Related: Edu Theory
Promising remedial math reform in Tennessee expands A group of community colleges in Tennessee is going into local high schools to try to help more students get ready for college math. The experiment has showed impressive early results, and now the state’s governor is forking over serious money to expand it. The four community colleges have worked with teachers at local high schools to run math labs for 600 high school seniors who appeared likely to place into remedial tracks after high school. Pass rates have been high. Even better, 25 percent of those students completed a credit-bearing, college-level math course while still in high school (remedial math is typically noncredit). “They were completely done with math before they even started” college, said Kimberly G. Bill Haslam, the state’s Republican governor, caught wind of the project. That money has allowed 114 high schools and all 13 of the state’s community colleges to participate. Officials in Tennessee aren’t stopping there. 'Not Just Talk' Changes are also afoot in Florida.
A Review of B. F. Skinner's Verbal Behavior Preface Rereading this review after eight years, I find little of substance that I would change if I were to write it today. I am not aware of any theoretical or experimental work that challenges its conclusions; nor, so far as I know, has there been any attempt to meet the criticisms that are raised in the review or to show that they are erroneous or ill-founded. I had intended this review not specifically as a criticism of Skinner's speculations regarding language, but rather as a more general critique of behaviorist (I would now prefer to say "empiricist") speculation as to the nature of higher mental processes. If I were writing today on the same topic, I would try to make it more clear than I did that I was discussing Skinner's proposals as a paradigm example of a futile tendency in modern speculation about language and mind. References in the Preface Chomsky, N., "Explanatory Models in Linguistics," in Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, ed. Katz, J. and P. Miller, G.
Greenpeace UK Dimon Joins Billionaires to Debunk Attack on Top 1% - Video piaget - Montessori Answers There really isn't that much difference, and for good reason. The experimental nursery school in Geneva, La Maison des Petits, where Piaget carried out his first studies of children in the 1920s, was a modified Montessori institution, and Piaget was the head of the Swiss Montessori Society for many years. The two philosophies have a lot in common both Montessori and Piaget were constructionists who believed that children develop in a progression sequence or order.
Why Physicist Michio Kaku Is Wrong About U.S. Science Students: It’s the Incentives, Stupid – Mike the Mad Biologist While physicist Michio Kaku is correct when he suggests that immigration has been an incredible boon for U.S. science, he's dead wrong when he claims that U.S. students are bad at science: The information revolution has a weakness, and the weakness is precisely the educational system. The United States has the worst educational system known to science. Our graduates compete regularly at the level of third world countries. So how come the scientific establishment of the United States doesn't collapse? When I first came across Kaku's statement, I said to myself, "Crap. I part company with Kaku when he asserts that American students can't do science (or that there aren't enough of them - I'm not sure which he's arguing). It might be that many Americans don't go into science not because they are incapable (or lazy or damaged by their education), but because they're smart. I agree. When my father finished Harvard Law School in 1948, he went to work at one of the best law firms in New York.
elbow Occupy the Mind: Progressive Moral Agenda for the 21st Century by Richard Wolff, Cornel West, The Rev. Dr. Serene Jones, Rabbi Michael Lerner , James Vrettos and The Rev. Stephen H. Phelps. Published on March 17, 2012 Professor Wolff's lecture: Video of full event: Question and Answer: On Sunday, January 22nd, The Riverside Church hosted "Occupy the Mind: Progressive Moral Agenda for the 21st Century" featuring the "Shared Reflections and Conversations With": Dr. Visit Professor Wolff's social movement project, democracyatwork.info. Permission to reprint Professor Wolff's writing and videos is granted on an individual basis.
San Diego Schools - San Diego California School Ratings Atheism: Logic & Fallacies [ Español / Spanish ] Introduction There is a lot of debate on the net. Unfortunately, much of it is of very low quality. The Concise Oxford English Dictionary defines logic as "the science of reasoning, proof, thinking, or inference." There are many kinds of logic, such as fuzzy logic and constructive logic; they have different rules, and different strengths and weaknesses. What logic isn't It's worth mentioning a couple of things which logic is not. First, logical reasoning is not an absolute law which governs the universe. Second, logic is not a set of rules which govern human behavior. John wishes to speak to whoever is in charge. Unfortunately, John may have a conflicting goal of avoiding Steve, meaning that the reasoned answer may be inapplicable to real life. This document only explains how to use logic; you must decide whether logic is the right tool for the job. Arguments Many types of argument exist; we will discuss the deductive argument . valid or invalid premises inference conclusion
Flash Earth - Zoom into satellite and aerial imagery of the Earth in Flash