Blog - Brotools, trucs et astuces Pro Tools Launchpad95 : Ableton LIVE control surface remote scripts for Novation Launchpad skip table of contents These scripts are modified version of Ableton Live 9.2 scripts for Novation Launchpad and provide the same functionality but add support for editing the midi clips using a step sequencer , an Instrument Controller and Device Controller and an improved Instrument Mode. It does not require any external tool like Max for Live (M4L) in order to work. Comment, feedback and updates : please check this thread on Ableton forum Willing to make a donation ? Installation First, download the installation archive : - live 9.2.+ : Launchpad95.zip (all launchpads but PRO) - live 8.4 : have a look at the documentation for Launchpad85 - for Launchpad PRO see Launchpad Pro95 Unzip the zip file and copy the folder Launchpad95 into the Ableton Live's "MIDI Remote Scripts" folder. After the folder has been copied, plug-in your Launchpad in the computer and start Ableton Live. User Manual Four modes are added on top of the existing modes. root note
Composer sa musique Mixing Secrets For The Small Studio (Cambridge Music Technology) The 'Mixing Secrets' Free Multitrack Download Library Below is a list of multitrack projects which can be freely downloaded for mixing practice purposes. All these projects are presented as ZIP archives containing uncompressed WAV files (24-bit or 16-bit resolution and 44.1kHz sample rate). For maximum mixdown flexibility, the contributors have made every effort to provide audio 'raw', in other words without additional effects or processing (beyond treatments printed during tracking/editing). When importing the tracks, just make sure all the files start at exactly the same moment in time within your DAW's timeline. (Download problems?) As well as the multitracks hosted directly on this site, I've also included links to a few other decent downloads I've discovered on other sites. October 23rd 2018: Preparing for site redesign... Visit The Discussion Zone! Style: Choral musical (back to top) Support them by clicking here.
Compositeur de Musique de Film : le blog de Tanguy Follio Et oui, cela fait déjà pas mal de temps que le blog est délaissé par son misérable auteur (eh, c'est moi !) La motivation (et la disponibilité) s'effilochant petit à petit, je ne pense pas revenir sur de nouveaux articles avant longtemps. C'est donc officiel : j'arrête (le blog, pas la musique, hein !). Serein et satisfait du travail accompli :) Je voulais dire un grand merci à toutes les personnes qui m'ont aidé à faire vivre le blog, par leur aide technique, l'écriture de billets, les idées... Ce qui a été écrit pendant ces 5-6 ans le restera et pourra toujours servir aux jeunes compositeurs à la recherche de petites astuces. Je m'excuse auprès des internautes qui m'ont contacté dernièrement, pour me demander mon avis sur leur travail, et auxquels ne n'ai pas répondu. Enfin, pour conclure, je voulais dire un mot sur le concours lancé par Hans Zimmer (du 22 janvier au 19 février 2014). Voici le lien officiel du concours : Voilà.
VCA, Opto, Vari-Mu, FET compressors… When to use which ? | Quantum Music Mastering As you probably already know, I’m a big fan of analog compressors. I owned several of them in the last few years and I keep rotating and accumulating them in my rack. My objective was to have at the very least one of each kind into my rack, an objective I have accomplished only relatively recently. Being a fanatic of compressors, I was amazed to hear some people ask questions like “Should I buy a LA-2A or a 1176 ?”. I mean, these are completely different machines. What are you trying to achieve in terms of texture exactly ? The truth is that each type of compression will have a distinctive sound and one of the secret of achieve textures, is by having the right combination of compressors doing the right things. The more I search on the net, the more I realize that people do not master the differences between each compressor and don’t seem to know when to use which and most importantly, WHY? I had this guy who bought one of my 1176 recently. The limitations: It will always sound “thin”.
PIANO WEB cours de piano, info musique en ligne et services gratuits School of Video Game Audio Online courses to learn Wwise, FMOD Studio, Unity, Pure Data and Unreal are the five courses currently offered at the School of Video Game Audio (SoVGA). Hundreds of students from over 50 different countries have joined the school since 2012 and our 140+ student demo reels currently have over 87,000 views on YouTube and Vimeo. Learn more about us by joining our community of 4,600+ on Twitter, YouTube, Google+, LinkedIn and SoundCloud. The demo reel courses involve professional game audio training and mentoring for a playable game. Students learn the process of creating and implementing audio for a video game and illustrative examples of gameplay are edited together to create a professional demo reel. Courses are designed to fit within dynamic schedules. NOTE: Next deadline is February 19, 2018 to book our March/April 2018 courses on a first-come, first-served basis as there are limited space in each course. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us by email.
Future Composer - Interviews with Award Winning Composers. Articles about music for TV, Film, Games and more. muselectron Music Composition Blog