Superbug gonorrhoea found in Japan - health - 13 July 2011
An untreatable strain of the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhoea, resistant to all existing antibiotics, has been identified in Japan. The news follows warnings last week from the US Centers for Disease Control that it is only a matter of time before invincible strains of Neisseria gonorrhoea emerge in the US. The Japanese superbug, called H041, was isolated by Magnus Unemo at the Örebro University Hospital in Sweden, and reported this week at the International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease Research meeting in Quebec, Canada. Unemo, who found the bug in strains from Kyoto, says that it could go global in 10 to 20 years. The CDC reports that some gonorrhoea strains in the US can now only be killed with one class of antibiotics – the cephalosporins.
The story of the Gmbc
September 2009 Play this movie to see the Gömböc wriggle. This article is also available as a podcast. A Gömböc is a strange thing.
Performance gear and gaming
There are three things in life you can be sure of: death, Taxes and PC Format being a cracking read from start to finish. Those first two aren't too enticing, so why not go to town with PC Format and enjoy a monthly dose of hardware and gaming reviews, dusted off nicely with a tasty helping of getting more from your PC. Whether you're into using your PC to play back movies in your living room, overclocking your rig to take on the world, or up for a more relaxing few hours fragging everyone in sight, PC Format is there to aid, entertain, inform and more often than not surprise.
Womb with a View: Labor inside an MRI Scanner Reveals the Mechanics of Childbirth: Scientific American Gallery
In 2010 a woman in Germany became the first person to give birth inside a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner. The results, published May 2 in European Radiology, provide an extraordinary view of what exactly happens as a baby moves through the birth canal. The study details how the researchers adapted a regular MRI machine to hold the mother-to-be and her accoutrements.
20 free Photoshop brushes packs for vintage designs
These free Photoshop brushes should make it much easier to create your own vintage design. Although these packs are free, make sure you read the usage requirements before you use them in your projects. 1. 1960′s News Ads 2. Old Maps 3.
Girl, 10, has vein made from her own stem cells successfully transplanted
The Swedish team grew a vein for the young girl using her own bone marrow stem cells. Photograph: Anne-Christine Poujoulat/AFP/Getty Images Scientists have successfully transplanted a vein made from a 10-year-old girl's own stem cells into her body.
First handmade subpixel type family, ever
It has x-height of 3 pixels, it is italic, inspired by old masters and most important – made by hand. You must not look too closely, because colors get visible. It's work in progress. Here: I am also writing a program which will set text automatically. These horizontal lines in the picture is actually information about glyph unicode value and positioning.
Silky scheme for vaccine storage without refrigeration - health - 09 July 2012
Silkworms may provide a novel way to store vaccines. Preventable infections kill millions of children in poor countries, partly because reliable refrigeration for vaccines isn't always available. Vaccines are refrigerated to slow the rate at which the biological molecules they contain gradually degrade, largely due to contact with water.
Extend the Web with Dropbox – Web.AppStorm
A web tool and a desktop application all rolled into one utility, Dropbox appears to have addressed an issue that has long plagued computer users — synchronization. Developers from many of the big names in this industry have tried and failed at synchronization. In a way, it has been the holy grail of mobile computing, And yet, none of the big names were able to give users an acceptable solution.
Flu vaccines for all children
25 July 2012Last updated at 04:31 ET Nasally introduced flu vaccine All two to 17-year-olds in the UK are to be offered annual flu vaccinations. If 30% take up the offer, there will be 11,000 fewer hospitalisations and 2,000 fewer deaths each year, the chief medical officer for England says. The children will be immunised using a nasal spray rather than an injection, starting in 2014 at the earliest.
Google Has A Solution For Internet Explorer: Turn It Into Chrome
People hate IE6; they’ve made that abundantly clear on the web. Unfortunately, plenty of people are still stuck using it for reasons such as their work not letting them upgrade. So Google is doing something about it. Chrome Frame is a new browser plug-in developed by Google to give you a Chrome browsing experience inside of Internet Explorer.