The Art of Homemaking: All Natural Lip Balm

The week leading up to the new year wasn't exactly how I had pictured it. It was the last week of the boys winter break. I had envisioned walks around downtown looking at the lights, taking down the Christmas tree together, continuing our holiday baking marathon and maybe even a little post Christmas mall browsing. But alas, none of those things happened. The flu happened. Or rather, what I guess must have been the flu. Thankfully, I had made a big batch of lip balm the week before Christmas to give as little handmade gifts to my girlfriends. This recipe is super simple. The recipe came from this blog last year and I tweaked it a bit and she grabbed it from this book where she had tweaked it a bit. Sweet Orange Lip Balm 8 Tablespoons Coconut Oil 3 Tablespoons Beeswax 1.5 Tablespoons Raw Honey 30 drops Sweet Orange essential oil (if you want color) 1/2 stick of natural lipstick (I like Jane Iredale and Josie Moran) Remove mixture from heat, and add peppermint oil and lipstick.
Chalkboard Mason Jar Magnetic Jars
Longest title ever for a craft? I just couldn't decide what to call it, so it;s a little long-winded.... But, here's a tutorial on how to make Chalkboard Mason Jar Magnetic Jars: I was sent some products to try out from Plaid, along with a gift card to Walmart for any other supplies I may need.
DIY: Mason Jar Vases
Over the weekend I decided to spruce up some old mason jars. I first saw these on Pinterest and then discovered this DIY and basically fell in love with the idea. Who knew that with a little spray paint you could give an old jar a completely new look? Here's how to make your own... What you'll need:
Ducklings In A Row - Hair + DIY Tutorials: I'm Inexplicably Drawn to You...DIY Magnetic Tote Bag
My husband and I are really bad at the diaper bag thing. My son has sat through more than one restaurant dinner in some state of undress, including wearing nothing but a diaper at his cousin's birthday dinner, because we inevitably leave the house without adequate diapers, wipes or a change of clothes. Luckily he's old enough now that diaper blowouts are a rarity, however toddler-boredom-turned-general-naughtiness has taken hold where poop-up-the-back-of-your-shirt-and-seeping-down-your-pants-leg used to live. After one too many dinners out during which I try and fail miserably to entertain the duckling with a dull butter knife and a packet of Splenda, I decided to get wise and create a quick and easy bag that could keep the little guy entertained long enough for me to enjoy a glass of wine.
30 Challenges for 30 Days
Did you know that it takes 30 days to form a new habit? The first few days are similar as to how you would imagine the birth of a new river. Full of enthusiasm it gushes forth, only to be met by strong obstacles. The path is not clear yet, and your surroundings don’t agree. Old habits urge you to stay the same.
Canvas Project
To all of your coming over from Pinterest:Thanks so much for stopping by! Who knew such a simple project could become so popular? If you have any questions please ask! You can also check the comments because many people have shared tips and tricks they discovered as they've tried this project. Also, there's a misconception going around Pinterest that you can use glue for this project.
DIY Floral Sunglasses
We always claim to see the world through rose colored glasses . . . but how about rose trimmed glasses? In honor of the widespread floral trend and our love of Dolce & Gabbana‘s Baroque-inspired fall collection, we’re DIYing a pair of outrageously fabulous sunglasses using the same charming little ceramic roses from a recent tutorial. These will surely be a pair of shades you won’t go unnoticed in this summer! You’ll need:a pair of sunglassesa variety of ceramic roses and flowersdisposable container or popsicle sticka handful of toothpicksE6000 Start by squeezing a small amount of E6000 into a disposable container or onto a wooden popsicle stick.
Sugar Scrubs Recipes
*December 13, 2012 Update: I have had many of you wanting the labels to download…Great News! They are now available and you can get them by clicking on this link: Peppermint Candy Cane Sugar Scrub Labels You will notice that you have to Like my Face Book page to get it.
Lotion Bits - All Natural - Melts in the Palm of your Hands
Lotion Bits - kids love them! Keep them in a small jar in the bathroom and after a shower just grab one, put it in the palm of your hands and rub your hands together! The solid shape will "melt" in your hands and you can put it all over!