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- grammar
ESL Materials, Resources and Teaching Ideas 6 Ways to Make Teaching Grammar Fun (I'm Serious) - WeAreTeachers I love grammar. But convincing my students to love grammar sometimes feels like trying to convince a bobcat to enjoy a nice, relaxing ice bath. It’s true that students are more likely to be engaged in the learning process if you’re excited about the content, but I’ve noticed that students will stay engaged if they’re participating in a way that leaves room for creativity, choice or snort-inducing laughter. Here are some ways to put a little grammar fun into your routine! 1) Build grammar practice into fun writing assignments. My most recent assignment for students to practice comma usage was to choose between writing a letter using one of the following points of view: an old curmudgeon complaining to city hall about a completely trivial issue, a teenager writing to their* celebrity crush, or an alien writing back to their alien friends after visiting Earth. 2) Make funny examples or practice sentences. I think it is totally worth the effort to write your own practice sentences for grammar.
Learning English Online English Corner: English grammar exercises, vocabulary games, reading exercises phrasal verbs Episode 08 – Write Back Soon – English Phrasal Verbs In episode 08, you’ll hear Lisa’s latest email to Duncan. Has he been a bit too pushy about Christmas? Download episode | Subscribe in iTunes | RSS Feed Episode 07 – Write Back Soon – English Phrasal Verbs In episode 07, you’ll hear Duncan’s latest reply to Lisa’s email. Download episode | Subscribe in iTunes | RSS Feed Episode 06 – Write Back Soon – English Phrasal Verbs In episode 06, you’ll hear from Lisa. Download episode | Subscribe in iTunes | RSS Feed Episode 05 – Write Back Soon – English Phrasal Verbs In this fifth episode, you’ll hear Duncan’s latest reply to Lisa. Download episode | Subscribe in iTunes | RSS Feed Episode 04 – Write Back Soon – English Phrasal Verbs In this fourth episode, you’ll hear more from Lisa who is not very happy with Duncan. Download episode | Subscribe in iTunes | RSS Feed Episode 03 – Write Back Soon – English Phrasal Verbs Download episode | Subscribe in iTunes | RSS Feed
My English Page Graded English language dictations free online 1 Students 2 Introductions 3 Numbers 4 Whose? 5 Names and Numbers 6 A Timetable 7 A Form 8 A Friend 1 9 A Friend 2 10 A Friend 3 1 My Cat Trotsky 2 Strange Food (Anonymous) 3 Tears and Laughs (Samuel Beckett) 4 More Beckett 5 Numbers 6 That man 7 Charlie & the Chocolate Factory (Roald Dahl) 8 East of Eden (John Steinbeck) 9 The Unicorn (James Thurber) 10 A Tale of Two Cities (Charles Dickens) 11 Describing Self 1 12 Describing Self 2 13 Describing Self 3 14 The Cemetery 15 My Two Friends 16 Routine 1 The Wolf (James Thurber) 2 Pooh (A A Milne) 3 1984 (George Orwell) 4 Prufrock (T S Eliot) 5 The Owl (James Thurber) 6 The Emperor's Clothes (H C Andersen) 7 Numbers 8 Earthly Powers (Anthony Burgess) 9 Remains of the Day (Kazuo Ishiguro) 10 Sons and Lovers (D H Lawrence) 11 Lord of the Flies (William Golding) 12 Emma (Jane Austen) 13 The Great Gatsby (Scott Fitzgerald) 14 The Hobbit (J R Tolkien) 15 Three Men in a Boat (J K Jerome)
Common Mistakes Common mistakes of ESL students April 16th, 2014 in Common Mistakes In this lesson we will take a look at some common mistakes ESL students make when they speak or write English. Incorrect: I give key to the watch every day. Common mistakes in English March 18th, 2014 in Common Mistakes Some common errors in English are listed below. Incorrect: Have you received any informations? Correct: Have you received any information? The word information is uncountable in English. 8 phrases that you are using incorrectly February 10th, 2014 in Common Mistakes 1. These words are not interchangeable. Incorrect: He did good. Correct: He did well. Incorrect: She sings good. Correct: She sings well. Some commonly confused verbs and prepositions January 4th, 2014 in Common Mistakes Prepositions cause a great deal of confusion for ESL students. In this lesson we will explain the correct usage of some common prepositions. The words except and accept are often confused. Some commonly misspelled phrases Among / between
Learn English Grammar,Vocabulary ESL Worksheets,Printables,Tests,Puzzles Passive voice To learn Passive voice it is necessary to know the past participles. If you do not know the past participles go to our post on Past participle and learn the irregular verbs first. Once you do not have any problems with past participles, it is time to learn the Passive voice in English.Passive voice is used if the subject (the thing before the verb) does not do the action described by the verb. Then you have to insert the verb “TO BE” in the correct form in front of the verb in past participle. Passive – graphical presentation First there is a mind map describing the form of the passive. The second graphic clearly shows the usage of passive voice: Your task is to write two sentences under each picture using present simple tense and past simple. See how passive is formed Here you have a chance to learn the passive through games. Passive – online quiz The second game is called Hoop shoot.
English learning and teaching resources Turklish TEFL » ESL Lesson Plans Here are a collection of lesson plans that have been created with adult Turkish learners in mind although most lessons could easily be used in any country. Each lesson aims to address the unique environment of the Turkish classroom and to help with obstacles faced by many teachers here. I will try to provide lessons that will highlight features of the Turkish classroom and perhaps set a template for creating future lessons along the same lines. A lot of these lesson plans will be linked to discussions on my main blog. You can click on the link under the lesson plan to check out the blog portion. Current Total Number of Plans (28) + (8) Video lesson plans = (35) They are organized by level from Beginner to Intermediate & Up. Create a Country Level: All This is a lesson the famous Chris Westergaard demoed for me and some other trainees on our TEFL course. Dictionaries and their Discontents Level: All Tank Battle! Press Conference Level: Elementary & Up Dream Vacation Level: Pre-Int & Up Mr.
Countable and uncountable nouns In this post, I try to explain what countable and uncountable nouns are. When I speak with native speakers of English they often tell me that the concept of countability in English is absolutely natural. “You simply know which noun is countable and which is not.” However, this natural feeling is nearly impossible to teach. Based on my experience I have created the following mind map where I try to set some rules to help the learners of English. The rules given here are in no way foolproof but I hope they will help a bit. In this post you will find the mind map and three game to revise the concept of countability. Countable or Uncountable – mind map Please support us, use one of the buttons below to unlock the content. Games to practise countability Now it is time to test your knowledge in games. Countable and uncountable nouns – Tetris game The second game is incredibly popular in my classes. Countable and Uncountable – On Target game The third game is called Penalty Shootout.