How to make wrapped leather bracelets « Rings and Things Let me begin by stating the obvious – this style of wrapped leather bracelet is EVERYWHERE this season. Everywhere! Even my athletic clothing catalogs – which only have maybe three pieces of jewelry – are featuring this style. Why? Because it is casual yet chic and infinitely customizable! The catalog (which shall remain nameless) priced each bracelet at $120. The supply list is pretty short: 4-6mm round beads We used gemstone beads, but glass, crystal beads or pearls would also be lovely. Wrapped bracelet made with green opal gemstone beads and natural Greek leather. The technique: Choose your bracelet length and cut your leather. If your button has a small loop, you might need to miter (angle) the leather end and pull it through with pliers. Other design options: Have fun creating your own wrapped bracelets! Need supplies? Other how-to’s: Q: “How do you start a new thread in the middle of the bracelet?” (answers selected from replies to blog comments)
anthropologie knock off vintage lace bracelet The prettiness from Monday and yesterday continues today with a little anthro-inspired bracelet tutorial. In a word, lovely. The lace-and-pearls embroidered on vintage lace is just loveliness. The idea came from Anthropologie (shocker, right?). You’ll need--two lengths of 6″x2″ ribbon or lace for the base and the backing (doesn’t have to be vintage, it gets covered)-enough vintage lace/trim to cover the your ‘base’ (see above)-extra lace/trim to tie-embroidery thread-invisible thread-beads, pearls, etc. for embellishing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DIY: Wearable words When I was looking around for tutorials on making paper beads, I found some really striking "book beads" and accessories, now collected in this post. I understand (after all the browsing) that you can make really durable "beads" easily ... very little time, skill or money required. Woohoo! Who doesn't need more jewelery? (UPDATE 6/12: See the follow up post for more wordy accessories) First, this wonderful necklace. Inexpensive, easy scrap-paper earrings? Need a little more inspiration?
bird nest necklace} I have been seeing a lot of bird nest jewelry around lately. They are beautiful and I love the trend so I thought I would try making my own. These turned out to be really easy to make and require just a few simple supplies. This necklace would make a lovely Mother's day gift, which just happens to be coming up this weekend! What you'll need: - Jewelry wire (I prefer using a 24 gage because it is easier to manipulate but the 20 gage can work well too with the help of some round nose pliers) - pearls or glass beads - necklace chain - jump ring and a clasp Select the beads you want, string them onto your wire and arrange them as you'd like. then simply wrap the wire around the beads wrap some wire in the space between each bead (I like the look of three loops but you could just do one or two if you prefer) this is what the back looked like. now attach a jump ring and a clasp to the end of a necklace chain and this is what you end up with :) I love how each one is so different
How to Make Clothing Buttons from Shrink Plastic… This tutorial is an old one of mine that’s too good not to share again. Since posting the first time, I’ve had lots of questions about these buttons which will hopefully be answered in this revised post. Equipment Some handy notes: 1. single hole, hole punch (like this one here). 2. 3. Okay.. lets get started! Tracing tips: You can use either coloured pencils or permanent pens. Words must be writted backwards in order to be readable. Shrinking the buttons: To shrink the buttons, you can use an oven or a heat gun (the kind used for embellishing). After the buttons have twisted and twirled, and are LYING FLAT, it’s time to take them out. Note: If the skrinking is taking too long, you may need to turn your oven up. Here’s a short little stop-motion to make sure you’ve got the gist of how easy this is! Shrink Paper {here} Circle Punch {here} Hole punch {here} Pens {here} Update: I’ve made a video to show how to shrink the buttons using a craft embellishment heat gun. Kimanh Hi my name's Kimanh.
couds moi un dressing mini scalloped felt flowers Another felt flower! These are easy and so cute. I made them by first cutting out flowers with my Go Baby! Rose of Sharon die. You could cut a flower shape out by hand easily, too. Then I started cutting a spiral shape like so… Continue til you get to the middle, ending with a little circular shape. Then starting with the outside end, glue and roll toward the inside. Continue gluing and rolling… …then at the end tuck and glue the little circular shape. A finished little rosette! I added three to a headband, and they also look really sweet on clips! **Also, a few people asked where I got my elastic headbands-I found them at the dollar store awhile ago! **I used a plain old hot glue gun for the gluing!
A beaded fabric flower necklace tutorial Lately, I've noticed both Etsy and Anthro featuring fabric beaded necklaces. I've also noticed a lot of fabric flowers. So, I decided to combine the two and make myself this necklace. I was going for a Halloween type vibe, but I think it can pass for a post Halloween necklace too. As a matter of fact, it would be a great Christmas gift. Below is a tutorial on how to make the necklace. Supplies Necklace fabric: 2" to 3" strip by width of fabric (43"). Instructions Step 1. 1) To determine how wide the casing should be, wrap the fabric around your bead and make note of how much fabric was used. 4) Dab the fabric ends with fray check. Step 2. 1) Insert one bead at a time through the casing. 2) With matching thread, wrap and tie off the end of the right bead. 3) Insert your needle under the fabric and pull the thread through. 4) Once the needle and thread have reached the space between the 2 beads, wrap the thread around the space. Next we'll make the flowers. Good news! Enjoy! JamieP.S.
