Northern and southern China Northern China and southern China[1] are two approximate regions within China. The exact boundary between these two regions has never been precisely defined. Nevertheless, the self-perception of Chinese people, especially regional stereotypes, has often been dominated by these two concepts, given that regional differences in culture and language have historically fostered strong regional identities (乡土, xiangtu, 'localism') of the Chinese people.[2] Extent[edit] Often used as the geographical dividing line between northern and southern China is the Huai River–Qin Mountains Line. This line approximates the 0°C January isotherm and the 800 millimetres (31 in) isohyet in China. Culturally, however, the division is more ambiguous. The Northeast (Manchuria) and Inner Mongolia, areas that are often thought of as being outside "China proper", are also conceived to belong to northern China according to the framework above. History[edit] Episodes of division into North and South include: Today[edit]
Chinese herbology Dried herbs and plant portions for Chinese herbology at a Xi'an market The term herbology is misleading in the sense that, while plant elements are by far the most commonly used substances, animal, human, and mineral products are also utilized. Thus, the term "medicinal" (instead of herb) is usually preferred as a translation for 药 (pinyin: yào).[2] The effectiveness of traditional Chinese herbal therapy remains poorly documented.[3] There are concerns over a number of potentially toxic Chinese herbs.[4] History[edit] Chinese herbs have been used for centuries. The first traditionally recognized herbalist is Shénnóng (神农, lit. The "superior" category, which includes herbs effective for multiple diseases and are mostly responsible for maintaining and restoring the body balance. The original text of Shennong's Materia Medica has been lost; however, there are extant translations.[6] The true date of origin is believed to fall into the late Western Han dynasty[5] (i.e., the first century BC).
Traditional Chinese medicine Traditional medicine in China Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is an alternative medical practice drawn from traditional medicine in China. It has been described as "fraught with pseudoscience", with the majority of its treatments having no logical mechanism of action.[1][2] Medicine in traditional China encompassed a range of sometimes competing health and healing practices, folk beliefs, literati theory and Confucian philosophy, herbal remedies, food, diet, exercise, medical specializations, and schools of thought.[3] In the early twentieth century, Chinese cultural and political modernizers worked to eliminate traditional practices as backward and unscientific. The demand for traditional medicines in China has been a major generator of illegal wildlife smuggling, linked to the killing and smuggling of endangered animals.[10] History[edit] The Compendium of Materia Medica is a pharmaceutical text written by Li Shizhen (1518–1593 CE) during the Ming dynasty of China. Shang dynasty[edit]