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ICE: IntercontinentalExchange, Inc.

ICE: IntercontinentalExchange, Inc.

Property valuation of Monet Drive, Virginia Beach, VA: 3112 (NICHOLAS D CHECQUE), 3113 (DAVID PAUL SPLITT), 3116 (CHERYL E MILLER), 3117 (ANTONIO P REYES & MARIA MADELINA REYES), 3120 (DANIEL W RODGERS), 3121 (DANIEL J STEINEL & BARBARA A STEINEL), 3124 ( Value distribution ($) Virginia Beach Listed properties vs overall distribution of properties in Virginia Beach, VA: Data: Note: double-click on the map to view properties located at a given point. Data: Back to: Virginia Beach, VA property tax assessment data, Virginia Beach, Virginia, All US cities. How To Make Money in Your Spare Time Doing Simple Online Tasks | Zero 2 Hero via: Lifehacker Many “online jobs” promising quick riches and little effort are really scams. While the tasks below won’t make you rich, they can earn you a little pocket money on the side—and these days that can make a big difference. Most of these online money making opportunities only require you have a computer, a decent internet connection, and some sort of marketable skill (or the ability to provide valuable consumer insight to marketers). You’ll be operating as a free agent and can choose when, where, and how much to participate. Sound too good to be true? Also beware: because specialized skills aren’t always required, you do have to be wary of scams. That out of the way, here are a few sources of legitimate online single-task jobs: Focus Group Participant: 20|20 Panel : Since 1986, 20|20 Research has been providing companies with qualitative research from focus groups. Artificial Artificial Intelligence: Amazon Mechanical Turk : Yeah, that’s a weird title.

Limits to Growth | Exploring the physical limits to economic growth Business Insider The truth may make you sick. Technically, it's public knowledge, but I can tell you -- it's Congress' dirty little secret. Congress is rich. I don't know which is worse: The fact that insider trading was legal for some of our nation's wealthiest politicians... or that Congress refused to do anything about it for decades. "A few lawmakers proposed a bill that would prevent members and employees of Congress from trading securities based on nonpublic information they obtain. That was, the legislation languished until "60 Minutes" -- one of the most respected investigative journalism programs on television -- dedicated a segment to the issue. "In mid-September 2008, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average still above 10,000, Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke were holding closed-door briefings with congressional leaders and privately warning them that a global financial meltdown could occur within a few days. And that was just one example. Good investing,

Risk Ahoy: Maersk, Daewoo Build the World's Biggest Boat Photograph by John Francis Peters for Bloomberg BusinessweekBehind this week’s coverEvery weekday morning in Okpo, a former fishing village near the heel of the Korean Peninsula, the streets fill with men and women—on bicycles, motorcycles, scooters, and on foot—in the matching gray jackets of Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering. The commuters stream down the hill from the residential neighborhoods toward the harbor. They pass the small marina strewn with bits of netting and plastic patio furniture, where a few trawlers are tied up, and the pier where a replica of a famed 15th century armored Korean warship floats. Just beyond the harbor, some workers split off into a complex of DSME office towers. Geoje Island, where Okpo is situated, is the global capital of shipbuilding. The biggest of all the behemoths—the biggest ships in the world—are being built at the DSME yard for the Danish shipping line A.P. The Triple-E’s capacity is 18,000 TEU.
