How Corkboard Works How many Corkboards can I create? As many as you want. You can create Corkboards for yourself or to share with your friends. I can't see my Facebook friends when I search for them on my Corkboard. You need to link your Corkboard account to your Facebook account to see your Facebook friends on Corkboard. I don't have an iPhone. Yes. Check out the Corkboard Mobile page for help on how to use Corkboard with any mobile device. Can people that aren't members post to my Corkboard? Anyone who wants to post to a Corkboard needs an account. How can I post documents? For security reasons, Corkboard does not allow members to post documents in formats such as Word or PDF. As a general rule of thumb, if the document you're converting has photos, convert it to JPG. Note that the drawback of converting documents to images is that you will not be able to highlight and copy the text contained in the converted document.
Welcome - web2Project Open Atrium Open Atrium is an intranet in a box that has group spaces to allow different teams to have their own conversations and collaboration. Open Atrium 2.x for Drupal 7 A new architecture for Drupal 7 that is built upon Panopoly and intended as an extensible collaboration framework. Adds the ability to have private "sections" within a collaboration space with granular access control. Please use the Issue Queue to post bug reports and patches for OA2 only (not OA1). Demos The following webinar videos for Open Atrium 2 are available: Open Atrium 2.x Projects These modules are part of the official Open Atrium project and are actively maintained and approved. Other Modules that work with Open Atrium 2.x These modules are not tested, supported, nor recommended by the OA2 Core maintainers but are listed here as a courtesy to the community who might be interested in other work being done related to Open Atrium 2. System Requirements Open Atrium 1.x for Drupal 6