Five Reasons Why Corporate Blogs Fail - Technorati Guru Corporate blogging has become incredibly popular in the business to business (B2B) sector. Industries that were once thought inhospitable to blogs, these tools are not only popping up but are making a profound difference in marketing, relationship cultivation and client interaction. Yet too often, the full potential isn’t realized. All the talk you hear of building an audience organically, waiting to go viral and other social media swill is worth what you pay for it. But, enough about success – that’s the kind of thing that makes corporate blogging seem easy. 1. 2. Continued on the next page Come costruire una Social Media Strategy di successo Cosa è una social media strategy? Potremmo forse definirla come il modo in cui un’azienda decide di entrare a far parte del social web, decide che è arrivato il momento di ascoltare la propria audience, decide di approcciarsi al marketing conversazionale e decide infine, come e dove comunicare e ascoltare. Quali sono dunque i principali passi che precedono l’entrata nel social web di un’azienda? E’ necessario identificare bene innanzitutto gli obiettivi da raggiungere. la nostra azienda/settore è idonea ad una presenza nel social web? Queste a mio modo di vedere sono le domande principali che ogni azienda dovrà porsi prima di entrare nel social web. In base alle risposte date dall’azienda, si potrà decidere di entrare nel social media marketing nei seguenti modi: Articoli correlati: The following two tabs change content below. Approfondisce il Web Marketing e i social media da tempo.
The Value of Social Media [STATS] Social media plays an important role in our lives and has drastically changed the world in ways more than one; It is now one of our important platforms of communication – we live and breathe it everyday, we rely on them for information and may even feel awkward not checking our Facebook account for notifications for 24 hours. Whether B2B or B2C, every industry is able to leverage on social media for their business. As people spend more time on social media online, ad dollars into social networking sites have also been increasing. That is why businesses need to always be ahead of the curve. If your competitor is already on board, you have much catching up to do! And if you were thinking that visitors will first go to your site for information about your company… Omniture proves you wrong as they share the value of what social media brings. Where Do Consumers Get Information? More people turn to social media websites first for opinions. What is Social Media Good For? What Are You Waiting For?
Meet the top 20 brands on Facebook - TNW Social Media All the buzz over the last week has been about Google + but without a way for brands to engage there yet, it’s Facebook that still gets most of their attention in the social space. Now that Facebook pages have been live for a couple of years who are the biggest brands on the platform in terms of likes and what sorts of campaigns and apps running on their pages? The pages on the list are a mixture of brands that people love and have willingly liked as well as brands who are clearly acquiring Likes through large scale Facebook advertising. These brands have identified Facebook as a great platform to engage with their fans and have built up huge valuable communities and it’s interesting to see what rewards and engagement they all offer to keep those users loyal and to keep their page growing. 1. 2. 3. Starbucks has not been slow to embrace any form of social media and Facebook is no different. 4. 5. Possibly the best brand in the world for social media and creating content in general. 6.
10 Beautiful Social Media Infographics This series is supported by Ben & Jerry's Joe, Ben & Jerry's new line-up of Fair Trade and frozen iced coffee drinks. Learn more about it here. Infographics help communicate information in a digestible manner as they creatively present data in an understandable and engaging format. With social media growing at an ever increasing pace, there is now a wealth of data about how people interacting with one another on the web. Naturally, infographics have proven an excellent aid in expressing high volumes of social web information in a clear, visually appealing manner. Here are 10 infographics that prove as beautiful as they are interesting. 1. This is a global map of social web involvement which illustrates that hundreds of millions of web users are creating and sharing content every month. Interestingly, it reveals that despite the Twitter hype, microblogging is still not a mass social activity and is nowhere near the size and scale of blogging. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Automotive Social Media Marketing Every industry these days is trying to figure out how to employ social media, but the auto category is being especially scrutinized. The segment is known for its glitzy TV ads and deep pockets, but social media is a field where money will only drive you so far. The big gains seem to come from out-thinking opponents, not outspending them. So how are the big automakers doing in this new arena? As this infographic shows, there have been some triumphs, some missteps, and a lot of learning. Because of the large size of this infographic, we've broken it up into multiple smaller parts.