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GoClass - Create and Deliver Lessons on iPads
Last week I wrote about NearPod which is an iPad application for creating and delivering quizzes to students. This morning, through David Kapuler, I learned about a similar free iPad application called GoClass. GoClass is a free iPad application for creating short lessons and delivering them to your students. The lessons can include annotated images, free hand sketches, text, and video.
1,000 Education Apps Organized By Subject & Price
How Students Benefit From Using Social Media 13.56K Views 0 Likes A lot of criticism has been leveled at social media and the effect it has on the way students process and retain information, as well as how distracting it can be. However, social media offers plenty of opportunities for learning and interactivity, and if you take a moment to think about it, it's not too hard to see how students benefit from using social media. 10 African-American History Month Teaching Resources
EdTech Workshop: We're Going 1:1 with iPads- Here's Our App List
We (a team of teachers and coaches) have spent many hours meeting virtually and in-person to prepare for our 1:1 iPad pilot program for 4th and 5th grade. As I work at a private school, parents are required to purchase textbooks each year. We have requested that the iPad and apps be purchased by parents to replace most of the textbooks, which we will no longer be using. I will be teaching language arts, but our students our fortunate to have the opportunity to learn from a team of specialized teachers.
laugh make nurture organise play » Blog Archive » MoMA’s Arty App
MoMA Art Lab App. Images courtesy of The Museum of Modern Art, NY. Feeling guilty about their iPad obsession? MoMA’s joyful new Art Lab App will balance the scales a bit. Designed for ages seven and up, it offers dozens of ways for the whole family to explore creativity and learn about art and artists. Make a person or an animal using straight lines, construct a shape poem or collaborate on a group drawing.
A new view of DNA
While it’s clear that DNA sequencing has been an indispensable tool in understanding any number of biological processes, new research from Harvard suggests that how DNA is packed into cells may be at least as important as the biological coding it contains. A new imaging technique, developed by Erez Lieberman Aiden, a Junior Fellow of the Society of Fellows, working with Nynke van Berkum, Louise Williams, and a team of researchers from the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT and the University of Massachusetts Medical School, is giving scientists their first three-dimensional view of the human genome, one that is already shedding new light on a number of what Aiden calls the “central mysteries of biology.” Aiden’s work was recognized recently with the GE & Science Prize for Young Life Scientists. “We don’t have perfect pictures yet,” Aiden said, “only blurry ones; but that’s much better than no picture at all.”
107 Favorite iPad Apps for K-8
Great iPad apps for K-8 Tablet computing and mobile devices promise to have a dramatic impact on education. A growing number of schools across the world are jumping on the digital bus and embracing iPads (less often, other tablet products) as the latest tool to teach literature in multimedia, history through games and simulations, and math with step-by-step animation of problems. Not surprisingly, student scores improve when they use iPads and their interest in school soars. I say not surprisingly because students love digital toys and in my experience work harder and longer if given the opportunity to do so with any of the digital offerings (ipods, laptops included).
30 Awesome Web Apps for Your iPad
As incredible as it seems, it’s been over a year and a half since the original iPad was released, forever changing what the world thought of tablet computers. The old Tablet PCs were clunky, expensive machines that could run any Windows program, albeit slower and more awkwardly than a full computer. The iPad at first glance looks just like a scaled-up iPhone, but the wide range of apps and number of varied uses it’s found in homes, schools, and businesses has made tablets a permeant part of our computing ecosystem. One area where the iPad and other tablets have lagged behind is with web apps.
The 100 Best iPad Apps
The Apple iPad is one of the most popular and influential consumer electronics devices in history. The slate's found a home with people who want to Web-surf, movie-watch, email, and perform numerous other activities without being tied to a desktop or laptop. Never underestimate the power of "getting things done" from the comfort of the bed or easy chair. Many rival tablets offer super-crisp displays and attractive designs, but none have so far matched the Apple iPad, iPad Air, and iPad mini's potent combination of consumer mindshare and rich app marketplace. The role that the Apple App Store has played in its success should not be overlooked, either. According to Apple, over 475,000 dedicated iPad apps have been released worldwide.
Increase in interest in game-based language learning and teaching
By grahamstanley This week, the ‘Teaching and Language Learning through Gamification‘ TESOL EVO session comes to an end. It’s been an enjoyable 5 weeks, with some great live sessions from special guest speakers and lots of sharing of ideas and enthusiasm in the Moodle forums. The TLLG Moodle won’t be around for long, but the highlights of the course will be archived on a wiki, , which we also hope will be a place that people can share links to lesson plans for online games they have used. During the EVO session, there also seems to have been evidence of an increased interest in games for language learning and teaching.
A Parents’ Guide to Twitter and Education
As an educator, there are tons of great hashtags available to find the resources I'm looking for. Hashtags are usually found at the end of a 140 character tweet. I think of them like television channels, only there are many more to choose from and you can even create your own for your organization or team. Today, the most widely used educational hashtag on Twitter is called #edchat.
25 Essential iPad 2 Apps that Will Help You Graduate College Faster
You can ask anyone in the field of education right now, this is a very exciting time. It seems like not a day goes by when there isn't a new computer, piece of software, or application that's taking education to the next level. Leading the way in this revolution in educational technology is the iPad…well, the iPad 2 that is. With amazing new features, like the AirPlay, Video Mirroring, and a Front and Rear Facing Camera, the new iPad 2 is poised to renovate the world of education - making classrooms, presentations, studying, and projects more efficient, exciting, and well just a whole lot more fun.
10 Best Apps 4 Teachers
Most of what we do is for the students. The focus of this and many other blogs and websites is about learning, and rightly so, but there are also apps that will make our jobs easier too. I am talking about that catergory of apps that are designed specifically for the classroom teacher. Those apps that will assist us in the everyday little jobs that need to be done, often on the run and often while 10 other things are also happening in the room. There are plenty and I am sure as more and more teachers gain the confidence to design their own apps, there will be more suitable one to come.
A Handful of Apps to Add to Your New iPad (even if you don’t take it to school)
Every year at this time I publish a short list of the apps that I recommend installing if you received a new iPad during this holiday season. Even if you don’t take your new iPad to school, these apps are helpful. I have terrible typing technique and I like to sketch ideas before writing about them. Therefore, Penultimate is a perfect app for me. Penultimate provides a place for you to hand-write notes on your iPad.