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- Props And Such
Les incroyables sculptures de marbre d’Alex Seton Les incroyables sculptures de marbre de l’artiste Alex Seton, qui avec son projet « Elegy of Resistance« , parvient à donner à la pierre l’aspect doux et souple de sweatshirts… Utilisant du marbre blanc de Carrare, Alex Seton est ainsi capable de retranscrire avec beaucoup de talent les détails, les plis et les textures du tissu. Un travail remarquable qui rappel les sculptures « Wood Illusions » de Tom Eckert. Images © Alex Seton / via Propnomicon: Bound Spirit Skull A spirit binding skull is a magical implement used to capture and hold non-corporeal entities. It's created using a set of obscure rituals performed on the skull of a killer that has taken a human life with his own hand. Once procured it's scoured of all flesh with black sand, sealed along the calvarium and eye sockets with a mixture of clay and bone dust, and empowered during a final casting session that consumes part of the creator's life force. To use it the caster confronts the spirit he desires to trap and begins chanting the ritual of binding. I've had this prop skull for close to ten years. I pulled it out of storage when I needed something substantial for a paperweight on my desk. To add some more wear and tear I mixed up some griming paste in a paper cup using a few tablespoons of baking cocoa, a healthy dollop of PVA glue, and a good shot of dark green acrylic paint.
How About Orange Galeria de pintures Says-It.com Pinme - твой мир в картинках! Biblionihilistica ~ Seekest not .... lest ye find "Record what I taught thee," ran the imperative, "remember mine teachings and methods. Capture, restrain, befriend and put thine trust in the Fish of Sleep, for the ways of the Fennes be manifold and wild". And so, upon my advent back to the fields of Man (and upon much reflection) I would affirm that the erst seen sky-dripping fluids were truly the (un)spoken words of Iiai Potth made visible, and so formed into a written qabbalistic speech, the wot of which then came, fully formed to my mind, and of which I did then needs write down as though by compulsion. With the initial compilation of Potth’s teachings, I did seek to put the impressions down in my own native tongue, but the resultant complexity of the thoughts were to prove contrived and niggardly and could not successfully be expressed. Due to this failure, I had little recourse then but to present the such in the same mind-script-image in which it were originally revealed to me.
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Book of Shadows | Brahm's Bookworks, Grimoire, medieval book Psychedelic sixties The White Rabbit in Wonderland (East Totem West, 1967) Art By Joe McHugh Nick Mason David Gilmour Richard Wright The Doors/Jim Kweskin Jug Band, June 9 & 10, 1967 - Fillmore Auditorium Art by Bonnie MacLean. Rosemary’s Baby (1968) Roger Waters The Doors (1967) Grateful Dead/The Doors, April 29, 1967 - Earl Warren Showgrounds (Santa Barbara, CA) Artist Jim Salzer. The Buckinghams theme by simplynorule This blog is to post things related to my favorite bands and other delights please do not take my photos and post them on another site Lucky Mojo Curio Co. -- Hoodoo Supplies, Occult Shop, Mojo Hands, Amulets, Magic Spells, Love Magic, Books, Candles, Information: Lucky Mojo Curio Co. Catalogue