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5 best Minecraft Prisons servers (2021) The most effective and top-tier Minecraft prison servers provide all Minecraft players with the chance to enjoy a new, exciting prison and mining experience. There is a myriad of Minecraft prisons servers out there to pick from. All of them can provide a rewarding and fun experience. If you're not sure which specific prison server to opt for, however, then you're at the right spot. 1.) IP Address: io.purpleprison.net Purple Prison is the absolute best Prison server in Minecraft. If you are looking for the best Prison server experience, look no further. With features like epic PvP events, custom Mining pickaxes, rankup rewards, and even free donator ranks just for playing, this server is truly one of the best choices for Minecraft prison. 2.) IP Address: mcp.prisonfun.com Looking for a prison server where you can do anything and everything? 3.) IP Address: akumamc.ddns.net Behave or face the consequences of the guards! 4.) IP Address: blocks.moxmc.net 5.) IP Address: chaoticprison.ddns.net
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