SVG Graphics Library for JavaScript HTML5 :jsDraw2DX Pizza Pie Charts Pizza is an easy to use plugin. It's built with our responsive framework Foundation so you can quickly install it into your current Foundation project. Water BuffaloBisonSheepGoatShetland Pony PepperoniSausageCheeseMushroomChickenOther The Setup You’ve got to include our JS plugin in the footer of the page and our CSS in the head. The HTML The main goal of Pizza was to be super simple, so the HTML is no more than a couple of Lists and some data-attributes. We're using a ul for the charts, where all our values will live. <ul data-pie-id="my-cool-chart"><li data-value="36">Pepperoni</li><li data-value="14">Sausage</li><li data-value="8">Cheese</li><li data-value="11">Mushrooms</li><li data-value="7">Chicken</li><li data-value="24">Other</li></ul> We add list items that will be used for each slice of the pie. Finally, we add a div with the ID that matches our data-pie-id. So you have a chart, and now it’s time to style it. First lets take a look at the variables we’ve supplied: JavaScript
15 Free Infographic Templates Wouldn't it be great if creating infographics was as simple as writing regular old text-based blog posts? Unfortunately, making visual content like this usually takes a lot more time, effort, and let's face it -- skill -- than the written word. Usually. But considering the popularity and effectiveness of visual content in marketing today, you can't just afford to throw in the towel. That's why we decided to take all the pain and suffering out of infographic creation. Seriously -- don't give up just yet. Download our 15 free infographic templates here. Then, all you have to do is provide the content to use inside them. Want to watch and listen to the instructions as you read the steps below? Identify the audience for your infographic.Collect your content and relevant data.Choose your desired infographic template.Download your template to PowerPoint.Customize your infographic.Include a footer with your sources and logo.Add an embed code and Pinterest button, and publish it. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Cube Time Series Data Collection & Analysis Cube is a system for collecting timestamped events and deriving metrics. By collecting events rather than metrics, Cube lets you compute aggregate statistics post hoc. It also enables richer analysis, such as quantiles and histograms of arbitrary event sets. Cube is built on MongoDB and available under the Apache License on GitHub. Collecting Data An event in Cube is simply a JSON object with a type, time, and arbitrary data. Cube’s collector receives events and saves them to MongoDB. Querying Events Cube defines a simple language for querying events. You can intersect filters and customize which event fields are returned. request(browser).gt(duration, 250).lt(duration, 500) Cube supports both HTTP GET and WebSockets for retrieving events. Querying Metrics You can also use Cube to group events by time, map to derived values, and reduce to aggregate metrics. The first few results of which appear as: sum(request.eq(path, "/search")) sum(request(duration))
The 37 best tools for data visualization It's often said that data is the new world currency, and the web is the exchange bureau through which it's traded. As consumers, we're positively swimming in data; it's everywhere from labels on food packaging design to World Health Organisation reports. As a result, for the designer it's becoming increasingly difficult to present data in a way that stands out from the mass of competing data streams. Get Adobe Creative Cloud One of the best ways to get your message across is to use a visualization to quickly draw attention to the key messages, and by presenting data visually it's also possible to uncover surprising patterns and observations that wouldn't be apparent from looking at stats alone. As author, data journalist and information designer David McCandless said in his TED talk: "By visualizing information, we turn it into a landscape that you can explore with your eyes, a sort of information map. There are many different ways of telling a story, but everything starts with an idea.
Vizualize.me Gephi, an open source graph visualization and manipulation software Raphaël—JavaScript Library Springy - A force directed graph layout algorithm in JavaScript. Tagxedo - Word Cloud with Styles Addepar | Ember Charts A charting library built with the Ember.js and d3.js frameworks. It includes time series, bar, pie, and scatter charts which are easy to extend and modify. The out-of-the-box behavior these chart components represents our thoughts on best practices in chart interactivity and presentation. Features Highly customizable and extensible. You can contribute to this project in one of two ways: Browse the ember-charts issues and report bugs Clone the ember-charts repo, make some changes according to our development guidelines and issue a pull-request with your changes. We keep the ember-charts.js code to the minimum necessary, giving users as much control as possible.
Mind Mapping Software: Mind Maps | MindMeister Chartkick Simplify your admin dashboard - create new charts in seconds! Works with Rails, Sinatra and most browsers (including IE 6) A perfect companion to groupdate, hightop, and active_median Get handcrafted updates for new features Usage Line chart You must have groupdate installed to use the group_by_day method Pie chart Grape Column chart Bar chart Area chart Geo chart Timeline Multiple series breakfast or Say Goodbye To Timeouts Make your pages load super fast and stop worrying about timeouts. And in your controller, pass the data as JSON. class ChartsController < ApplicationController def completed_tasks render json: Task.group_by_day(:completed_at).count endend Note: This feature requires jQuery or Zepto at the moment. For multiple series, add chart_json at the end. render json: Task.group(:goal_id).group_by_day(:completed_at).count.chart_json Options Id and height Min and max values min defaults to 0 for charts with non-negative values. Colors Stacked columns or bars Discrete axis Global Options Customize the html
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