Online Master of Arts in History
As part of its flagship history program, the University offers its Master of Arts in History online degree. This popular graduate history degree takes students on an academic journey exploring the key historic events, people, and cultures that fundamentally shaped the world today. Through research, discussion, and analysis, students also attain a knowledgeable perspective of how future societies and nations might progress. History graduate students are offered the flexibility of choosing from some of the most favored eras including American, Ancient and Classical, European, Global, and Public History. The University’s faculty is comprised of scholar-practitioners.
Online Maths Activities
Posted by Mrs Kathleen Morris on Friday, August 31st 2012 We had a numeracy curriculum day at my school today and I was asked to present a workshop on online maths sites. The audience was diverse with teachers from all grade levels as well as CRTs (casual replacement teachers) and student teachers.
Infographics: How to Strike the Elusive Balance between Data and Visualization
They started out as a social media experiment and then suddenly everyone wanted a piece. A couple years back, if you dropped the word ‘Infographic’ or ‘Dataviz’ in a conversation, you would have been greeted by a good number of confused looks even if you were among other web designers. Today, so many infographics have gone viral that it’s practically impossible to ignore them. You’ll find them tweeted by your friends who want to share an interesting new find, promoted by companies eager to display their growth trends and utilized by even the White House for its progress reports. No matter what you are searching for online, whether employment statistics or endangered animals, you are sure to find an infographic for it.
Meetings: Web Conferencing with high-definition video
Once you're all in the meeting, share easily and work together effectively. Show others anything on your computer – files, apps, your whole desktop. Then pass the ball to someone else who'd like to share. Work on a file together or brainstorm on the whiteboard. And record every ah-ha!
Online Maths Sites
Like the site? Create your own Sqworl group in seconds! Register Now Online Maths Sites These are the sites introduced to Leopold Staff on the Curriculum Day on the 31st August 2012.
5 Tools For Creating Your Own Infographics
Five years ago, almost nobody knew what the heck an infographic was. (I sure didn’t, and I was a graphic design major in college at the time.) Now that the infographic craze has saturated us with new visual knowledge (and marketing gimmicks), something interesting has happened: The creation of infographics has become democratized.
Free printable math teasers and puzzles
Printable Math Brain Teasers Students love doing math puzzles and brain teasers. We have puzzles in 4 difficulty levels. Level 3 and 4 can be quite challenging and can also be used for high school math students.
Content Marketing Framework: Plan
Plan the work. Work the plan. Planning can take a number of forms, depending on where you lie in your content marketing journey. If you are just beginning to build your program, planning might take the form of a business case or even a simple mission statement.
How to Choose the Right Words for Best Search Results
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TechTools Websites
Data visualization
Pour concevoir des infographies facilement by stratice Oct 14