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Converting Wi-Fi signals to electricity with new 2D materials: Device made from flexible, inexpensive materials could power large-area electronics, wearables, medical devices, and more -- ScienceDaily Imagine a world where smartphones, laptops, wearables, and other electronics are powered without batteries. Researchers from MIT and elsewhere have taken a step in that direction, with the first fully flexible device that can convert energy from Wi-Fi signals into electricity that could power electronics. Devices that convert AC electromagnetic waves into DC electricity are known as "rectennas." The researchers demonstrate a new kind of rectenna, described in a study appearing in Nature, that uses a flexible radio-frequency (RF) antenna that captures electromagnetic waves -- including those carrying Wi-Fi -- as AC waveforms. The antenna is then connected to a novel device made out of a two-dimensional semiconductor just a few atoms thick. In this way, the battery-free device passively captures and transforms ubiquitous Wi-Fi signals into useful DC power. "Ideally you don't want to use batteries to power these systems, because if they leak lithium, the patient could die," Grajal says.
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Turn On Two-Factor Authentication on Sites You Use Cloud storage provider Dropbox enabled two-factor authentication on its accounts very recently, and I finally got around to enabling it on my account today. I also decided to see what other cloud services I use support this method of protection and secure my accounts. The list was much longer than expected. It's increasingly clear that just passwords, no matter how complex and long, are no longer enough. Security Watch has talked about the importance of two-factor authentication several times in the past, and Neil Rubenking's primer on two-factor clearly lays out the benefits of using this form of authentication. After a bored hacker shredded Wired writer Mat Honan's digital life last month, Honan himself said he wish he'd turned on two-factor authentication on his Gmail account, which would have minimized some of the damage. While you can't use two-factor authentication everywhere yet, I was pleasantly surprised to find out how many places do support it. Yahoo! Any others I missed?
MuMETAL I’m trying to shield a magnetic field. Do I need to use MuMETAL? How much is enough? What’s the best material to use? MuMETAL®: What is it? A DC2 disc magnet with a sheet of MuMETAL between the magnet and measurement probe MuMETAL is an alloy of nickel and iron used for magnetic shielding. MuMETAL is made of mostly nickel. Biased Answers Should you use MuMETAL to shield a magnet? Here at K&J Magnetics, we’re magnet people. For example, let’s say you place a sheet of metal right next to a neodymium magnet. What gives? As with many magnetic questions, the answer depends on the setup. Let’s see if we can boil it down by comparing two very specific materials, steel vs. Not one, but two properties apply! MuMETAL has a much higher permeability at lower magnetizing force, but saturates at a much lower flux density compared to steel. We usually use Relative Permeability, the ratio of the material's permeability to that of a pure vacuum. Say that again in plain English, please! AC Fields No.
How to Protect Your House from Harmful EMF Radiation A century ago, the use of electricity was minimal and exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) was limited. Most homes only generated electrical and magnetic fields in the range of 50-60 Hz. Today, humans and animals are practically bathing in EMF pollution. Appliances, WiFi, personal electronics, smart meters, and especially cell phones (which produce EMF frequencies in the GHz) have caused EMF exposure to go through the roof – literally. Perhaps the most chilling fact is that EMF radiation is nearly impossible to get away from. To limit exposure, the first plan of action is to protect your living space. Protect Your House from Radiation 1. These simple filters reduce high-frequency radiation, or "dirty energy", generated by typical home appliances. Dirty Electricity: detect, measure and eliminate it. Length: 4 minutes The Stetzerizer Filter in action Length: 3 minutes Check out this technical video for the science behind the Graham-Stetzer Filters: Dirty Electricity Explained 2. 3. 4. 5.
Magnetic Shielding Materials Learn how to shield magnetic fields. Download our free Guidelines For Installing Magnetic Shielding Shielding FAQs More answers to Magnetic Shielding Questions Sorry, no returns on cut goods. See Return Policy Perfect Size for Many Projects, Indoors or Outdoors Need to cover a large area? Worried about rusting? SHIELDENE® Corrosion Resistant Magnetic Shield Plate (Cat. For each parcel, a crate charge of $20 will be added. Decorative Magnetic Shielding A circuit breaker box (or fuse box) in the bedroom, living room, kitchen, or other living space can be a real problem. If you are handy, you can use the magnetic shielding materials listed below to make your own hinged shield. Here is how to create your magnetic shield: Step one: Purchase Giron, 25.5 inch wide x 24 inch GIRON for Poster (Cat. Step two: Get one of the following, at least 24x36 inches: Picture FrameFramed MirrorDry Erase Board, framedCork Bulletin Board, Oak Frame Obviously, these are just examples. Affordable window shutters
3 Best EMF Radiation Shielding Faraday Blankets Finding ways to turn your home into an EMF free zone are difficult, if not impossible. However, one handy trick I’ve found is to focus on protecting yourself, rather than trying to block out EMF radiation from the whole room. One of the best ways to do this is using an EMF radiation shielding Faraday blanket. My top 3 picks (in no particular order) for EMF shielding blankets are shown below (clicking the links will take you to the corresponding company websites): In this article, I offer an in-depth review of each product to help you make the most informed decision about which is right for your needs. Why use an EMF radiation shielding blanket? As most of us probably know by now, all electrical devices give out something called electromagnetic radiation. Studies into the long-term health impacts of EMF radiation are currently quite thin on the ground, but this is mainly because the devices haven’t been around for long enough yet. 1. See the entire product range on Belly Armor Summary Pros
QuantumPulse Latest 2013 Model - Designed for Relief from ElectroMagnetic Fields - Replaces the EM Pulse Available now for the first time in the US, the new QuantumPulse - scientifically designed by electronics engineers using the latest technology to generate harmonious frequencies to build a resistance or shield against the harmful effects of ElectroMagnetic Fields (EMFs). The QuantumPulse Environmental Harmonizer Video Theory: All electronic and technological devices emit EMFs that can pose a potential danger to your immune system and may cause health symptoms and issues. These devices include the ones most of us use every day - computers, cell phones, cordless phones, microwave ovens, WIFI (wireless internet), microwave towers, power lines, power grids, and Smart Meters. This type of risk seems to be about everywhere we go these days. And, it's exciting to know that the new QuantumPulse has been meticulously designed and engineered to specifically provide the two critical technologies which have been found most important for protection from detrimental EMFs!
Electric Fields, Body Voltage, and Grounding Electrical Fields and Health Reducing one's electrical exposures is very important to assist with the body's natural healing mechanisms. Electric fields may reduce the night-time rise of melatonin production, thus interfering with our body's recovery each night (Reiter et al., 1988). Robert Becker's The Body Electric details how a body's own fields play an important role in healing. Hence, as a precautionary measure, some experts advise that we should lower our electric exposures and body voltage, to avoid interfering with our body's healing capabilities. Electrical Exposures From House Wiring In typical residential wiring, the wires in the walls and floor are energized all the time, regardless of usage. Precautionary Steps Using a Remote Control Demand Switch to Lower Body Voltage — Lessons learned from Building Biology Note: Newer versions of Firefox no longer support Vimeo videos. Electrical Exposures from Appliance Wiring: Energized Once Plugged In Further Resources