata or link to the original source of the data layer. These data layers were compiled from a variety of best available external sources and are updated periodically. You may also choose to go directly to these sources and compile your own data sets or acquire data from local level sources to overlay with THMP data layers for more detailed analysis. The data layers are sectioned as Hazard Data (2 types) or Base Maps 1. Weather-related Includes: Hurricanes, Coastal Erosion, Tornadoes, Floods, Other Storms, Outdoor Fires, Drought, Extreme Temperatures Non Weather-related Includes: Earthquakes, Hazardous Materials, Subsidence 2. 3. Click here for a Data Layer Complete List of data layers on this Site
SIGdeletras: Cartotecas Como ya comenté en una entrada pasada, el próximo día 12 de Julio tendré la oportunidad de participar en Carmona en el curso “Patrimonio Histórico: recursos en Internet” organizado por la Universidad Pablo de Olavide @olavidecarmona Estoy preparando la documentación para el curso y uno de los apartados en los que centraré mi charla-taller es en la identificación y uso de recursos digitales y páginas web que ofrecen al usuario cartografía histórica en formato digital. La cartografía histórica como elemento patrimonial puede ser como tal un objeto de estudio. Es también una fuente relevante de información para investigaciones históricas o/y geográficas donde la variable espacial tenga un papel relevante. A pesar de esto, y espero que gracias a vuestras aportaciones, creo que podría enriquecer bastante la experiencia de los alumnos con otros ejemplos locales, autonómicos o internacionales, con independencia de su escala. Antes de nada...
Walk through the Continents - Print Maps Large and Small - Free Print free maps large or small; from 1 page to almost 7 feet across; PC or Mac. For classroom and student use. MegaMaps requires Adobe Flash. Free online software—no downloading or installation. Print out maps in a variety of sizes, from a single sheet of paper to a map almost 7 feet across, using an ordinary printer. You can print single page maps, or maps 2 pages by 2 pages, 3 pages by 3 pages, etc. up to 8 pages by 8 pages (64 sheets of paper; over six feet across!). Walk Through The Continents Trace car trips; where grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins live; the Oregon Trail and the Cumberland Gap; Huck Finn's journey; the Rocky Mountains, the Appalachians, the Mississippi River, the Columbia River and the Colorado, label states… There are any number of ways to use these maps. • Print out a multi-page map of the US or the world, and have groups of students assemble it together, like a puzzle. By coloring and writing on the map, students make it “their own”.
BGN: Domestic Names - Main The Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) is the Federal and national standard for geographic nomenclature. The U.S. Geological Survey developed the GNIS in support of the U.S. The GNIS contains information about physical and cultural geographic features of all types in the United States, associated areas, and Antarctica, current and historical, but not including roads and highways. The database assigns a unique, permanent feature identifier, the Feature ID, as the only standard Federal key for accessing, integrating, or reconciling feature data from multiple data sets.
Andrews Experimental Forest LTER: Andrews Experimental Forest The Andrews Forest is a place of inquiry. Our mission is to support research on forests, streams, and watersheds, and to foster strong collaboration among ecosystem science, education, natural resource management, and the humanities. Our place and our work are administered cooperatively by the USDA Forest Service's Pacific Northwest Research Station, Oregon State University, and the Willamette National Forest. First established in 1948 as an US Forest Service Experimental Forest, the H.J.
Projections and Distortion in the News A colleague today brought in a newspaper clipping from the weekend edition of the Wall Street Journal for 13-14 April, 2013. It was a map depicting the extimated range of North Korea’s Musudan missile. A couple of things were immediately interesting about this. First, the buffered area did not appear to actually be circular. Working with GIS, I am well aware projections will make us all SADD. The odd position of Alaska could be accounted for if the analyst used a local projection, one centered on Korea. When my colleague brought this to my attention a few minutes ago, he simply asked, “Does this seem right to you?” The slight elongation of the shape toward the north indicates a local projection was used. Next, we grabbed a country feature class from ArcGIS Online so we could not just buffer a point, but the whole country of North Korea. Before running the buffer tool, we also first made sure the country feature class had a geographic coordinate system.
North American Environmental Atlas: <em>North American Environmental Atlas</em> North American Environmental Atlas All over the North American continent, natural and human-caused events are altering land cover – whether from insect infestations, forest fires or urban sprawl. Some of these changes are visible from space and, in collaboration with Canada, Mexico and the US, the CEC released a new set of maps depicting land cover changes in North America’s forests, prairies, deserts and cities, using satellite images from 2005 and 2010. Maps Without Borders The North American Environmental Atlas is an interactive mapping tool to research, analyze and manage environmental issues in Canada, United States and Mexico. Maps are downloadable free of charge and available in an easy to use map viewer format. The CEC uses maps in the Atlas to: Identify priority areas to conserve biodiversityTrack cross-border transfers of pollutantsMonitor CO2 emissions across major transportation routesPredict the spread of invasive species
Derek Watkins
El equivalente al MTN del USGS by valzor Jun 17