Social Networking, Pearltrees & Curation can increase Hubpages Traffic
How do the Numbers Add up Statistically here, using Pearltrees I've increased my traffic levels here, using Pearltrees significantly, in the short 5 months I've been a writer for hubpages. This form of social sharing is definitely going to change how you view the web, entirely, and this sharing actually will make hubpages much more popular, once more people catch on to the sharing on Pearltrees as well. I shared my hubs 100+ times on Pearltrees the first week, & I track the stats on both Google Analytics for Hubpages traffic, as well as on Hubpages for pearl stats. Sharing Amongst the social community of Pearltrees Pearltrees is amazing when it comes to sharing hubs, web locations, or any other content that has a URL (web address). There's a Bookmarklet that helps users to pearl as they browse web locations, and its done super fast, since the plugin tool gets embedded into your web browser, shown in the image below.