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4 Great YouTube Channels That Provide Intelligent Content for Students
April 5, 2015 For today’s post, we have curated for you 4 interesting YouTube channels to recommend to your students.These popular educational channels feature educative videos ideal for inclusion in classroom instruction. Students can use them independently to expand their knowledge and push the limits of their intellectual curiosity. The content shared on these channels is adequately challenging for students and will definitely benefit their cognitive growth and raise their critical awareness to a wide range of topical subjects. 1- Crash Course In this channel, teachers John and Hank Green provide some excellent video explanations and tutorials on a variety of topics related to World History, Biology, Literature, Ecology, Chemistry, and US History.
PowToon for education online animated presentation software
Flip your classroom, inspire, engage and delight your students Have fun presenting your assignments with a Wow! Finally, a presentation tool that incorporates an intuitive user interface, super cool comic graphics, is 200% less frustrating than Prezi, and offers a zillion more options than the free version of GoAnimate.
Department of School Education
The Ministry of Human Resource Development in India is the guiding force of education which leads both primary and higher levels of education. Our current HRD Minister is Smriti Irani, the youngest ever to hold the office. In India, since 1985, the ministry of Human Resource Development has been working separately under two departments, one of which is Department of school Education and Literacy and the other one is Department of Higher Education. Department of School Education and Literacy ensures that every citizen gets The Fundamental right to education.
10 Educational YouTube Channels Made for Marathoning
What used to be a depository of cat videos and dimly-lit vlogs has quickly become the Internet giant of all kinds of video content. YouTube is now the go-to place for nearly any video you could want — and that makes it a wonderful educational resource. Whether you want to learn about sex, learn about STEM fields, learn about cars, or learn about photography, YouTube has you covered.
Education Then and Now in India
Education is the key to success and a fat paycheck (most of the times it is!), though what comes in between is a prolonged struggle of incessant hours of mugging up several books accompanied by sleepless nights without any scope of living life to the fullest until one reaches the ultimate glory of success. Sooner than a child reaches the age of 5, he is placed in a school with the mighty burden of 50 odd things like assignments, activities, projects and a few more stuff to come to a realization that the battle against time for success has already begun and this struggle shall persist for 20 more years of his/her life. It is amusing to see how a single human being operates on 40 plus students in a classroom and manages to survive by the end of the day. What’s more amusing is how a child accustoms himself to the environment of a classroom with minimal 6 hours of stringent sitting sessions and an absolute sense of isolation from legitimate sleeping.
5 Fantastic Learning Channels on YouTube Kids
YouTube is packed with great educational content, but the deep parts of YouTube can also get pretty weird. As a parent, you may not want to let your kids browse too freely. Luckily, YouTube recently released YouTube Kids. YouTube Kids is a free mobile app, available for iOS and Android, which curates educational and entertainment content for kids and teens, while keeping out the scary stuff.
Sulabh International India
Ever wondered what exactly does ‘Sulabh’ in Sulabh Shauchalya mean while passing public toilets in India? You would be amazed to know how almost 45 percent of people in India think that Sulabh is merely a prefix to ‘Shauchalya’ and added to ‘Shauchalya’ to give it a presentable name. However, it’s not.
10 Best Channels for STEM Education on YouTube
Was Formula 1 in your syllabus growing up? Probably not, but times are changing. As of this year, Formula 1 cars have made the grade, and will be appearing in public school curriculum. NASCAR’s Acceleration Nation puts your child in the driver’s seat with an inspirational dose of STEM education.
MAT Exam Books, SNAP, MHCET and CMAT Books, Solved papers - Disha Publication
Disha Publication is known for its high-quality reference materials and guidebooks for MBA exams. Every year, many MBA entrance exams are held in many parts of India. Candidates who wish to appear for these tests should make thorough preparations as the level of difficulty tends to vary with each exam, such as MHCET exam. Students should have proper knowledge about the exam pattern before they sit for the test. It is necessary to make careful and long-term studies in order to succeed in the tests and get admitted into the MBA programs – both Government and Private ones.