Sex and Marriage in the Mid to Late Medieval Times | The Medieval Society « Early Medieval Sex and Marriage | Main | Sex and Marriage During Tudor Times » Sex and Marriage in the Mid to Late Medieval Times By Madeline | March 13, 2008 After the sexual repression encouraged by the church in the early Medieval days, the people must have finally started to rebel as the mid to late Medieval times were rampant with sex, especially in the country where the people were free of the tight laced social rules prevalent in larger cities. In fact, most boys had lost their virginity by the age of 15 during this time. Back to the topic of virginity, though, because it truly played such an important role during this period in history. Obviously virginity in the daughter of a noble was worth more financially than the virginity of a common woman, therefore, the daughters of rich men were encouraged to maintain their virginity. The final point I wanted to make about this time in history was that women were finally relieved of their ‘evil’ reputation. Topics: Medieval Era |
true mirror: non-reversing mirrors 6 Scary Tricks That Amazed Us as Kids (Explained by Science) For many of us, gathering with a group of unsupervised peers and scaring the shit out of ourselves was a rite of passage. At slumber parties we watched horror movies, told ghost stories and strapped ourselves to railroad tracks while high on cough syrup. Scariest of all were the games that everyone seemed to know, even without the benefit of YouTube tutorials -- tricks that supposedly unlocked magical powers or malicious spirits. It wasn't demonology behind our scariest party pastimes, but science. #6. For the holy grail of pants-shittingly horrifying party tricks, look no further than Bloody Mary. If it's real, it really shouldn't be legal. Getty"You'll be hearing from my lawyer, Mary." But after weeks of searching through archived newspapers and microfiche, we haven't actually found anyone who summoned a psychotic person via mirror. Because she's going to see something in the mirror. GettyEven if it's just the realization that all her best years are behind her. The Science: Why? #5. #4.
Psychopathic killers: Computerized text analysis uncovers the word patterns of a predator As words can be the soul's window, scientists are learning to peer through it: Computerized text analysis shows that psychopathic killers make identifiable word choices – beyond conscious control – when talking about their crimes. This research could lead to new tools for diagnosis and treatment, and have implications law enforcement and social media. The words of psychopathic murderers match their personalities, which reflect selfishness, detachment from their crimes and emotional flatness, says Jeff Hancock, Cornell professor of computing and information science, and colleagues at the University of British Columbia in the journal Legal and Criminological Psychology. Hancock and his colleagues analyzed stories told by 14 psychopathic male murderers held in Canadian prisons and compared them with 38 convicted murderers who were not diagnosed as psychopathic. "Previous work has looked at how psychopaths use language," Hancock said.
Hesitant Speech Helps Kids, Um, Learn Parents never want their tots to learn to fumble over words, but they need not worry about their own “uhs” and “ums”—such filled pauses may actually improve kids’ ability to pick up language. Such vocal hesitations, called disfluencies, tend to occur before we use a word that is infrequent or unfamiliar in our speech. They also precede words used for the first time in a conversation. Disfluencies keep adults tuned in and help them process the real words that come next. Even infants can distinguish between fluent and disfluent speech, research at Brown University has shown. In the study, kids aged 16 to 32 months sat on their parent’s lap in front of a computer monitor that showed images of paired objects, one recognizable (such as a ball) and one imaginary but equally colorful. The first time a pair appeared, a voice from the computer said, “I see the ball.” During this third step, sometimes the voice said simply, “Look!
Raëlism Raëlism , or the Raëlian Movement , is a UFO religion that was founded in 1974 by Claude Vorilhon , now known as Raël . It is numerically the world's second largest UFO religion, after Scientology . [ 2 ] An adherent of Raelism is a Raelian . The Raëlian Movement teaches that life on Earth was scientifically created by a species of extraterrestrials , which they call the Elohim . Members of this species appeared human and when having personal contacts with the descendants of the humans they made, they previously misinformed (on purpose) early humanity that they were angels , cherubim or gods . Raëlians believe messengers, or prophets, of the Elohim include Buddha , Jesus , and others [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] who informed humans of each era. [ 6 ] The founder of Raëlism, members claim, received the final message of the Elohim and that its purpose is to inform the world about Elohim and that if humans become aware and peaceful enough, they wish to be welcomed by them. [ edit ] History
The Toughest Little Bird You've Never Heard Of : Krulwich Wonders... They're nothing to look at. They're not colorful. They seem so ordinary, in mottled brown, black and gray, if you noticed them at all, you'd think, "ah, just another shore bird, pecking at something in the water." But you'd be so wrong. Bar-tailed Godwits are special. Josh Kurz for NPR They are the only birds known to fly more than 7,000 miles nonstop, that means no food breaks, no water breaks, no sleep breaks, no pausing, just pushing through cyclones, storms, headwinds, flappity flap, flap for days and nights — and this is their championship season. As you read this, a bunch of Bar-tailed Godwits or Kuakas, as they're called in New Zealand, are hanging out in western Alaska, eating a rich medley of clams, worms, seeds and berries, guaranteed to add ounces to their slight frames (check our exclusive Kuaka Workout Program below). Then they wait. According to wildlife biologist Bob Gill and his colleagues at the U.S. Fighting The Winds Nobody Does It Better What a bird!
