Coding Boot Camps Fast Track Females into Innovation
by Natalie Shoemaker The gender gap is Silicon Valley, where fewer than one in five technical employees are women, is no longer a well-kept secret. But we can't just blame the computing industry for its dearth of female workers. The problem starts in school. As of 2012, the National Science Foundation reported only 18 percent of computer science degrees were obtained by women. Some institutions have been able to bring women back into the fold and bring those graduate rates up to 38 percent.
5 Tools to Introduce Programming to Kids
Digital Tools Arduino It’s hard to argue with the importance of teaching students how to use computers — how to turn on, log on, search the Web, and use applications. These skills are absolutely necessary for students’ academic success as well as for their future job prospects. Being able to use the Internet and operate computers is one thing, but it may be just as valuable to teach students how to code. Giving students an introduction to programming helps peel back the layers of what happens inside computers and how computers communicate with one another online.
How to Build a Hackintosh
Build a Hackintosh with better performance than a Mac Pro — for half the price. A comprehensive, free, step-by-step guide. Last updated March 2013 with the latest Intel Ivy Bridge processor and motherboard recommendations (which, it’s worth noting, are not available on the out-of-date Mac Pros) and OS X Mountain Lion-native installation instructions. We’ve also refreshed the nVidia GPUs. New in this latest build: Thunderbolt!
A String Game
All submissions for this problem are available. Teddy and Tracy like to play a game based on strings. The game is as follows. Initially, Tracy writes a long random string on a whiteboard. Then, each player starting with Teddy makes turn alternately.
9 great free activities for Hour of Code
Annual Hour of Code, during Computer Science Education Week, encourages educators and students to participate in one hour of coding Computer science skills have enjoyed more time in the spotlight as educators, policymakers and celebrities tout the importance of coding and programming skills. This year’s Hour of Code reinforces computer science’s growing importance.
SOPA Emergency IP list: So if these ass-fucks in DC decide to ruin the internet, here’s how to access your favorite sites in the event of a DNS takedown # News
Read, Write, Innovate!
Silicon Valley May 3rd, 4th, and 17th, 9am-4pm What do Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter have in common? They were all created by people who knew how to code. Programming is a skill that gives you the ability to create and innovate. That’s what CodeNow is for! We introduce you to programming in a fun and interactive way.
Look ahead Learn all about Firefox OS » Welcome to Webmaker! That username is taken You must choose a username Invalid username. All usernames must be between 1-20 characters, and only include "-", "_" and alphanumeric characters You must agree to our terms and conditions.
Teaching Kids to Code
Every era demands—and rewards—different skills. In different times and different places, we have taught our children to grow vegetables, build a house, forge a sword or blow a delicate glass, bake bread, create a soufflé, write a story or shoot hoops. Now we are teaching them to code. We are teaching them to code, however, not so much as an end in itself but because our world has morphed: so many of the things we once did with elements such as fire and iron, or tools such as pencil and paper, are now wrought in code. We are teaching coding to help our kids craft their future.
Jardín de infantes Pensamiento abstracto Games
10 free fun and educational games For your kindergarten child, these Abstract Thinking games will help your child identify and understand the relationship between abstract concepts and the concrete objects that they represent (beginning). These games teach valuable skills and have a high fun and educational rating.
The Best New Features of Adobe Photoshop CS6
Photoshop CS6 has some great new features that designers are sure to love. Upgrading from CS4 or CS5 is simple and straightforward, and the new tools are intuitive, practical, and extremely helpful for a wide variety of design purposes. Adobe put a lot of time and effort into their newest iteration of Photoshop. As a result, there are hundreds of improvements. Rather than trying to list every single one of them, here are a few of the most noteworthy additions in Photoshop CS6. Content Aware Move
Getting Started: Building a Chrome Extension
Extensions allow you to add functionality to Chrome without diving deeply into native code. You can create new extensions for Chrome with those core technologies that you're already familiar with from web development: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If you've ever built a web page, you should feel right at home with extensions pretty quickly; we'll put that to the test right now by walking through the construction of a simple extension that will give you one-click access to pictures of kittens. Kittens! We'll do so by implementing a UI element we call a browser action, which allows us to place a clickable icon right next to Chrome's Omnibox for easy access.
Why Kids Should Make the Video Games They Love to Play
When educator Lynn Koresh hears from kids that they want a career doing something with computers, she asks, “To do what with computers?” Adults often encourage kids to pursue science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) skills, and computing classes are usually a first stop. But Koresh knows it’s the real-world applications of computational thinking and coding language skills that bring such knowledge to life. She reasoned that most middle school students are already playing video games and might respond well to a unit on how to design, create, test and promote video games. Along the way, she’s also teaching them about digital citizenship and entrepreneurship. “I wanted to give kids exposure to what it means to have a career using computers,” said Koresh, technology coordinator at Edgewood Campus School in Madison, Wisconsin.