Brandalism: Street artists hijack billboards for 'subvertising campaign' - Features - Art
Among your comments were: “I love an intelligent response to advertising. Who asked the public if we want our faces filled with adverts as we walk the streets?” and “Hooray! More of this. Everyone should start doing this to adverts”. The relatively unknown artist responsible, Robert Montgomery from Scotland, seems to have struck a chord with readers.
Vad kan digitala verktyg tillföra matematikundervisningen? Vad innebär det för läraren att använda digitala verktyg i matematikundervisningen? Vilken digital kompetens behövs? Detta är frågor som diskuteras i Uppslaget IKT-strävor, Nämnaren 2016:4.Läs hela Uppslaget här >> På denna sida samlar vi de aktiviteter i Strävorna som har en tydlig IKT-anknytning, men du hittar dem också som vanligt via Strävornamatrisen eller de sidor där samtliga aktiviteter listas. Från skutträkning till räta linjens ekvation, fyra aktiviteter, 8A8B:Skutträkning – aktivitet 1Skutt i tabell- och punktform samt koordinater – aktivitet 2Från punkter till en rät linje – aktivitet 3Undersök räta linjens ekvation – aktivitet 4 Fyra olika fyrhörningar 8C8E Hamlet – To be or not to be 8D8E Oändlighet och gränsvärde 8E8F Robotprogrammering 8C8F Samma area 8C8E Tio frågor 8C
Bill Domonkos
This is a collection of stereo prints by Bill Domonkos that combine found vintage stereograms and 3Dcomputer graphics. You can view these images in 3D by using the Free-Vision Fusion (Cross-Eyed) Method. 1.
New Virtual Library Offers over 250 Art Books for Free Download
Publications, Research Getty Publications makes 45 years of art and conservation titles available online, with more to come When we launched the Open Content Program last summer and released 4,600 collection images to the public (a number that has since more than doubled), I cited this quote from the most recent museum edition of the NMC Horizon Report: “it is now the mark—and social responsibility—of world-class institutions to develop and share free cultural and educational resources.” This dictum continues to inform our efforts here at the Getty, and today I am very pleased to share with you our latest project in this arena, the Virtual Library: An open, online repository of more than 250 Getty publications from our 45-year publishing history, available as high-quality scans to read online, or to download in their entirety, for free. The books in the Virtual Library come from three of the Getty’s programs: the Getty Conservation Institute, the Getty Research Institute, and the J.
This Anamorphic Portrait by Bernard Pras is Made From an Entire Room of Objects
French artist Bernard Pras works almost entirely within the realm of assemblage and anamorposis, a visual illusion where a distorted projection—often made from paint or a collection or objects—must be viewed from a specific vantage point to reconstitute the intended image. His latest piece, a portrait of Malian actor Sotigui Kouyaté, is comprised of numerous objects including clothes, paint, wood, rubber, and other objects found or scavenged around the installation site. Only when viewed through the lens of his camera is the image clearly visible. Watch the video above to see everything come together. Pras currently has a solo show at MazelGalerie in Brussels, Belgium and you can see a collection of his work here (flash).
More than 5,000 artists and 100,000 paintings make us the largest online Web Museum in the world!Featuring the largest collections by artists like Monet, Van Gogh, Rembrandt and more! AMore... BMore...
Aboriginal Symbols and their Meanings: Aboriginal Symbols Glossary at the Aboriginal Art Store
Aboriginal symbols are an essential part of a long artistic tradition in Australian Aboriginal Art and remain the visual form to retain and record significant information. Aboriginal people used symbols to indicate a sacred site, the location of a waterhole and the means to get there, a place where animals inhabit and as a way to illustrate Dreamtime stories. To understand and appreciate Aboriginal symbols (or iconography) imagine how you would indicate, record and recall essential information or place names or events in a non material world. Since Aboriginal people travelled vast distances across their country, significant information was recorded using symbols in regular ceremony. Sand painting and Awelye (body painting) ceremonies kept the symbols alive and remembered. Later, these symbols were transformed into a more permanent form using acrylic on canvas but the meanings behind the symbols remains the same.
Aboriginal Art - The Broughton Primary Schools Website
The Aboriginal people are the native Australian people. They live by hunting, fishing when possible and gathering natural produce. They stay in small groups and travel across large areas living off the land as they move. All Aboriginal paintings have a meaning. Many of them are about their dreams and beliefs and are called dream maps.
Aboriginal Art Online - Contemporary Art and Traditional Symbols
Traditional symbols are an essential part of much contemporary Aboriginal art. Our online galleries offer a wide range of art works using traditional and contemporary imagery and symbols. Aboriginal peoples have long artistic traditions within which they use conventional designs and symbols. These designs when applied to any surface, whether on the body of a person taking part in a ceremony or on a shield, have the power to transform the object to one with religious significance and power. Through the use of designs inherited from ancestors, artists continue their connections to country and the Dreaming.