Missouri Lieutenant Governor calls for grand jury in Maryville rape case
The combined force of Daisy and Melinda Coleman’s refusal to remain silent, Dugan Arnett’s nuanced reporting and the Internet’s collective outrage has pushed Missouri Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder and other officials to call on the state’s attorney general and Nodaway County Prosecutor Richard Rice to revisit the rape case that has inflamed the nation. Kinder released a statement late Tuesday calling for an investigation into the case, in which Daisy, then only 14-years-old, was allegedly sexually assaulted by football player Matthew Barnett and left — alone, barely conscious and wearing only a T-shirt and sweatpants — on her doorstep on a freezing winter morning. After Daisy and Melinda reported the alleged assault, charges were filed against Barnett, then abruptly dropped without explanation. “I hope that responsible officials will join me in this call for a grand jury to make the final call on whether criminal charges should or should not be filed,” Kinder said in the statement.
The Secret
don't worry, nobody has the beautiful lady, not really, and nobody has the strange and hidden power, nobody is exceptional or wonderful or magic, they only seem to be it's all a trick, an in, a con, don't buy it, don't believe it. the world is packed with billions of people whose lives and deaths are useless and when one of these jumps up and the light of history shines upon them, forget it, it's not what it seems, it's just another act to fool the fools again. there are no strong men, there are no beautiful women. at least, you can die knowing this and you will have the only possible victory.
The Central Intelligence Agency 9/11 File: Hundreds of Secret Agency Documents on Osama Bin Laden Declassified
Washington, D.C., June 19, 2012 – The National Security Archive today is posting over 100 recently released CIA documents relating to September 11, Osama bin Laden, and U.S. counterterrorism operations. The newly-declassified records, which the Archive obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, are referred to in footnotes to the 9/11 Commission Report and present an unprecedented public resource for information about September 11. The collection includes rarely released CIA emails, raw intelligence cables, analytical summaries, high-level briefing materials, and comprehensive counterterrorism reports that are usually withheld from the public because of their sensitivity.
The Zelikow Memo: Internal Critique of Bush Torture Memos Declassified
Washington, DC, April 3, 2012 – The State Department today released a February 2006 internal memo from the Department's then-counselor opposing Justice Department authorization for "enhanced interrogation techniques" by the CIA. All copies of the memo (Document 1), which reflect strong internal disagreement within the George W. Bush administration over the constitutionality of such techniques, were thought to have been destroyed. But the State Department located a copy and declassified it in response to a Freedom of Information Act request by the National Security Archive. The author of the memo, Philip D. Zelikow, counselor to then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, described the context of the memo in congressional testimony on May 13, 2009, and in an article he had previously published on foreignpolicy.com site on April 21, 2009.
Science Reporter Emily Graslie Reads Her Mail — And It's Not So Nice : Krulwich Wonders...
I've said it before, so I'll say it again: Emily Graslie's "The Brain Scoop" is one of the warmest, slyest video blogs on the web. She's where I go to find out what museum scientists are up to — and right now she's at the Field Museum in Chicago, where she wanders from department to department, exploring, delighting, asking questions that you and I would ask if someone gave us a free pass to gawk our way through one of the great natural history museums in the world. So I was more than a little surprised to catch her recent post, a meditation on the mail she gets. It turns out her mail is, well, troubling. Many of the folks who write her, write not about the science, but about her body, her looks, her clothes, and do so without any apparent embarrassment. She's a science reporter who happens to be a young woman, and her woman-ness is the thing they focus on.
Japanese Folktales
selected and edited by D. L. Ashliman © 1998-2008
Project Azorian: The CIA's Declassified History of the Glomar Explorer
Posted - February 12, 2010 Edited by Matthew Aid with William Burr and Thomas Blanton For more information contact: 202/994-7000 Washington, D.C., February 12, 2010 - For the first time, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has declassified substantive information on one of its most secret and sensitive schemes, "Project Azorian," the Agency codename for its ambitious plan to raise a sunken Soviet submarine from the floor of the Pacific Ocean in order to retrieve its secrets. Today the National Security Archive publishes "Project Azorian: The Story of the Hughes Glomar Explorer," a 50-page article from the fall 1985 edition of the Agency's in-house journal Studies in Intelligence. Written by a participant in the operation whose identity remains classified, the article discusses the conception and planning of the retrieval effort and the creation of a special ship, the Glomar Explorer, which raised portions of the submarine in August 1974.
Since 2002, The “Notorious US Human Rights Abuses” (i.e., Tortures) of 169 Young Arabs Continue in Guantanamo
Hope Dies at Guantánamo The tragic case of Adnan Farhan Abdul Latif hit a dead end when the US Supreme Court issued an order refusing to hear his case last week. Latif, a Yemeni man, has been imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay since January 2002, after being detained while traveling to seek medical treatment. Latif had suffered serious head injuries as the result of a car accident in 1994, and the Yemeni government paid for him to receive treatment in Jordan at that time. But his medical problems persisted, and in 1999 Yemen’s Ministry of Public Health recommended that Latif undergo tests, therapy and surgical procedures at his own expense.
57 Women Stoned To Death During Annual Riyadh Fashion Week
RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA—With local organizers and attendees hailing the event as a “major success,” the Saudi Arabian capital Riyadh wrapped up its 10th annual fashion week Friday, a star-studded international showcase of the latest trends during which 57 women were pelted to death by stones. The glamorous high-fashion event, which debuted the fall couture collections of Calvin Klein, Diane Von Furstenberg, and Anna Sui among others, took place over seven days in the city’s upscale Olaya district and claimed the lives of dozens of models, assistants, and designers, as well as 19 female audience members whose outfits exposed parts of their bodies other than their eyes or hands. “I’m already starting to save up my rocks for next year’s Fashion Week,” Awad added. “I can’t wait.” Fashion Week organizers confirmed that this year’s turnout was the highest in the event’s history, attracting thousands of eager stone-wielding visitors from all over the Middle East.
Great Books Index - List of Titles
An Index to Online Great Books in English Translation To obtain an index of an author's works, including any known online editions of each work, and online articles about that author, select the author's name. To obtain an index of online editions of a particular work, select the name of that work.