Miss Make: Easy Drawstring Bag Tutorial This is one of myfavorite 'lunch break projects' from my job at the Urban Craft Center. We were able to craft all day if we wanted to, but the only time we were allowed to make something for ourselves was during our one hour lunch break. Everything else we made [very reasonably] belonged to the store. Usually I would work on a quilt for an hour, but occasionally I wanted to make an entire project beginning to end for the gratification factor. So if you've got a 1/2 yard of fabric and an hour to spare, give it a shot! Easy Drawstring Shoe Bag Materials: 1/2 yard fabric 1 yard coordinating ribbon less than 3/4" wide matching thread Directions: 1. 2. 3. side of fabric and press. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Refashioned Jewels: Coloring Gems DIY It’s not that I don’t love these Amrita Singh Napeague Earrings which I found on GILT a few months ago {and wore here} but I realized recently that I have quite a few pairs of turquoise earrings, so I thought I’d DIY them into something new. Though I just noticed, when looking for the link on the Amrita Singh site, that these earrings are also available with black stones. But this DIY is for earrings, necklaces, bracelets or any piece of jewelry with gemstones: grab your black Sharpies and give them a makeover! * Sharpie* Q-tips* Earrings or necklace with faceted colored gemstones * Carefully mark your gems evenly with a new Sharpie making sure to avoid the metal base. * Immediately after marking, take your q-tip and simply buff the stone so some of the marker wears away allowing your stone to shine through {if your stones are not faceted, this won’t work}. * You may also choose not to buff your stone, which will give you a solid black effect. Have Fun!
Leather bracelets and background color Es uno de mis modelos de pulsera favorita porque te permite jugar con el color. Es sencilla de realizar, combina cuero e hilos de colores, yo he usado hilo de bordar cuyos colores son luminosos y el colorido es muy variado. Inspirándonos en los cartoncillos de los hilos, los peques han hecho las etiquetas. Están hechas con tres cordones de cuero de 2 mm entre los que se entrelaza hilo de bordar de colores. Son muy sencillas de realizar, el material que necesitas es: 3 tiras de cuero 16,5 cm de largo (según la medida de tu muñeca) y 2 mm grosor 2 piezas metálicas centralesUn cierre de dos piezas para ambos ladosHe sujetado uno de los extremos con celo y el otro lo he dejado abierto. Inserta las piezas centrales en los extremos de los hilos y fija con un poco de pegamento. Añado una imagen del cierre (llevas razón Amanda), ciertamente le habéis tenido que echar mucha imaginación porque no aparecia en ninguna imagen.
» For the Love Of…(doing it yourself) Geometric Necklace For the Love of… Sometimes I’m inspired by an image or a piece and I go on the hunt for the necessary items to make a DIY project happen. And then sometimes items just find me and I’m struck with inspiration on the spot. While searching for seed beads for this project last month, I came across these amazingly cool geometric wood beads in bright saturated colors and I knew they’d make the perfect statement necklace. Now I normally only try to share DIY projects with you guys where readily available supplies can be found, but I love how these necklaces came out so much I just had to share. Perhaps you may not find the exact same beads near you, but may these serve as a bit of inspiration to find something similar (or different!). *Updated to add: I found these beads at Bead Factory in Downtown LA and they come in packs of 12 for $1.50. Supplies – Wooden beads in bright colors and a neutral color to offset, natural colored twine/cording, 2 jump rings & a lobster claw closure & scissors
Hand-stamped bag. There's something about hand-stamped and screen printing that's been catching my fancy lately; and when that happens, I know I have to give it a spin. So the other day I brought out the acrylic paint, foam stamp, fabric, and mustered up some creative thinking. Of course, I was totally and undeniably inspired by the amazing tutorial over at A Beautiful Mess. However, instead of a dress, I choose to decorate a tote bag in-the-making. It's been in that sad transition-making stage for quite a while, so it's a good thing I finally finished it up. Here's what I did. Leave it to me to forget that if I stamped all the cats the same direction, on one of side the bag they'd be upside down. I had tons of fun making it, though; and I do believe I'll be trying it again soon.
The Only Rain You'll Want on Your Wedding Day! // English Summer Necklace Oh sweet jewellery heavenliness – can we do a little dance for the awesome. We are totally in love with this beautiful necklace from Noa Design, this is all to the cutiful – yea gods!!! And if you are planning on an outdoor English wedding in the 2012 then in terms of symbolism the necklace speaks the truth, it truly does! This certainly makes statement of a cloudy kind, doesn’t it? About the author I'm the big kahuna with the whole shebang.
the DIY: FISHTAIL FRIENDSHIP (BRACELET) If you know how to do a fishtail braid to your hair, then you pretty much know how to make this bracelet. But for those of you who don't know about the fishtail and those of you who are curious about the logistics of my specific bracelet, well, read on! You will need embroidery/ friendship thread in various colors, some tape and a bead! I used 9 strands of thread in 9 different colors. I twisted this top part so it doesn't get all tangled later. Where you twisted the top part, tie it around your finger. Then tie a knot. I'm now taking one of the strands and tying it around the other, almost like a tie. Then pull the end through the loop you've created and pull into a knot. Tape the top down to keep the bracelet stable. Star by grabbing one color from the right side and pulling it to the middle. Pull the same color from the left side. Add the piece from the right side to the left group of colors. Now take the color from the left side and pull it to the middle (over all the other strands.)
A Craft A Day with Pattiewack for National Craft Month Rope Bracelet You can make these rope bracelets in every color to match your wardrobe! They are super cool for that gift you need to make, and they won't break the bank. The detailed DIY rope bracelet tutorial is on the iLoveToCreate website. Keep coming back every day this month for a new craft every day from me...
Teacup Totes and Ladybirds | Ceridwen Hazelchild The weather this weekend was somewhat delightful, a wonderful change to the dark clouds and patchy rain we had in the middle of last week. I had been planning a photo shoot for my Mystic Moose website all week, but even though the sun was shining, the lighting just wasn’t quite right for it – it was too bright and harsh, and by the evening it had gone a little cloudy again. So instead I took my new teacup tote bag for a walk whilst I scouted for potential locations for photos. I made this new bag last weekend, after a rather lovely day in the garden of a cafe. This walk was extremely lovely, and the air had that lovely freshness that comes when people realise that spring has finally come and begin to cut grass in the hopes for some outside activities in the coming weeks. I also met a lovely ladybird when I was drinking tea, who was kind enough to let me take some photographs. Like this: Like Loading...