Related: 21st century teaching and learning
Utiliser un réseau social en classe: les bonnes questions à se poser avant de se lancer Quelles questions se poser avant de lancer sa classe sur un réseau social? Je reprends dans ce prezi le billet que j’avais écrit ici il y a un an. Prezi qui servira de base à la formation des nouveaux enseignants que j’assurerai pour l’académie de Poitiers en mars. " Vous voulez introduire les réseaux sociaux dans votre pédagogie? Voici quelques conseils et pistes de réflexion avant de se lancer: Je prends en exemple dans cette fiche pratique le réseau social Twitter mais c’est adaptable à d’autres comme Facebook. Avant de commencer : je recommande de l’utiliser personnellement pour bien le maîtriser. Tweeter en classe mais pour quoi faire ? On n’entre pas avec sa classe en réseau social comme on entrerait n’importe où. B. L’usage peut se restreindre uniquement sur le temps de classe proprement dit. Mais il est évident que l’utilisation du web 2.0 décloisonne la classe: l’enseignant entre facilement en communication et interaction avec ses élèves en dehors du temps de classe. C. D. En classe:
The 21st century pedagogy teachers should be aware of Interpersonal learning , personalized learning, second life learning , 3d learning, collaborative learning and virtual learning , these are just some of the few buzz words you would be be reading so often in today’s educational literature. Things have changed , old methods and pedagogies are no longer relevant. The teacher-controlled learning where pre-constructed information is presented in a formal and standardized classroom settings becomes very obsolete. Advancements in technology and particularly social networking technologies are changing the whole educational framework . It is evident now that we are in front of two different versions of learner one is labeleed the the 20th century learning and the second is called the 21st century learning. To help you better understand the pillars of this pedagogy you need to watch this short video to see how different the 20th century teacher from the 21st century one. 20th century and 21st century teachers Collaborative team work.
Study: iPad Apps Improve Learning First of its kind evidence shows that an iPad learning app can measurably deliver educational value. I’ve tested, rated, tried out, and put tons of educational iPad apps through their paces. Some are worthwhile, some are not worth your time. That’s why I was excited to read about a new study that attempted to figure out the actual effectiveness of iPad apps in learning. In a landmark study, a USC professor studied 122 fifth-graders from two schools and four math classes to assess the effectiveness of an iPad app for improving students’ fractions knowledge and attitudes. The study is the first to document learning and motivation gains achieved through iPad game play. Education researcher Michelle Riconscente (Los Angeles) designed and constructed the study, which was funded by a grant from the Noyce Foundation and Stanford StartX company, Motion Math . • 5th graders fractions test scores improved 15% after playing Motion Math, for 20 minutes over 5 days.
Teaching with Google+ Stream This is like Facebook's News Feed, where the sharing happens. Updates, links and other media from the people you follow will show up here. Posts aren't "hidden," but are "muted."Circles This was a defining feature for Google+ when it was released -- a selling point that allows users to add people to different "circles" as a way of separating content, updates and the general mixing of different areas of your life. Whereas Facebook lumps everyone together in a single feed, Google+ streams allow you far more flexibility. Users are currently split regarding how well this works in application. Most of the differences between Google+ and Facebook are a matter of branding: one company's "follow" is another company's "Add to Circles." Beginning Classroom Integration Of course, it is far more than a Facebook clone. 1) Basic: Communication The most basic way Google+ can function in your classroom is as an avenue of communication. 2) Intermediate: Project Management Tips Closing Tips
Identité Numérique et Réseaux sociaux La notion d’identité numérique est au cœur de l’actualité notamment au sein de l’éducation nationale avec la maîtrise de celle-ci par les élèves dans le socle commun de connaissances et de compétences. Voici un exemple de support de cours visant à sensibiliser les élèves à cette notion ainsi qu’un TD permettant de mieux contrôler ses informations sur internet et notamment sur les réseaux sociaux. Ce document regroupe toutes les différentes notions à aborder dans le cours. Ce n’est bien sûr que des notes qu’il faut compléter d’exemples pour les rendre plus explicite. Séance 2h Et voici le Power Point de présentation regroupant le cours puis le TD à la suite. Nous mettons à votre disposition ces deux outils Identités numériques et réseaux sociaux de Bagieu Cécile, Barraud Aude-Lise et mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution – Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale – Pas de Modification 2.0 France. Like this: J'aime chargement…
Flipped Classroom A New Learning Revolution There has been a growing buzz around a recently coined phrase " Flipped Classroom". This term starts to take root in education as more and more educators are discovering it. So what is this all about and what are its advantages in learning and teaching? ( Awesome Infographic included below ) Flipped Classroom is an inverted method of instruction where teaching and learning take place online outside of the class while homework is done in the classroom. Flipped Classroom shifts the learning responsibility and ownership from the teacher's hands into the students'. Flipped Classroom depends a lot on educational technology and web 2.0 tools such as podcasting and screencasting applications. "In most Flipped Classrooms, there is an active and intentional transfer of some of the information delivery to outside of the classroom with the goal of freeing up time to make better use of the face-to-face interaction in school. Read the following inforgraphic for more details
Social media for trainers: think differently! I did a workshop last Friday on the conference 'Trends voor Trainers'. The topic was: social media as learning instrument. Amazing that I don't have to translate the title of the conference for you, I'm sure you can make sense of it in English! I forgot my adaptor (really stupid of me) and felt very disorganised working on various different laptops and computers. Skype for instance looks so differently on a Windows computer. I started with a line up: from no engagement with social media to intensive engagement. Here's the presentation that followed.
30 Inspiring Pinterest Pins for Teachers | Best Colleges Online Posted on Monday January 2, 2012 by Staff Writers Over the past year, Pinterest has become one of the most popular social media sites out there, letting people create boards composed of various “pins” from the web, that organize ideas on just about any topic under the sun. Teachers have gotten in on the act as well, sharing lesson plans, classroom photos, cute ideas, and inspirational materials with others in the profession and anyone on the web who wants to learn more about education. Whether you’re a teacher yourself, still a college student, or just want some educational inspiration for a kid in your life, check out these great Pinterest pins. You’ll find some motivational quotes, great craft ideas, and new ways to make your lessons fun and exciting! Classroom promisesThese classroom promises are inspirational to you and your students alike, whether they’re in grade school or high school. Learning through TwisterA whole new twist on Twister is found on this pin.