The Importance of Thinking In- and Out-of-the-Box
How to encourage creativity in a tech-based environment. GUEST COLUMN | by Wendy Marshall How do you teach a student to be creative?
6 Strategies for Funding a Makerspace
The Maker movement continues to gain momentum. At this year's White House Science Fair, President Obama invited Super-Awesome Sylvia from Auburn, California to exhibit her water color robot as a representative of the Maker community. At the same event, the Corporation for National Service announced its commitment to place Americorps VISTAs in Maker movement organizations across the country.
Guess Who Character Generator
Click on the icon below to print additional character sheets. 1. Click on one of the icons below. 2. Print the sheets on your color printer. Two pages should print. NOTE: Select “no scaling” in your print options window. 3.
The Best Fun Videos For English Language Learners In 2016 – Part Two
I use short, funny video clips a lot when I’m teaching ELLs, and you can read in detail about how I use them in The Best Popular Movies/TV Shows For ESL/EFL (& How To Use Them). In short, there are many ways to use them that promote speaking, listening, writing and reading (including having students describe – in writing and verbally – a chronological description of what they saw). I’ve posted a few of them during the second half of this year, and I thought it would be useful to readers — and to me — if I brought them together in one post. I’ve also published quite a few during the previous ten years of this blog. You can find those in these lists:
3 Steps to Launch Genius Hour
If you’ve been exploring our book website, by now you have heard all about why you should give your students a weekly Genius Hour. We hope you are beginning to see the amazing potential of such a project and you are ready to dive in. But how do you get students started? In Chapter 3 of our book we go into this question in some detail. Here, I’ve created an infographic that will summarize for you the 3 Steps approach that we recommend.
What skills will you need to succeed in the future?
Top 10 skills for the successful 21st-century worker Leadership Take a cross-disciplinary approach to project team-
Advocating for Makerspaces in Libraries
Since I first started my Makerspace at Stewart Middle Magnet School in January 2014, I have received a lot of positive feedback. I’ve given talks, presented at conferences, and shared about our experiences through my blog and through social media. Some of the questions I am most frequently asked are: Why should makerspaces be in the library? Why not just convert a classroom into a STEM lab?
A List of 16 Websites Every Teacher should Know about
1- Teachers Network Teachers Network provides lesson plans, classroom specials, teacher designed activities for different subjects and many other resources. 2- Smithsonian Education Smithsonian Education offers a wide variety of free resources for teachers, students and parents. 3- Education World
15 Awesome YouTube Channels for Teaching and Learning English –
Youtube is a powerful tool to learn and teach English but there are many Youtube Channels and sometimes you don’t know where to start. Well, I am gonna save you some time and some clicking. here it is the list of my best 15 Youtube Channels. #1 mmmEnglish Youtube Channel is about helping you to build you skills and confidence as an English speaker. Something that you are going to really like is the good quality of the videos and how Emma explains a great variety of topics. #2 VosCreen Youtube Channel If you like movies, music and besides that You like English, you should check some of the videos created by the Voscreen Youtube Channel. #3 Rachael’s Englis Rachael is regularly posting videos about a great variery of topics, one of my favorite videos is the one in which she decided to teach real ways to greet and introduce yourself in English
Plan a Better iMovie Trailer with These PDFs
Here are a few trailers made by teachers and students. Next to each one is the iMovie trailer template it uses. My Dream Destination - Italy uses the Expedition template.Verbs uses the Superhero template.Properties of Ionic Compounds uses the Adrenaline template.The Giver Book Trailer uses the Adrenaline template.Project-Based Learning uses the Swashbuckler template.Stylus Status uses the Retro template. Because trailers are so short, the information you convey has to be concise. iMovie’s templates do not leave much room for text.
The Other 21st Century Skills
Many have attempted to identify the skills important for a learner today in this era of the 21st century (I know it is an overused phrase). I have an affinity towards the skills identified by Tony Wagner: Critical thinking and problem-solvingCollaboration across networks and leading by influenceAgility and adaptabilityInitiative and entrepreneurialismEffective oral and written communicationAccessing and analyzing informationCuriosity and imagination Today I viewed a slideshow created by Gallup entitled, The Economics of Human Development: The Path to Winning Again in Education.
Designing a School Makerspace
Makerspaces, STEAM labs and fab labs are popping up in schools across the country. Makerspaces provide hands-on, creative ways to encourage students to design, experiment, build and invent as they deeply engage in science, engineering and tinkering. A makerspace is not solely a science lab, woodshop, computer lab or art room, but it may contain elements found in all of these familiar spaces. Therefore, it must be designed to accommodate a wide range of activities, tools and materials.
Lacking inspiration? 6 awesome resource websites to find stuff for your classes
I like to consider myself a creative person and I’m always designing and devising activities to step away from the course book with the aim of sparking students ‘interest. Unfortunately, I’m not always in that mood. No problem :)Luckily, there are plenty of websites offering free resources that can really save the day. These are my favourite go-to sites when I am feeling kind of lazy or uninspired, but still want to shine in class.
Boston Public Library 78rpm Collection : Free Audio : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming
78 RPMs and Cylinder Recordings by Duke Ellington and his Famous Orchestra; Ellington; Miley; Duke Ellington; O. Hardwicke; Rudy Jackson; H. Carney; Bubber Miley; L. Metcaff; J.