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12 Visualizations That Will Change the Way You View Scale in Your World

12 Visualizations That Will Change the Way You View Scale in Your World
Scale is a simple concept. From a very early age, children know about big and small, heavy and light, more and less. Extreme scales, however, are another story. Try to imagine, for example, the size of the universe… or $1 trillion made up entirely of dollar bills. Below are 12 visualizations that try to show things at extreme scales. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Infographic originally published on 10. xkcd’s creator, Randall Munroe seems to enjoy visualizations of scale. 11. 12. Humans all fit within a small range of sizes, weights, and lifespans, and the quantities we deal with typically fit in small ranges as well. Drew Skau is a PhD Computer Science Visualization student at UNCC, with an undergraduate degree in Architecture.

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