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Gidsy: Book and offer tours, activities, workshops, local events and more exciting things to do

Gidsy: Book and offer tours, activities, workshops, local events and more exciting things to do

City Guides While every retail PR dummy in the world has been spewing the ‘concept store’ tag for nearly a decade now, credit where it’s due, Voo Store is a bona fide bricks-and-mortar concept. And what that means for the layman, one unversed in buzzwords and the correct angle to wear a snapback this season? Well… This former locksmiths has been converted into an expansively cool space where fashion, art and design mingle effortlessly, as if free prosecco were on tap. Rather than just presenting trendy clothes and accessories from both established and leftfield names, the offering is more all-encompassing than that. Displays and furniture double-up as a showcase for contemporary design whereas the products for sale stretch out from the fashion world to include unique trinkets, gift ideas, and coffee table books. Through this breadth and ambience, Voo represents a young, creative and style-conscious scene unlike any other store in the city.

Tempelhofer Park, Berlin - Parklandschaft Tempelhof, Tempelhofer Feld, Flughafen Tempelhof, Tempelhofer Freiheit Home - ECF | Efficient City Farming Urban Farming: Tomaten und Radieschen sprießen in Berlin - Wirtschaft 02.04.2013 08:27 UhrVon Luisa Degenhardt Bild vergrößern Auf dem Tempelhofer Feld oder in den Prinzessinnengärten: Städter bauen ihr eigenes Gemüse an. Geboren wurde die Idee vor 40 Jahren in New York. Der Wind pfeift scharf über das Tempelhofer Feld. „Wir wollen hier nicht nur Beete bewirtschaften, sondern auch ein Gemeinschaftsgefühl wachsen lassen“, erzählt Kristin Radix, die zum festen Organisationsteam des „Allmende Kontors“ gehört. Verantwortung, das ist die Grundidee des Urban Farming, das sich derzeit überall auf der Welt durchsetzt. Die Beweggründe der Urban Farmers sind vielfältig. Es gehe aber auch um eine Rückkehr zur Natur, meint Meyer-Renschhausen.

The greater role of normalized data in the age of context. | The Otherland Group With this post I just want to share a thought I had today. Our mission at Otherland is to make your wold smarter, by providing you with data in the right context, when and where you need it. This is why we started to build our Context Engine in 2012. This is what we recently did with the hack “Context Booster” for Evernote: we gather data from all kinds of different sources, normalize it in the process of understanding it semanticaly and present it to you in a context, where it makes sense and improves your life. Yesterday finally the developer site for Google Glass went online and while I was studying it, to get a better idea of what will be possible to achieve as a developer, I realized that Glass will accelerate something, we at Otherland anticipate since our first thoughts about the Context Engine: The greater role of normalized data in the age of context. What is the reason for that? What you want is access to the data, which helps in that particular moment and context.
