Elbil batteri moduler Vi tar inn batterier fra brukte elbiler, tester de og bruker de gode batteri modulene til å bygge kraftige batteripakker, både store og små. Det kan forventes en kvalitet tilnærmet nye batterier og derfor leverer vi dem med en garanti på 5 år, men forventet levetid er mye lengre. De fleste pakkene vi tar en har en kapasitet på over 97%. Batteriene passer seg utmerket for solcelleanlegg til både hus og hytte, men også til andre formål som biler (f.eks Buddy), båt, industri eller annen lagring av strøm. Batteripakkene kommer ferdig bygd med alt inludert som BMS, kabling etc, mens batterimodulene er mer ment for selvbygg. Batteriene vi har på siden er varer vi stort sett har på lager, men vi bygger også pakker etter ønske. Er du usikker på hvordan du går frem eller lurer på hva du trenger?
Car Rental services Brazil Renting a car when you are traveling to a new country can be a great way to get out and explore the area. You will discover hidden gems and getting lost can actually be a good thing. Trying to find the right car and understand the rules and regulations of a new country when it comes to driving can be overwhelming, we are here to make it easier for you. We are able to help you to find the perfect car rental wherever you want to go. Tips when hiring a car Make sure you chose the right car. There are a few things to remember before renting a car. You need to have a valid driver license and if you are traveling to a different country you will need an International Drivers Permit.You must be an insured driver to drive a rental car.Most rental companies will require a deposit.Most countries will only rent cars to people between the ages of 25 and 65 years old. There are different types of cars you can hire, depending on you need and budget
Benfotiamine | kimiabiosciences.com General Information: Benfotiamine is a derivative of vitamin B1. It was developed in Japan specifically to treat Korsakoff's syndrome Benfotiamine reduces the extra biosynthesis and accumulation of a number of glucose metabolites, including glyceraldeyde-3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Elevated levels of those glucose intermediates function as a trigger to most of the mechanisms accountable for hyperglycemia-caused cell damage. Therapeutic Category: Benfotiamine falls under the Anti –Biotic drugs category. Primary Characterstics: IUPAC Name: S-[2-{[(4-Amino-2-methylpyrimidin-5-yl)methyl] (formyl)amino}-5-(phosphonooxy)pent-2-en-3-yl] benzenecarbothioate Molecular Formula: Molecular Weight: 466.449 g/mol Molecular Structure: Mechanism of Action: Benfotiamine exerts it beneficial effects via a number of mechanisms.
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