Explore Zines - Convozine.com The Poetic A gallery of literary and visual arts showcasing the agonizing, the aesthetic, and the whimsical. We… Designism Designism covers the whole universe of design — print, digital, industrial, architectural — designers and those… • depth of field • A zine of art photography. Holographic Universe Shedding light on "dark matter," from politics to spirituality- a range of topics intertwined, merging in… Sylvania In Sylvania, everything is tranquil, the trees sigh with contentment, the breezes are soft and gentle… NeonGrey Magazine: Because life’s more than just Black and White.NeonGrey Magazine is a inter-media arts forum… Angst.. The art of lonely photography. Culture Culture is a magazine by us and about us. the various facets of life that make…
Plato, the invention of writing, and the e-book « Milligan Library Life This post originally appeared on my now inactive blog, Voyage of the Paradigm Ship, January 19, 2009. The following is a two-part email I sent to my good friend and colleague (he is chair of the faculty Library Committee) on March 27 and 29, 2006, after he sent me an editorial written by Edward Tenner in The New York Times, entitled “Searching for Dummies” (March 26, 2006). My friend is a history professor and an avid bibliophile. Though he has largely “come around” to my way of thinking regarding the benefits of electronic delivery of journal literature, he is far more resistive when it comes to surrendering the marvelous technology expressed as the printed book. He knows he has been socialized into this preference, but insists that a full embrace of computer and electronic information resource technology is damaging his students’ capacity to think through complex ideas in a sustained and deep way. Greetings. This is all very ironic in view of our conversation. Like this:
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