Mobile Sync and Backup - Online Storage for Mobile Devices SugarSync provides data security you can count on. SugarSync makes online file sharing a breeze. Whether you are sharing one file, or an entire folder with hundreds of files, a few clicks is all it takes. Share public links Sharing large files and folders just got easier. Generate a public link for any file or folder and share it on Facebook, Twitter, email, IM, or on your blog. IPads in the classroom: The right way to use them, demonstrated by a Swiss school. Photo by Frederick Florin/Getty Images Touch-screen tablets for young students have become all the rage. Some districts are even buying iPads for every kindergartner, a move sparking both celebration and consternation. Do we really want to give $500 devices to kids who can’t even tie their shoes? What are these schools doing with these devices, anyway? Last month, I had a rare opportunity to ask those questions at a school in Zurich, Switzerland. ZIS, as the school is called, has distributed 600 iPads—one to every student in first through eighth grades, plus a set for teachers in preschool and kindergarten to use with children in small groups. I was wrong. The school has an unconventional take on the iPad’s purpose. One morning I watched first-graders taking assessments of what they understood about “systems.” Sam Ross, a second-grade teacher at ZIS, sees real potential in moments like this.
Dr. Seuss's ABC 15 Unique and Creative Ways to Use iPads in the Classroom – teachingwithipad.org Here are some great new ideas to use your iPad in your classroom, K-12 and beyond! The iPad, as we all know, is a great tool for education. We are hoping that you can use at least a few of these new and creative ideas. This post is a collaborative piece that was created with the help of two respected educators: Jonathan Wylie, a Google Apps Certified Instructor and Instructional Technology Consultant from Iowa, USA. Meg Wilson, an Apple Distinguished Educator, special education teacher and technology specialist from, Connecticut, USA. 1. With this app, and the help of a dedicated, or DIY, mount you can use your iPad as a document camera, annotate over anything you set under the camera, and even record what you show. 2. You can create 3D models of anything in your classroom simply by taking pictures of it using this innovative app. 3. Quizlet is a completely free resource that allows you to create flashcards for your students. 4. 5. Have lots of interesting photos to share? 6. 7. a. b.
Kid Safe Browsers for iPad and iPhone by Natalie Parents know that it’s not safe to allow children unrestricted access to the internet. You wouldn’t let little Jimmy run around all willy-nilly in a strange city and you surely wouldn’t allow anything of the sort in cyberspace, right? The issues with internet access and children come in many forms. With the growing popularity of internet access to mobile devices like the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, monitoring internet activity isn’t so easy as plopping the computer in the living room and keeping a watchful constant eye over young shoulders. Fortunately, the tech world has heard the rally cries of concerned parents and a number of kid-safe browsers are available to allow your child internet access in a safe manner. Quintura KidsPrice: $1.99 Available for a very affordable $1.99, Quintura Kids aims to make searching the web an educational process for children. Websites available through the browser are determined through a number of factors.
iPads in the Classroom The introduction of the iPad, with its easy to manipulate touch screen technology, has allowed even very young children to take advantage of a computer. Its portable format and fast load-up time has made it possible for them to be used easily in the classroom. The iPad in the classroom brings education to life. Children have endless access to valuable information such as a dictionary and thesaurus, which previously were only available in printed format. Interactive technology makes learning more engaging and memorable. Tools such as audio and video recorders can change the way that learning takes place and homework is completed. Anne Laure Bazin (Assistant Head Teacher at Mounts Bay Academy in Cornwall) works in a school where every child, teacher and teaching assistant is given a free iPad to use in and out of lessons. Image credit: YZ Photography The use of iPads has encouraged greater sharing of resources among teachers. Breakage and loss is a problem at Mounts Bay Academy.
10 Best Apps 4 Teachers Most of what we do is for the students. The focus of this and many other blogs and websites is about learning, and rightly so, but there are also apps that will make our jobs easier too. I am talking about that catergory of apps that are designed specifically for the classroom teacher. Keynote: $9.99 Keynote for iPad is almost as powerful as the desktop application. Since one of the first jobs you have to do each morning is to take the role Attendance is a great solution for the iPad. TeacherTool saves grades and makes suggestions for grades. iAnnotate is a PDF reader and annotation tool for the iPad. GradePad: $2.99 The GradePad application allows you to grade your students’ performance directly from your mobile device. Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring all your photos, docs, and videos anywhere. Attendance is a universal iOS touchscreen application. TeacherPal is a personal organizer for the teacher. Flipboard: Free This is a great app for the iPad. Evernote: FREE
Learning and Teaching with iPads Using the iPad in Special Education | School Stories At the Manhattan Children’s Center on the Upper West Side, Christopher, 9, sits at a desk in front of his teacher and an iPad. Diagnosed with autism, Christopher has difficulty communicating. He makes high-pitched sounds, almost like crying, to get his feelings across to his teacher. But today, with the iPad and an application for special education called Proloquo2Go, Christopher may finally have a voice. “What am I doing?” Christopher maneuvered his index finger over the iPad screen, swiping from page to page. “Clapping,” said a male mechanical voice from the iPad. “Good job, buddy!” Christopher quickly moved from screen to screen. “Crying,” said the robotic monotone. The autism spectrum includes a range of complex neurodevelopment disorders, characterized by social impairments, communication difficulties, and restricted, repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes.