Social entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurship is the process of pursuing innovative solutions to social problems. More specifically, social entrepreneurs adopt a mission to create and sustain social value. They pursue opportunities to serve this mission, while continuously adapting and learning. They draw upon appropriate thinking in both the business and nonprofit worlds and operate in all kinds of organizations: large and small; new and old; religious and secular; nonprofit, for-profit, and hybrid.[1] Business entrepreneurs typically measure performance in profit and return, but social entrepreneurs also take into account a positive return to society.
Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship - What is a social entrepreneur?
What is a Social Entrepreneur? Social entrepreneurs drive social innovation and transformation in various fields including education, health, environment and enterprise development. They pursue poverty alleviation goals with entrepreneurial zeal, business methods and the courage to innovate and overcome traditional practices.
Best 101 Entrepreneurship Quotes Ever · 14 Clicks
I’m a big fan of quotes. I could read them all day long. Some quotes can shift your entire mindset on something while others are just nice to bring up in conversations.
DebateGraph is an award-winning, web-platform for visualizing and sharing networks of thought – and opening reasoning and action to collaborative learning and iterative improvement.Create your own maps and explore and contribute to maps created by amongst others: CNN, the White House, the UK Prime Minister's Office, The Independent, and the Foreign Office. DebateGraph is being used in over 100 countries and helping people reason and learn together more effectively in many different fields, including: education, health, governance, media, publishing, environment, conflict resolution, conferences, group facilitation, and public consultation and planning.There's no limit to the number of people who can collaborate on maps, and you are welcome to start building and sharing public and private maps on any topic now. Copyright © 2014 Thoughtgraph Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Registration No: 0584316 VAT No: 994672852. Terms & Privacy (including our Cookie Policy).
Our Investments
OUR PORTFOLIO COMPANIES are among the most cutting-edge technology companies in the world. Our venture capital investments cover a broad spectrum of technologies and markets, including software, hardware, telecommunications, application services, materials science, and clean technologies. BusinessLayers (acquired by Netegrity, which was acquired by Computer Associates) provides provisioning solutions, which form the cornerstone of today’s Identity Management and Security initiatives. CaseStack is a logistics outsourcing provider that provides clients with all of the advantages that the largest corporations enjoy without the infrastructure investment. harnesses the complexity of identifying more air travel options, to ensure that the lowest priced flights are chosen as often as possible.
The New Heroes . What is Social Entrepreneurship?
Photo: Mitch Wilson A social entrepreneur identifies and solves social problems on a large scale. Just as business entrepreneurs create and transform whole industries, social entrepreneurs act as the change agents for society, seizing opportunities others miss in order to improve systems, invent and disseminate new approaches and advance sustainable solutions that create social value. Unlike traditional business entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs primarily seek to generate "social value" rather than profits. And unlike the majority of non-profit organizations, their work is targeted not only towards immediate, small-scale effects, but sweeping, long-term change.
10 Questions to Ask Before Family and Friends Become Business Partners
Lidia and Uli Fluhme, married founders of Gran Fondo NY, were inspired to become business partners by their shared loved for cycling. Bringing a family member or friend on board as a business partner may seem like a fine idea, but the relationship can prove tricky to navigate--or to end, if things don't go well. "It's easy to get into business, but it's hard to get out," says Wayne Rivers, president of the Family Business Institute, a consulting firm based in Raleigh, N.C. That means you need to take a step back and think carefully before partnering with a friend or relative. Here are 10 key questions to consider: Are we in it for the same reasons?
By Social Entrepreneurs, For Social Entrepreneurs®
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How jet engine is made - material, manufacture, history, used, parts, components, dimensions, product, industry, machine, Design, Raw Materials, The Manufacturing Process of jet engine
Background The jet engine is the power plant of today's jet aircraft, producing not only the thrust that propels the aircraft but also the power that fuels many of the aircraft's other systems. Jet engines operate according to Newton's third law of motion, which states that every force acting on a body produces an equal and opposite force. The jet engine works by drawing in some of the air through which the aircraft is moving, compressing it, combining it with fuel and heating it, and finally ejecting the ensuing gas with such force that the plane is propelled forward. The power produced by such engines is expressed in terms of pounds of thrust, a term that refers to the number of pounds the engine can move. The jet engine, like many technological innovations, took a long time to progress from concept to design to execution.