English dialect vocabulary The Word Map Observing Lexical Variation All languages change over time and vary according to place and social setting. We can observe lexical variation - differences in words and phrases - by comparing the way English is spoken in different places and among different social groups. Despite the belief that dialect words are no longer very widely used, there remains a great deal of lexical diversity in the UK. Listen to these extracts of speakers using regionally specific vocabulary: meak, didle & crome: another skill, uh, when we used to clean the dykes out all by hand with the old meak and the old didle and crome — that‘s all lugging Show Commentary peevers but what, what do you remember playing as a child – as a child – hmm – eh, skipping ropes - oh yes – eh, peevers. nain I remember my nain – when I was about four – she couldn‘t speak a worl, word of English, always Welsh, Welsh, Welsh mistall and we‘d to get up and go down in – in wintertime – go down into the mistall we called it See Also
Alien world is blacker than coal Public release date: 11-Aug-2011 [ Print | E-mail Share ] [ Close Window ] Contact: Christine Pulliamcpulliam@cfa.harvard.edu 617-495-7463Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Astronomers have discovered the darkest known exoplanet - a distant, Jupiter-sized gas giant known as TrES-2b. Their measurements show that TrES-2b reflects less than one percent of the sunlight falling on it, making it blacker than coal or any planet or moon in our solar system. "TrES-2b is considerably less reflective than black acrylic paint, so it's truly an alien world," said astronomer David Kipping of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA), lead author on the paper reporting the research. In our solar system, Jupiter is swathed in bright clouds of ammonia that reflect more than a third of the sunlight reaching it. TrES-2b orbits its star at a distance of only three million miles. Kipping and Spiegel determined the reflectivity of TrES-2b using data from NASA's Kepler spacecraft.
Last speaker of language Any language is determined to be an extinct language when the last native or fluent speaker of that language dies. There are some 500 languages out of a total of 6,000 being classified as nearly extinct because "only a few elderly speakers are still living".[1] Last known speakers of languages[edit] See also[edit] Notes[edit] Jump up ^ Believed to have been the last monoglot Cornish speaker, as opposed to other speakers such as Dolly Pentreath who could also speak English. References[edit]
Melencolia I The engraving measures 24 x 18.8 cm.[1] Interpretations[edit] Detail of the magic square The work has been the subject of more modern interpretation than almost any other print,[2] including a two-volume book by Peter-Klaus Schuster,[3] and a very influential discussion in his Dürer monograph by Erwin Panofsky.[4] Reproduction usually makes the image seem darker than it is in an original impression (copy) of the engraving, and in particular affects the facial expression of the female figure, which is rather more cheerful than in most reproductions. One interpretation suggests the image references the depressive or melancholy state and accordingly explains various elements of the picture. An autobiographical interpretation of Melencolia I has been suggested by several historians. Notes[edit] Jump up ^ "Melencolia I (Die Melancholie)" (in Deutsch). References[edit] Brion, Marcel. External links[edit]
47 Mind-Blowing Psychology-Proven Facts You Should Know About Yourself I’ve decided to start a series called 100 Things You Should Know about People. As in: 100 things you should know if you are going to design an effective and persuasive website, web application or software application. Or maybe just 100 things that everyone should know about humans! The order that I’ll present these 100 things is going to be pretty random. Dr. <div class="slide-intro-bottom"><a href=" the largest whorfian study EVER! (and why it matters) Let me take the ball Mark Liberman threw on Monday and run with it a bit. Liberman posted a thorough discussion of Fausey and Broditsky's neo-Whorfian English and Spanish speakers remember causal agents differently. Specifically, he invited readers to carefully examine the methodology of the experiments themselves, and not just focus on the conclusions. Ways to go: Methodological considerations in Whorfian studies on motion events. This paper addressed experiments involving motion events like rolling and falling whereas Fausey and Broditsky's work addressed agentivity like breaking and popping, but there's enough overlap to warrant some comparison, particularly since the Bohnemeyer et al. paper specifically addresses methodology wrt Whorfian experiments. But before I get into the details, let me state clearly why I think this is important. Now the fun stuff. In this typology, English is a satellite-frame language and Spanish is a verb-frame language. [... (figure from page 7)
World's Loudest Animal is a Tiny Insect, Says Study Photo: DaveHuth / cc While normally a species measuring in at only around 2 millimeters in length might be easily overlooked, one tiny freshwater-dwelling critter has found a way to turn peoples' heads. Researchers studying 'water boatman' (Micronecta scholtzi), an aquatic insect native to Europe, say that the minuscule species takes the mantle as the world's loudest animal relative to its body size. The hard-to-see insect is capable of producing a song that reaches a whopping 99.2 decibles -- roughly the equivalent to the sound of a motorcycle. What may be more surprising, however, is just how water boatman make their 'song'.According to a report from the BBC, the team of French and Scottish scientists who made the discovery had a hard time believing that such a big sound could come from something so small. "When we identified without any doubt the sound source, we spent a lot of time making absolutely sure that our recordings of the sounds were calibrated correctly," researcher Dr.