The Strange Worlds of M C Escher M C Escher at Work I try in my prints to testify that we live in a beautiful and orderly world, not in a chaos without norms, even though that is how it sometimes appears. M C Escher Maurits Cornelius Escher was born in June 1898, the youngest son of a prosperous Dutch government engineer. After a year in technical college, he attended the School of Architecture and Decorative Arts in Haarlem. He was diverted from a career in architecture by his teacher and mentor Jessurun Mesquita, who encouraged him to develop his drawing and printmaking skills.
inventing your wheel I’m back from the recent SOL world conference, this year happening in Oxford. 200 solution focus practitioners from 26 countries, coaches, CEOs, managers, trainers, consultants, teachers, health and education professionals, you name it. The program was packed with panels, workshops, open spaces and of course, lots of laughter and fun, like always when a Solution Focus bunch is coming together. I truly enjoyed every minute! 99 Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography Forced perspective is a technique that employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is. It is used primarily in photography, filmmaking and architecture. It manipulates human visual perception through the use of scaled objects and the correlation between them and the vantage point of the spectator or camera. There are many ways to attack photography and some are much more expensive than others. Here in this showcase, we presenting a Stunning collection of Forced Perspective Photography and Pictures taken by various artists in which all pictures are linked to the author’s pages. You may want to explore further works of the photographers we’ve featured below.
Abigail Larson - Illustrator Abigail had ambitions of becoming an opera singer and joining the circus whilst growing up, and although neither of those ended up working out too well, she still enjoys both. She began drawing with ink and painting with watercolor. She has developed a taste for flat digital coloring, however, and only gets a craving for paint now and again. 50 Totally Free Lessons in Graphic Design Theory 1,200+ courses and ebooks Design, code, video editing, business, and much more. Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesignGraphic, Logo and Print DesignSketch, Adobe XD & FigmaWordPressJavascript, PHP & PythonAdobe After Effects & Premiere ProMuch More Millions of creative assets Design templates, stock videos, photos & audio, and much more. Graphic TemplatesStock PhotosMusic TracksVideo TemplatesWeb TemplatesDesign AssetsWordpress Themes & PluginsMuch More
6 Ways Successful People Stand Out Bosses spend the vast majority of their time helping other people succeed: employees, customers, vendors and suppliers... the list goes on and on. Helping other people succeed is your job, but it's also your job to focus on yourself, at least part of the time. Why?
Courage to Refuse - About Us Courage to Refuse was founded following the publication of The Combatants Letter in 2002, by a group of 50 combat officers and soldiers. The initiators of the letter, Captain David Zonshein and Lieutenant Yaniv Itzkovits, officers in an elite unit, have served for four years in compulsory service, and another eight years as reserve soldiers, including long periods of active combat both in Lebanon and in the occupied territories. During their reserve service in Gaza, in the midst of the second Intifada, the two realised that the missions confided to them as commanders in the IDF had in fact nothing to do with the defence of the State of Israel, but were rather intended to expand the colonies at the price of oppressing the local Palestinian population. Many of the commands issued to them were, in fact, harmful to the strategic interests of Israel. Like all soldiers of the IDF, David and Yaniv were prepared to fight in order to protect their families back home.
70% EtOH An older Eren and Jean I drew a while back, I am still pretty fond of it. (Sorry for cross post!) thank you everyone for your overwhelming support for Nameless & the Scientist book 1! My World, My Way – New Ads Campaign from Allen Solly Discover the Most Creative & Sophisticated Advertising Campaigns around the World Creative Ad Awards About / Directory / Articles / Category / Hot / Contact Why I Want To Do What I Love For A Career This was a guest post written by Corey at Passive Income to Retire, where he keeps track of his progress to retire by the age of 27. It was just a little while back that Daniel published an article about why he thought it was important NOT to do what you love for your career. He made some very great points about why someone shouldn’t blog full-time. You can imagine the internal conflict that I faced after just announcing my early retirement plan – part of this goal is to have a full-time income from blogging part-time. Thoughts immediately flooded in: Did I make a mistake in announcing my goal to quit my day job for blogging income?
Toolbox - Tool for youth work and projects - or recruit participants Created to help you find and share useful training Tools, the Toolbox for training is an online catalogue you can browse through freely or even contribute to! Remember that tools alone have no influence. It is your task to adapt them to your objectives, context and target group, but most importantly to YOUR OWN SKILLS to turn them into something powerful... The Toolbox wants to be a learning community for trainers and youth workers in order to share, debate and increase the quality of educational methods in their daily work. Please give our help pages a careful read before you start.