Related: OWNI
15 Famous Landmarks Zoomed Out To Show Their Surroundings This collection of photographs of majestic landmarks around the world do a great job of just how important framing, perspective and lighting are to a photograph. All of these photo pairs are of the same object, but the changes in perspective can make them seem more or less grand. Show Full Text A change of perspective can change a lot, which applies just as much to photography as it does to anything else in life. Sure, the Brandenburg gate and Mount Rushmore are majestic when framed the right way, but they can look mundane when they aren’t the central focus of the photograph they’re in.
today and tomorrow - Page 2 Emerging Artist May 12th, 2013 One module at the EXPO 1: New York exhibition was called ProBio. Josh Kline curated this module which explores the theme of “dark optimism” within the context of the human body and technology. [#DIGART] Why Your .JPEGs Aren't Making You A Millionaire This week we’re exploring the Digital Arts Market (or lack thereof). We’re asking the tough questions: What will it take for a sustainable digital arts market to form? Is that even a possibility? Can the digital arts make money? And will they ever be incorporated into the contemporary arts dialogue? We invite you to participate in the discussion in the comments section, on your own blog (send us the link!)
Amazing Street Art That Cleverly Interact With Their Surroundings We all know that street art can be controversial, political and beautiful, but it takes an extra spark of creativity (or luck) to create the sort of street art that can cleverly make use of its surroundings and location to give it extra depth. These clever site-specific arrangements take these pieces of street art above and beyond. Rather than just painting a preconceived painting on a public canvas, these artists found locations that work together with their artwork. Whether it’s meaningful, beautiful, funny, or a bit of each, these clever and imaginative pieces of site-specific street art are definitely worth checking out.
#DigArt: We're Spending A Week Exploring The Digital Arts Market (Or Lack Thereof) This past week NYC hosted another string of art fairs: the first US installment of London’s Frieze, as well as several accompanying ancillary fairs, Pulse and NADA, which always seem to spring up around the behemoths, flocking like moths to the proverbial flame. It was barely two months ago that the city welcomed the annual Armory Show, which came with its own entourage of some half-dozen smaller fairs, and this, in a city that New Yorker’s Peter Schjeldahl calls “a permanent art fair, with hundreds of galleries conveniently clustered in a few neighborhoods.” It’s no secret that recession or no recession, the art market is alive and well, thriving in fact, and bordering on bloated. Each week seems to bring yet another headline about a work of art going for record sums at the auction houses.
ONLY THE YOUNG DIE YOUNG Exene Cervenka and John Doe of X. Debbie Harry singing with The Stilettos, 1974. Tommy and Johnny Ramone, Fred “Sonic” Smith of the MC5, and Ron and Scott Asheton of The Stooges. [#DIGART] 10 New Media Tumblrs To Follow Religiously This week we’re exploring the Digital Arts Market (or lack thereof). We’re asking the tough questions: What will it take for a sustainable digital arts market to form? Is that even a possibility? Can the digital arts make money? And will they ever be incorporated into the contemporary arts dialogue? We invite you to participate in the discussion in the comments section, on your own blog (send us the link!)
We Make It Good Petrina Hicks Posted on Wednesday, May 9th, 2012 by Shilo Barnaby Barford Posted on Monday, May 7th, 2012 by Shilo Michael Page Apartamento - an everyday life interiors magazine Featuring: Trix & Robert Haussmann, Omar Souleyman, Atsuki Kikuchi, Rose McGowan, Ken Done, Scott Ewalt, Sara Sachs & Frederik Jacobi, Scott Sternberg, Christoph Ruckhäberle, Chung Eun Mo, Aurélien Arbet & Jérémie Egry, Smiljan Radic, Piero Gandini, Jolanthe Kugler, Francesco Zanot, Genesis P-Orridge With Murray Moss’ collection of work by Enzo Mari and a comic by Andy Rementer and Margherita Urbani ultra look ultra look Photo April 20, 2014 ostinato.tumblr.com YVDRE YSLXIVBRIAN ENO “SOMBRE REPTILES” (Another Green World)Music selection by: OSTINATODESTINATION OSTINATO armesarmesarmes.com / yslxiv.com Le Beau Serge Japan, Holland, Uk, Peru, Mali, Cameroun, Spain, western Sahel, USA, France.Selected by: Tania Bruna-Rosso and François Audiffren, mixed with Amevicious.Duration: 70min
100 Notable Netlabel Releases of 2011 Below are my 100 notable netlabel releases for 2011 And by 2011, I mean netlabel releases from November 2010 through the end of October 2011. You’ll also notice a few other releases that are also very very good. Each section is in alphabetically order.
Comme le spécifie sa biographie sur Wikipédia, Rafaël Rozendaal « voyage beaucoup, travaille et vit dans des hôtels » ( ! ). On trouve dans la rubrique Websites de nombreux liens vers de mini sites au graphisme détonnant. La Rubrique Music vaut également le détour. by durasbib Dec 26