Creative Barcode and Creative Commons: complementary bedfellows
Just six months after its launch, and five months after the IPKat posted this little piece, Creative Barcode has attracted a good deal of attention, not least on account of a question which many folk have asked the IPKat and others: “How does Creative Barcode differ from Creative Commons?” Maxine Horn, CEO of Creative Barcode, has kindly accepted the Kat's invitation to explain: "The shortest answer is that Creative Barcode and Creative Commons they are complementary. However, they do have a few pertinent points of difference.
Cern residency programme unites artists and physicists
Cern has launched a programme that aims to bring together artists and physicists at its laboratory near Geneva. Collide@Cern -- which falls into a wider Cern policy for engaging with the arts called Great Arts for Great Science -- is a three-month residency programme for artists to be mentored by leading scientists, supported by a stipend of €10,000. The head of Cern's arts programme, Ariane Koek, said: "The arts touch the parts that science alone cannot reach and vice versa. Collide@Cern gives Cern, artists and scientists the opportunity to engage in creative collisions that can occur when these two areas of human creativity and ingenuity come together." The first part of the scheme -- Prix Ars Electronica -- was launched in August at digital arts festival Ars Electronica. The chosen artist will spend two months at Cern and then one month at the Ars Electronica Futurelab, the festival's studio space.
< back TRANSFORMING LEARNING CULTURES IN FURTHER EDUCATION (FE) [the TLC Project] Welcome to the TLC Project! < back Aims and Objectives The principal aims of the Project are:
Bucket List: 225 Things to Do Before You Die
211. Zip Line in Monteverde, Costa Rica Zip line above and through the foggy, almost mystical cloud forests of gorgeous Monteverde in Costa Rica. These lines, courtesy of Costa Rica Sky Adventures, span mountain-to-mountain, shooting zip-liners (i.e. you!) over the jungle at up to 330ft and speeds approaching 40mph. The company claims a “superior braking and safety system” (so, you know, you feel much better about not falling to your death and all), and also offers views of the jungle from five different observation towers, a restaurant, bar, and a wealth of other fun things to see in the wild.
Census – The Ada Initiative
We ran the first Ada Initiative Census of open technology and culture in March 2011. We aimed to find out where the women are, and how they perceive their community. We're ready to share the results of this, our first project under the Ada Initiative banner. In this post, we'll set the scene with a simple set of response breakdowns. Number of participants
Will Dropouts Save America?
Michael Ellsberg is the author of “The Education of Millionaires: It’s Not What You Think and It’s Not Too Late.” I TYPED these words on a computer designed by Apple, co-founded by the college dropout Steve Jobs. The program I used to write it was created by Microsoft, started by the college dropouts Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
Teacher Mentoring as Professional Development. ERIC Digest.
Teacher mentoring programs have increased dramatically since the early 1980s as a vehicle to support and retain novice teachers. However, researchers and facilitators of mentoring programs are recognizing that mentors also derive substantial benefits from the mentoring experience. This digest examines research on how mentoring contributes to the ongoing professional development of experienced teachers. Benefits to mentors include improved professional competency, increased reflective practice, teacher renewal, enhanced self-esteem, improved teacher collaboration, and development of teacher leadership.
Harmony Explained: Progress Towards A Scientific Theory of Music
The Major Scale, The Standard Chord Dictionary, and The Difference of Feeling Between The Major and Minor Triads Explained from the First Principles of Physics and Computation; The Theory of Helmholtz Shown To Be Incomplete and The Theory of Terhardt and Some Others Considered Daniel Shawcross Wilkerson Begun 23 September 2006; this version 19 February 2012. Abstract and Introduction Most music theory books are like medieval medical textbooks: they contain unjustified superstition, non-reasoning, and funny symbols glorified by Latin phrases.
Supporting tools for decentralized metadata - Creative Commons
The use of decentralized metadata to drive discovery allows creators and curators to publish information about works without relying on a central authority, and allows developers to utilize that data with seeking permission from a gate keeper. However, self publishing requires a certain degree of technical expertise from creators and curators. Two tools can help ease this burden and aid deployment of the necessary metadata.
The Macroscope: Chap. 6
This is chapter 6 of the "The Macroscope" by Joël de Rosnay Our education remains hopelessly analytical, centered on a few disciplines, like a puzzle whose pieces overlap rather than fit together.
I tweeted out your idea. very cool. Thx by pdk117 Aug 2
Really powerful way to incorporate TED into your learning environments. by altucker Aug 2
A new initiative from TED, for a revolution in education by amsika Mar 10