Medical profession's use of mind mapping The medical profession is probably second only to project managers inmaking extensive use of information maps. The medical profession is deeply committed to the use of information maps in its study programs. Eleven sources of medical study mind maps are named. They are extensive and have separate articles in WikIT, but are summarized below. Medical mind map sources - You can browse down for outlines of what each site shows, or you can go to separate articles in WikIT that show in detail the medical subjects covered by mind maps at the respective sites by clicking on of the links here:- In making use of these maps, you should evaluate the sources and decide for yourself whether you can rely on their accuracy and completeness. Allergy Cases Mind Maps by Disease Immunology Mind Maps Biggerplate medicine mindmaps group Birch, Rowena Grubb, Roy Dr. ICU Mind Maps iMindMaps Blog Madhero88 Topics covered are these: Medic'All Maps MediMaps Medmaps Sundmark, Kathleen University of Dundee Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, Unit 2, Chapter 5 David Matsumoto San Francisco State UniversityU.S.A. In my view, the study of culture provides three main contributions to our understanding of human behavior and mental processes. First there is great knowledge to impart about cultural similarities and differences in behavior, and these form the basis for improving psychological theories. My Introduction to Cross-Cultural Psychology Quite frankly, when I was an undergraduate at the University of Michigan and even as a graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley, I never imagined that studying culture would become such a major part of my career or that I would become so strongly identified as a cross-cultural psychologist. Although my very first study was cross-cultural, even that was a matter of coincidence. Still, culture didn't enter my mind when I entered the clinical psychology graduate program at UC Berkeley, as neither my coursework nor my research was centered on culture. Knowledge 1. Values-Based Education
Les cartes heuristiques Une carte heuristique, ou carte mentale, sert à représenter un ensemble d’éléments en les hiérarchisant, sous forme d’organigramme. Les cartes heuristiques sont des supports visuels beaucoup plus faciles à interpréter que des listes, des plans ou de la prose. Pour les élèves, lorsqu’on les y a entraînés, elles représentent une manière facile et intuitive de prendre des notes rapidement (sur du vocabulaire ou sur l’organisation sémantique et logique d’un document), et peuvent également servir de base pour structurer et préparer une prise de parole sans passer par la rédaction. Vous trouverez à l’entrée carte heuristique de Wikipedia beaucoup d’informations très intéressantes sur cet outil. Vocabulaire Une carte heuristique peut facilement représenter un champ lexical. On peut préparer et distribuer des cartes aux élèves, il me semble néanmoins que s’ils les construisent eux-mêmes avec leurs petites mains, leur logique et leurs crayons de couleur, ils s’approprieront mieux le contenu. Exemples
Blog Archive » Share mind map with XMind free Posted on August 22nd, 2012 in Featured | 5 Comments » From XMind 2012, all xmind online service are free, including private sharing the online map with others. Normal Share Luanch xmind, open a mapClick Share button on the toolbarIn the coming upload dialog, add description for this map, select Public or Unlisted in the privacy page, and upload this mapIn the coming finish notification dialog, click See It Now Then, you’ll see this map online, and share its URL to others via email, IM tool, twitter and etc. Private Share The first two steps are same with normal share. In the coming upload dialog, add description for this map, select Private in the privacy page, and upload this mapGo to this map page, click share to button on map’s description areaInput the xmind ids or emails of friends, colleagues and others, then click ok.XMind.net system will send every one an invitation email. Then, your friends or colleagues can review this map online or download to their computers to do modifications.
The Other Jewish Genetic Diseases With Ashkenazic Disorders Getting All the Attention, America’s Sephardic Jews Often Lack Specialized Screening Programs By Talia Bloch Published August 19, 2009, issue of August 28, 2009. Randall Belinfante was a bit baffled. When he and his wife went to take blood tests in preparation for starting a family in 2003, he discovered that the screening included a panel of tests for Ashkenazic Jewish genetic disorders. “We told them at the time that we were not Ashkenazi, but they told us they don’t do testing for Sephardic diseases, just for Ashkenazi ones,” recalled Belinfante, who traces his ancestry to the Iberian Peninsula via the Balkans, Holland and England. With a note of bemusement, Belinfante, who is the librarian and archivist at the New York-based American Sephardi Federation, added, “Surprisingly enough, they found we did not have any of the Ashkenazi Jewish diseases.” But what about the others in the Jewish community? Dr.
Popular mind maps - Mind42 - Mind42 Mindjet Data Digest Our research found office workers are being bombarded with information from so many sources, they’re struggling to digest it. With a third of emails going unread each day, two thirds of people feel they can’t cope. Clearly the way we work is not allowing us to manage information effectively. Science tells us the human brain loves visual images and is able to process information presented more easily than data in standard “linear” formats. An experiment conducted by Mindlab International found both individual and groups of office workers waste valuable brain resources, perform less efficiently and retain less information using traditional office software. Visualise, manage and better organise information with MindManager 20% less mental resource needed when working with visual information Visualising information makes individuals 17% more productive Team productivity enhanced by 8% when using collaborative visualisation software
7.2 MENDEL'S GENETICS, LINKAGE, AND THE MOUSE 7.2.1 Historical overview By the time the chemical nature of the gene was uncovered, genetics was already a mature science. In fact, Mendel's formulation of the basic principles of heredity was not even dependent on an understanding of the fact that genes existed within chromosomes. Rather, the existence of genes was inferred solely from the expression in offspring of visible traits at predicted frequencies based on the traits present in the parental and grandparental generations. Mendel himself only formulated two of the three general features that underlie all studies in transmission genetics from sexually reproducing organisms. Mendel's first law comes into operation when diploid individuals produce "haploid" gametes — sperm or eggs — that each carry only a single complete set of genes. The purpose of this chapter is to develop the concepts of transmission genetics as they are applied to contemporary studies of the mouse. 7.2.2 Linkage and recombination The backcross
[Le mindmapping pour tous] : Mind mapping en ligne Mindomo 7 vient de sortir. Le résultat est remarquable.Les avantages d’utilisations à la fois sur son ordinateur et en ligne sont conservés. Ainsi, avec un seul logiciel, vous avez en ligne et sur votre ordinateur vos fichiers synchronisés. Et aucun besoin de racheter une nouvelle version, vous avez (...) Difficile de faire plus simple en matiére de logiciel de mind mapping en ligne.Il suffit de tirer entre les noeuds pour les relier, si vous souhaitez couper le lien, une paire de ciseaux apparaît, et en cliquant le lien disparaît (...) Slatebox est un simple outil de visualisation ( en HTML5) qui rend vraiment facile la construction de cartes mentales, de présentations, que vous pourrez transmettre visuellement. La visualisation des données prend de plus en plus de place dans notre sociétè du déficit de l’attention Aussi, l’utilisation de diagrammes prend de plus en plus en pas sur les documents n’utilisant que les mots. Graphiquement et ergonomiquement très réussie.