How to Make a Fork Bracelet DIY Fashion and Craft Tutorials | Stars for StreetlightsStars for Streetlights I've always loved taking everyday items and making them into something interesting. Ever since I was a little crafty kid I loved devouring books that taught me how to make little dolls from clothespins, beads from rolled up magazines, and little fairy ornaments from wire and fake flower petals. The first time I saw my friend wearing a bracelet made from a fork a few years ago, I knew I had to try it (*ahem Carly ;)). I wrote up a tutorial a while back, but I've had some questions about the directions I gave so I decided to make a proper tutorial with a video! (Please excuse my intro, if you can't hustle your website on your Youtube channel, where else are you supposed to do it? What you need:♥ A fork. I think these forks are the easiest to use, and I've used a lot of different forks. :)♥ Pliers, 3 pairs. 1 jewelry pair, 1 regular pair or needle nose, and an adjustable wrench.♥ Piece of thick fabric like denim or corduroy.♥ Strong hands. I've always really liked layering bracelets.
Anthro Necklace Week – Paisley Rebirth Necklace Anthro Necklace Week Day 4! In case you have not visited this week – it is officially Anthropologie Necklace Week! 5 Days of Tutorials ending in 5 Lovely Giveaways!! If you need to catch up, here are Days 1, 2 a & 3. If you’re not a follower – maybe you should do that so you don’t forget to check in for Day 5. :) Pretty-In-Pinking Tutorial Pontentilla Bib Tutorial Narcissus Net Tutorial Today we are creating the Adorable Paisley Rebirth Necklace. Where on earth do they come up with the names for these?? Here is mine: And here is theirs: This one is a blast to do. I went with a little darker colors than they did because I just fell in love with the fabric in the scarf I found. Here’s your handy dandy tutorial!! Materials: Sewing Machine (you can hand sew it, it will just take longer) Supplies: Scarf or lightweight fabric (you need enough for a 33″ x 12″ piece)Silver chain – 4 yardsSmall pieces of different chains2 Large beaded pieces or pins (I bought these at Michaels)Needle and matching thread
DIY Lanvin-inspired Pearl and ribbon necklace Supplies- Satin Ribbon-I used two different sizes but you don't have to. Large rhinestone pendant Assorted sizes of pearl beads Beading thread Thin lace trim First I started by beading the pearls onto the thread. I did a graduated beading to add some interest. I beaded the pearls with the thread still attached to the spool, this way I could make sure I had enough length. Continue beading the large pearls and then begin incorporating the small pearls again working back up to the large pearls. Once your done beading, tie a knot large enough for the beads to not move around on each end. Then I took about a yard of ribbon and laced it through the loop of the pendant. Pull both ends of the thread through the pendant loop. At this point I decided I wanted to add some lace trim to the necklace. At the opposite end of the pearls you should have the ends of the lace trim. Voila! Thoughts- -I think I'm going to sew the lace trim to the pearl beads. Enjoy! xoxo, Amanda
DIY Chan Luu Bracelet « My goal this holiday season was to really try my best to make some homemade gifts. So far I’m doing pretty well with my wreath, some burlap covered candles, some personalized coasters and this past weekend I gave a try at some jewelry. You may have noticed how wrap bracelets are everywhere lately. Chan Luu bracelets are extremely popular these days. They come in singles and also in wraps. I love love the look of these bracelets. I did the top bracelet by simply following this tutorial. 1. 2.Bring your needle up under the right cord through the center and pull the thread through. 3. 4. You will just continue to do this for every bead. I love my followers so come and join!! Like this: Like Loading... Related Leather Wrap Bracelet The other day I was in Michael's craft store grabbing some material for a small project I'm working on when I walked by the jewelry isle. With 2 comments Another {DIY} Bracelet I don't know what has gotten into me but I'm on a major bracelet kit. With 6 comments
FurnityurMolds: Master class #3. Transparent floral bracelet. You can buy our bracelet silicone molds for epoxy resin on Dawanda or Etsy. 1. Wash mold to remove dust.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The bracelet is ready! Our shops Follow us Tutorial: Sparkly Raindrop Pendant from Antique Fishing Lure « Hazel & Agnes I’ve had these antique silver fishing lures in my stash for quite some time, and the other day it struck me that they’re quite familiarly shaped like raindrops. Paired with two of my favorite crafting products, glitter and Mod Podge Dimensional Magic, it makes for a lovely pendant. Full tutorial after the jump! Leave me a comment if you make it! Tags: accessory, cloud, craft, diy, glitter, how-to, jewelry, Mod Podge Dimensional Magic, necklace, pearl, pendant, project, rain, raindrop, showers, sparkle, tutorial